Today is 8/16 !
I have talked alot about this number in the gematria symbolism...816 and its mirror 618
This number is a number that rides side car to the 9/23 and 723 and 911 711 numbers.
It is the Bride of Christ number. ...and this is because it is a backwards countdown to the UNITY OF ONE the number PHI.
So..this number is important to team light and team dark...
To Team light: this number symbolizes the last three steps before enlightenment or unity awareness..which was the the awareness the Yahshua showed us is possible. Where the ego or the only motivated by love and unity....
So..the last three steps are count down to the unity in PHI which is golden mean..which is the fractal relationship of NATURE..of the number of our magical heart connection to CREATION or NATURE....
CREATION or Nature can also be seen as the DOVE..the HOLY spirit..because the receiver of the sun..and she creates the loving diversity. THis is the core idea of the CHURCH which in the eyes of team the true-st reflectgion of divine light...symbolized by the SUN.
I did many videos that elaborate on this. THe PHILADELPHIA videos..that talk about phi square retaining the first 8 or 9 numbers past the decimal point of very important..because of the meaning of the Train wreck in 2015 on the Delaware (Awareness...of Unity).. Also Philadelphia has beautiful drawings of the holy mother (Holy Spirit/ Nature/ Creation...the reflection of the divine in matter)...and holy child. Those timelapses are in the intro and outro of most of my videos. team the number on the Georgia Guidestones., on the twin skeletons found below the hoover dam, in the time stamp of Dylann Stormroof fakery..and in the death of I think it was the ROANOAKE couple where Alison Parker 139,834, 446 (gun control 139, 834, died before marrying her fiance " Chris". She was a leo (lion) about to marry "Chris"..Christ... Alison (Ally of the son) Parker has the jewish 446=Bride of Christ =446jg. This story was also completely fake..and the only purpose is to control and brainwash the commoners...False Flag= Terrorism.
They are telling you the truth...just no one remembers the definition..of terrorism.
I saw that in the false flags of 2015..the repeated message from team
They are telling you the truth...just no one remembers the definition..of terrorism.
I saw that in the false flags of 2015..the repeated message from team
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the sign held by the twin skeletons below the Hoover Dam |
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NY Daily news article on the "tea party" |
Do you see the 8:16?
......the death of the bride of Christ..before the wedding feast...Sort of like this fake drill...(shown to be a Homeland Security drill Team Wake Em up has slam dunk video showing this on the homeland security web site) called death of the bible study a church. Implying that the bride of christ will die..even if they are in church studying the bible...
Also "bride of Christ"...=136sg, 816 eg, 446jg
Why does this matter so much to team dark? Team Dark sees these last three steps 1.618...going from right to left...back to the final steps of the bride of Christ before unity consciousness.We can see that they are doing everything they can to corrupt and poison mankind to PREVENT ...Peace and UNITY from breaking out. Mankind working together as brothers and sisters is terrifying to the DARK.. So they want the most AWARE DIE.. So they create sacrifices, false flags...etc. Which have the message encoded in the headlines...which subconsciously...give the commoner the feeling of doom...and that the BRIDE (the commoners) will die before reaching Unity consciousness as Christ said that we would. so many words (you willl do these things and greater)
The headlines....speak two languages to you..the english is the top level message, the gematria is the frequency message..which goe straight into your subconscioius because it is based on our original non speaking frequency language that we used when we were telepathic. ..and then there is a symbolic language..which makes the gematria language SEEM as though it is spoken through OMEN...which is a FAKE OMEN ...but people take it as real because we are designed to READ our environment and notice the symbols and sign.s Even if you think that you don't do this...You actually do navigate your life with a semi-awareness of how the world is gently giving you directions and counsel.
So...last year on this day...Team dark sacrificed..the grandchild...of a Morgan Freeman...(who is NOT free)........ THis girl grandchild...was 33 and .symbolized...a BRIDE. and she was said to be stabbed in a conflict...having to do with someone being is the Reuters article:
So...this was a way...of punctuating the vision of TEAM DARK with a human sacrifice, puts fear into the actor illuminati puppets of Hollywood that they should be careful to obey their Zionist controllers. would guess that some mischief is a foot...with a Bride of Christ spin on it...I guess we'll see...what the Satanist Zionists have planned for today. But while the dark plan...and do their dirty deeds...HUMANITY IS AWAKENING..and we are awakening stronger than ever. We are not only rising from the ashes, we are rising through poison and slavery...with LOVE in our hearts...
I do believe that LOVE WINS..and we are in the most interesting times on this planet...Thankyou for reading..and sticking with me...I am getting stronger...and will be taking my main computer for repair soon.....I am much cautioned by censorship...I feel that this stressful event in my life which cost my health.....was very possibly a warning...on my family. So...I feel like do need to wait for safer times before I sail again with confidence.
I also wish to write a book...based on this blog and the many videos that aren't even on this blog..I wouldn't want my findings to be lost again ...I feel that I found a deep chord that ties ancient Annunaki current headlines, politics ...and all of the findings that support this understanding.. Few people realize the underpinnings of the I think it is a very important book to write :)
Much love to you,