Saturday, August 1, 2015

Library Archive of Helpful Viewer Comments

I am blessed with very helpful and giving viewers with a great depth of knowledge. I would like to archive your comments so that I don't lose track of them and then I have a chance of also crediting you for your in the Comments here..please copy and paste your helpful comment that you left somewhere else..Or I will also try to do this. So that I will see your comment notification through google plus and it will be here! THANKS for all your help!!!


  1. Weg der Erkenntnis
    9:49 AM

    ok, found the Clue to it in the NIKODEMUS Evangelieae, in the Adam and Eve Gospel..Adam is in the North and the East, EVE in the West and the South (to handle the animals). So male and 1 is North (Air) and East (Fire), Eve is Water and Earth. So we have the right order of the 4 Elements. So much truth in here, hunting for more clues, but this is very important. So Hildegard wasnt 100% right in her teachings of the Elements..Breath is above the fire, its also a male Transitionsymbol...think this was important, so i had to tell you about this. I watch your 1:08 h Upload (im right in Disneyland,lol), very good research by the way. Another thing i found out: About Zorro and the Or (door), its the same like Re and Hohoho you mentioned of Illuminati Jack...ok if you open a doOR, 1x its open, 2x its closed, 3x its open - like in H OR R O R, the door is alredy open!! So, Zorro let the door stand open, Rudolph the Rednosed Raindeer and now i close the Tor or Türe (german Door). I analyzed the Lorscher Bienensegen and there are 2x Ur (this special Root), 10 Sentences, 3 in the Beginning, 4 in the Middle, 3 in the End - so its one complete Cycle with 10, 3 Verses in the complete Spell to help the Bees in their workings. So, i write, greets:)

  2. my comment on Casey's video about FROG TOWN
    WOW! I love these! I had to stop the video to comment before I forgot..I can't remember if you knew that Dylan Stormroof thestill of him going into the CHURCH (61) has a time stamp of 13 8:16 13...where he is wearing tons of body armor...I think I left a comment but I don't know if you saw that..Because that is close to the geographic LINE from the GG to the Freedom tower I think that that DRILL (it was on the Homeland Security website as a DRILL)...was a parable having to do with the GG..

    BUT Also! my eyes popped open to see the PINK CAR...Pink is gematria code for 9/23
    16+11(27), (2+14) (23)

    Also: the a double code of the 44 (13,13) of the GG and the 144 thousand....You are not going to believe this..but when I was doing videos about the Holy Child's head in video,sound and photo number kept coming up..with 144 or 1044. or 441 numbers in them it was giving me chills..I felt I was working on a sacred clue...

    Another everyday clUE in Plain sight...the letter V! the 5th age...I believe personally is going to be a sorting out of the loving and the unloving and each will experience what their soul needs for advancement in this transition which I believe is about to kick loose August..

    But..the a 144 mirror code just in this LETTER...if you draw..a vertical to the center of the V...(see what I am saying? )...each small angle is a 14.4 ANGle!!!..and combined they are the the 28.8...which is a long worshipped and coded number having to do with the solar rotation as visible from the earth...

    ...and the word "BORDER STATION" showing this to be a building on the border between the ages...

    the 35 and the 53...ALSO have to do with the EYE. is is 35 in gematria...and the number 35 and 53 , besides encoding the 88 which is the endless loop of time and being Christ references by the Cathar (because Christ is the way out of the trap). But...these numbers are also being coded into COMETS as you know. In a Cathar Cathedral complex at Albi..there is a Bennu bird drawing over the city in timelapse and there is a COMET called the Bennu comet that we may be interacting with soon (Sept)...and they have encoded this comet with RQ35...which is a 53/35 mirror and an 88

    if you take the two 8s in 88 and cross have the CROSS of Christ!, this is the place of Brain symbolsim where the EYES cross and ALSO there is another crossing...We need to look into the brain anatomy... I know that the NAZIs took the 88 and made it their own...but that doesn't mean that the Cathars were wrong to associate the 88 with Christ. In the ancient Annunaki tablets it shows something like the Ark of the covenant with a compass rose...over it...the COMPASS ROSE is an is a cross that is doubled so that it has 8 points do you see..there are 8 petalled flowers on the front of Cathar churches..I believe this is brain crossing symbolism. If you haven't told your followers about the brain symbolism..please do so..It is important to get the information out.

    I haven't discovered what the other cross is ..there are two crosses in the brain...there is the Vascular 8 pointed cross that I showed in a video but I think there is also a nerve message information Cross..and knowledge of this may be important at this juncture of the ages that we are coming up to...

    So sorry to blab in the Comments Casey..don't be mad at me...I am just excited and want to share....

  3. That is one of the great mysteries causing alot of confusion...the dual nature of motivations in the same family...I believe that Yahshua incarnated with a pure soul into a dark DNA blood line...and I believe that many warriors of truth are lovingly doing the same..some are winning and some are failing in their mission..

    The best advice is to not judge and hold questions in the gentleness of our hearts until they are answered...if we judge...we block the answers...

  4. Timothy Barger 4 hours ago · LINKED COMMENT
    The "8" actually comes from how the constellation Gemini is drawn.
    (yikes, long link!) All you have to do is draw a line between the stars near the center!.

    It is the same with the Pleiades. The Pleiades & the Hyades were known as the lesser twins in Babylon.
    So both Gemini & the Pleiades represent the breathy 'hhhh' sound! Sighs. Throat chakra.
    There is the Hebrew letter Hei (5) & Chet (8). Both very similar. Like I said I am doing a series, it's called "Starphabet" :) Finding the Phoenician letters in the constellations and more.
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  5. +ConspiracyMystic WOAH...great catch!!thanks for the comment..I am trying to keep a cataloge of these connections..because they are coming so fast from my great viewers I want to be able to reference I am going to put this in my comment library on my Library post at the blog! Thanks for your comment!

    There is something else here...from your comment...just have to wait for it to gel in my mind... :)

  6. Fred Flintstone 10 hours ago
    New WTC 40 42 46.8N 74 00 48.6W .. 40+42+468+74+00+486=1110
    Battle of Little Bighorn 45 33 54N 107 25 44W Added=308+803=1111
    The Pentagon 38 52 15.56N 77 03 21.46W .. 38+52+15+56+77+03+21+46=308+803=1111

  7. Fred Flintstone:MI6: 51 29 13.9N 00 07 26.6W 51+29+13+9+00+07+26+6=141 And 141+411+114=666 Templar Church 51 30 47.52N 00 06 37.44W 51+30+47+52+00+06+37+44=267 And 267+276+627+672+726+762=3330.. ..333+333=666

  8. Hi! This is not about this blog, but important for your research. I just watched your most recent YouTube video where you say that God wouldn't wipe out a bunch of people like as the Noah story teaches. I learned that we as humans need to hear the whole story of something before we quickly claim to know the truth. Something I myself had to learn. I agree with you that the Vatican/Rome/Illuminati/Knights Templar/Skull&Bones/Elite are wicked. They've distorted much of what we know as truth. However, the fact is that every culture on the planet has a Noah story. Why would God send a planet of celestial destruction? Well, that's the real question and the answer will surprise you. You see, what we "think" we know is very small in comparison to an all knowing God. What He allowed was merciful when you learn why. Jesus' name was changed, but God allowed it. He's still the Son of God The Father. He's still coming and He is the King/Judge/God Incarnate. He Is the way, the truth and the life and nobody gets to heaven except through Him. Another celestial destruction is coming soon. How do I know these things? You need the Holy Spirit that leads to truth. The Only Truth, there's just one!. You are seeking truth, but don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. :)

    Email and I'll send you some research to help you with your seeking truth. Archeological, Celestial, Physics, World History, World History of Theology (Aramaic/Hebrew/Otiot) and more.

    1. Yes I agree that we know very little, but I do see some logic leaps with your comparison...In the bible it says that God sent the flood, and the reason. There is nowhere written that God is sending a planet of destruction or the reason.

      IN the ancient tablets it says that the Planet is coming more as an astrology fact...not as it is decreed by 'god"...

      So..that is where the comparison of these things breaks down.

      But I do agree with you..that we know very little, and the reason that we know very little is because of Vatican control of the secrets and killing people who speak out against Vatican Doctrine. So ...logically we cannot use Vatican propaganda or Vatican documents written for argue...much of anything really...

      Once people have decided that worshiping a god that advocates child sacrifice without question....we already have a big problem with credibility...

      I appreciate your point of view though. I will align myself with a higher power that never kills in anger, or asks for child sacrifice....


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