3/21 is 123 day from 11/8 and so...
I am hoping that this will be a day of peace and safety for all
3/21 is the 80th day of the year
March twenty first =70 in the pi cipher
video about pi cipher in the right hand column
10is a colel unit of one
and 8=one is a colel unit of one
(I don't make the rules ..I just back engineer them)
so 70 and 88 ...are both colel units of one

First of all in "Equi" I call your attention to
the 9/11 ...in 20 which is "T" (the temple of man)
9/11 is the last step before perfect balance.
911 is divine feminine and a calendar equi-valent
to 9/23 which is Autumn equinox...the RETURN to
or Oneness..
chaos and composting..leaves falling and decay
as we return to mother earth for renewal
THAT is the true meaning of the
9/11 7/11 9/23 7/23 10/6 and other
calendar equivalents
It is also the Jesus number or Christ number
first day of the coptic calendar..because Jesus came to
restore balance to man...and to BRING us home to paradise
which is coming home to Oneness...
Order is Yang..Chaos is YIN
But this is spring so it is the first day of YANG balance..
the day after Winter Solstice is the first day of Yang but it is out of balance
3/21 is the day of ..day and night balance..
Think of a circle of day and night..and the line between them
and you have the illustration of PI ..the diameter's relationship with the
26 is the God and Alphabet number
105 is Awareness..
simple gematria
51.7 degrees is the base angle foundation
of the great pyramid. It means the foundation of
man's maturation of consciousness.
I am building a key word translation of the numbers ..I hope to share
all of this with you..
(3/21 )
Nox = 6/53 (pi/simple)
the "ing" of spring is a RUNE that seals
and empowers the magic of the word before it
and it is a colel rule of one..because it is one rune
and because it equals 13/30 ..and 13 is God in Pi cipher so it is ONE
and 30= Eight (simple "s")..and 8=one (P)
I know that the colel rule equivalents are annoying..but it is
only annoying because were were taught a braindamaged kind of left to right
math with no spring or magic or pattern in it...and it damaged our ability to think
non-linearly with concern to number...This was done on purpose..
So when you feel annoyed by the colel rules and other rules...just
use you indignation at having been trained in moron school,...to help
you get past these limitations..I went to public school too
That is why I refuse to obey punctuation rules
simple gematria
51.7 degrees is the base angle foundation
of the great pyramid. It means the foundation of
man's maturation of consciousness.
I am building a key word translation of the numbers ..I hope to share
all of this with you..
(3/21 )
Nox = 6/53 (pi/simple)
the "ing" of spring is a RUNE that seals
and empowers the magic of the word before it
and it is a colel rule of one..because it is one rune
and because it equals 13/30 ..and 13 is God in Pi cipher so it is ONE
and 30= Eight (simple "s")..and 8=one (P)
I know that the colel rule equivalents are annoying..but it is
only annoying because were were taught a braindamaged kind of left to right
math with no spring or magic or pattern in it...and it damaged our ability to think
non-linearly with concern to number...This was done on purpose..
So when you feel annoyed by the colel rules and other rules...just
use you indignation at having been trained in moron school,...to help
you get past these limitations..I went to public school too
That is why I refuse to obey punctuation rules
Spring Equinox= 53/188
53..in the pi cipher =
53p Harvest 126s
53 Earth is Ripe 129s
53..in the pi cipher =
53p Harvest 126s
53 Earth is Ripe 129s
53p the Spioken Word 173s
53 I am life, I am death 106s (2x 53)
10/6 is a calendar equivalent of 9/23
53p magical mind control 171 ( 7/11)
53 I am life, I am death 106s (2x 53)
10/6 is a calendar equivalent of 9/23
53p magical mind control 171 ( 7/11)
53p Higher SElf 83s
5.333= P 3/16
the ratio of P which is an unroated cursive phi..
meaning the holy spirit..which is mother
and mother nature..and that is why
mother nature grows in golden mean (phi)
In the simple cipher
53s = of Life 28p
53s Cabala 28p
5.333= P 3/16
the ratio of P which is an unroated cursive phi..
meaning the holy spirit..which is mother
and mother nature..and that is why
mother nature grows in golden mean (phi)
In the simple cipher
53s = of Life 28p
53s Cabala 28p
53s Dome 12p
the 53rd day is is 2/22 (remember the first photo?)
with 312 remaining..(11/8 is the 312th day)
fifty three =54p/122s
[53] is my shorthand for "spelled out"
54 is one colel rule equivalent of 53
but it is also a "heaven" number
because Heaven =23p/55s
and [23] (spelled out) =54
and 54 is one away from 55
remember that
the 53rd day is is 2/22 (remember the first photo?)
with 312 remaining..(11/8 is the 312th day)
fifty three =54p/122s
[53] is my shorthand for "spelled out"
54 is one colel rule equivalent of 53
but it is also a "heaven" number
because Heaven =23p/55s
and [23] (spelled out) =54
and 54 is one away from 55
remember that
the pi cipher I write on the top usually and will circle
in the photos...the pi cipher often has a very valid
side by side meaning..
so these two letters point the way to heaven
from the bottom of the 51.7 degree angle of the
pyramid foundation...pointing to the capstone with is
the awareness or pineal activation of Man.
Like Jesus/ Yahshua was an activated man of the pineal gland
he operated on his inner knowing and cared not for the distortions of man.
53x2 =106 (See my video about the Philadelphia train wreck of 2015 for more
about 106 in modern dark cabal usage..of false flags)
to be continued...more photos etc..
erf okay...I moved the photos somewhere...will find them..
the pi cipher I write on the top usually and will circle
in the photos...the pi cipher often has a very valid
side by side meaning..
so these two letters point the way to heaven
from the bottom of the 51.7 degree angle of the
pyramid foundation...pointing to the capstone with is
the awareness or pineal activation of Man.
Like Jesus/ Yahshua was an activated man of the pineal gland
he operated on his inner knowing and cared not for the distortions of man.
53x2 =106 (See my video about the Philadelphia train wreck of 2015 for more
about 106 in modern dark cabal usage..of false flags)
to be continued...more photos etc..
erf okay...I moved the photos somewhere...will find them..
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