Welcome Back! I found another amazing alignment to tell you about but first I'll show you how it revealed itself. I was learning about this story from Daniel 5 26:28 and looking at the gematria of the words and sayings and marveling at the very amazing coordinates of this place. In terms of the number
Update to this post: here is a playlist on Ancient Babylon and the many things that I have found here , Just when you thought it was safe to say the word "Sadam" again..you find out that yes....Truth is stranger than fiction. Sadam's palace is on the LENS of the EYE of ISIS, in this Nazca line drawing of ANCIENT BABYLON! I wouldn't lie to you...I wouldn't....I couldn't believe it either...
Now...there's more than THAT in this short play list, we have Bible scripture that happened right here in Daniel 5, and you know that this has something to do with the US, because the line heading of the Ancient Babylon Writing on the Wall...goes straight to....goes straight...to...well you need to watch the video to see where it goes...It surprised me!
23 and 32
So I knew I had to visit this place on Google Earth, after I made this graphic to show you some of the gematria. Here is a link to some extensive scriptural comparison on the words and concepts of this story of "The Writing on the Wall" : Daniel 5 Prophecy. 25-28
I find the best blogs through Google Images...much better than a regular search...So here we see that the "keystone" is the 69 or the crab. Now I'll have to go into this in another post, but the cipher of Sephira show that cancer is actually the second to last step..the last step being Leo. Which is why we see the Leo glyph in the Annunaki artwork having to do with the genetic engineering creation of man. This is also why our president right now the 44th ad final president is a Leo, and was born in Hawaii which is the 50th a final state. Although he was bron in Hawaii Kenya but HI=PI, and this tell you to use a PI centered cipher to understand the states and their progressions from "Delaware" (first...be aware" ) to Hawaii which is the culmination of 32 digits after PI it is the last degree of freemasonry before THAWING...
See this is why it is good to have the computer read this text, I have trouble staying on topic because every topic explodes into many other topics and they actually ALL need to be seen simultaneously for the picture to form..don't worry..we'll get there..
FREE...the cross from 6 corners of the earth 6/6+6+6 to the 9 of heaven, THEN the word tells you more about the crossing. There are two EEs in FREE these are the 5 pointed stars that we see everywhere from Carl's Jr. to Starbucks and in the gender bending mystery ingredient energy drinks. (Don't drink those, don't eat or drink anything with the myster star of RA on it). So the 5 pointed star is simultaneously a symbol of the upright and correct growth of MAN to star seeded proportions of body and mind, and it shows that gateway through the wormhole out of the veil of the lower layers of earth. Using the Trident which is encoded also in the letter E. The word re-pent refers to recommiting yourself to your soul memory mission of embodying that perfect upright man, with perfected body, soul and mind. Like many good symbols that were mean to teach this one has been corporate-ized and now in its corporate sense it is more a form of mockery to the poor people who eat fast food, who eat at Starbucks and drink the poisonous drinks...it tells them subconsciously to repent, while serving them toxins which further damage their body and their mind making it more difficult for them to repent.

Interesting last warning right? Here is an article about Pennsylvania and why it is the "keystone" state and all about arches. These pillars show the twin opposed vortexes of the top of the dome or arch,This is a flat representation of the DOME. The dome of our world is a convex structural pigments which with a toroidal shape. Like the Scarab Beetle shows us the Torus shape of our world, The Scarab Beetle also displays structural pigment (an insight into why our world matrix look different to each viewer perspective), But here at the top of the l columns there is clue that when you "look up" you will see this effect in the sky if you are at the equator of the stars in the southern hemisphere rotating to the right and the northern rotating to the left. Thanks to the work of Casey on his youtube channel Enterthe5t4rz , this final piece to the puzzle about the lens shaped earth (see the football that is a lens ashape on the front of the Economist magazine) , the helio-globular model has NO model that holds together under scruitiny. The flat dome or flat earth model had only one unanswerable question the movement of the stars on the spheres, which is answered by knowing that the interior of our dome sky is like a tip up CHALICE, this is why a Chalice hold the KEY to holy blood. Because those with high energy blood REMEMBER THIS, but they hoard the knowledge to themselves so that they can hide whole continents by teaching the slaves (22) the wrong map...so we will never find the islands that those who know the truth (DHARMA and LOST sarees) can understand the world, the map and find the hidden places on earth.
So there is MORE about the word free..including the anti date the 196th day which is July 15 or the 7/15 which adds to the number of the "ham"=22. This is the lowest form of edible slave. The lowest dome level in Astana is .22 miles . There are 7 levels of heaven in gnostic teaching (I am not gnostic I am not christian, I am free and here by choice to remember and teach) The 8th level is the level of the fixed stars
Here is a picture of Astana Palace in Kazakhstan this is highlighted to show the Chalice as a mirrored DOME over the Atlantis flat lens shaped earth, This map is the core of the swastica symbol and it has the world pyramid. I am reading in the book of Enoch about the meaning of the pyramid for the expanding understanding of man.
But if you go to this place in Google earth you will see the dome layers 1-7 that even planetary bodies. The 8th level is the level that shows the feathered serpent. THIS MEANS THE COSMIC WORMHOLE!!!! I do think that we are dealing with serpents/ dragons and lizards as species and shape shifters on our earth. BUT this feathered serpent was a symbol of FREE dom from the DOME . See how "freedom" has the word DOME in it? that is what we need to be free of. So Astana shows the Chalice mirrored structural pigment of the sky, the layers of the dome, the flat lens shaped earth, the feathered serpent WORMHOLE, as a magic sword (embedded in the "stone" of the DOME). It shows the earthly low orbits used by the HAMITES (22) of NASA. Those Nashole who either are to dumb to notice the hoax or they think they are better than everyone else and sickeningly keep the hoax to themselves while draing a paycheck and running fake missions in a swimming pool or in VERY LOW ORBIT. ...yes I feel a little bitter about this because I used to look up to these ninnys.
This map shows the 8th layer of the fixed stars...and even a 9th layer..Then there is the water layer, which is bridged by the stem of the chalice. In Astana the designers geniusly made the water into an "As above so below" gesture, which is also the secret of the Chalice" We see the infant embryo ready to enter the wormhole entry into the dome world, It will have its memory wiped. Astana shows the embryo fetus outside the dome FOR A REASON!...Everything in the dome is only mental matrix. The creation of the body is actually on the other part of the chalice. This is why Yahshua was immaculately born,....this means that he was just like the rest of us. Born on SIN (which is a place more than a condition) and mentally projected within the DOME through the hijacking of the pineal gland. This is why when YAHSHUA triumphed over the matrix of the dome, turning the matrix dream to his will. He was able to heal and walk on water and perform miracles showing his dominion over the Matrix projected dream (JUST like the control shown by DIVERGENTS in the movie Divergent) Yahshua solved the problem of the matrix dream and by doing this he ENTERED a quantum program into the matrix which can be picked up now and used by anyone who resonates with the VERY high vibration of Yahshua. This is why his life and death was about the symbolism of the pineal gland and the two thieves of the EYE.
This does have to do with Daniel 5. Belshshazzar the King , He was given kingship for righteous rule by God, and he was warned that his kingdom was measured and found wanting, and would be divide between the Medes and the Persians. The King didn't understand the writing on the wall and so had to call Danial in (who has the numbers that show his ability to cross in and out of the dome at will) Who explained to him what this meant. This all occurred in Ancient Babylon on the 32 degree 32'32" coordinate. Symbolizing that 32. Is the place of backwardness. 23 is the correct orientation of the double trident (the two threes). There is more to decode on the 32 and the 23 but it is telling and defining that the fall of Belshazzar was on this coordinate and he was unable to see it coming and he didn't even understand the Writing on the Wall.
In the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" which has amazing amazing script, title and symbolism gematria all the way through...there is a scene of a character coming through a door past the WRITING ON THE WALL. I have it on my hard drive let me find this for you:
So here we see the 9/23 15 as the Wriiting on the Wall. This movie was written by Whitely Strieber who is an Alien abductee survivor which makes his information fascinating and suspect at the same time. However the version of events described here in this movie is describe EXACTLY by the Mayans as they were becoming extinct in 647 ad after the end of their long count of the destructive Solar cycle that began in 3113 BC (this is the true origin of our Fukushima and Freedom tower numbers and dates...it is to honor the destructive cycle of the SUN) that seems to be far in our future. But I suspect the true numbers are hidden. So The MAYAN accounts of the stopping to the ocean currents, the ice age up north and down south they didn't get rain, but the sun stopped fertility of the people and the crops..and they went extinct. The MAYANS did see the writing on the wall, and they prepared, but it wasn't enough for the drought and lack of fertility.
This is a modern tie in to the concept of the WRITING on the WALL. We have much confusion about climate changes, and the Mayan information does point to that this is a natural cycle and it is both warming which cycles to sudden cooling due to the stop of ocean currents as salinity of the oceans in the north is dropped drastically. So I am not sure if this is actually happening now..because my study of these dates say that we have some time before the Sun will reach this cycle again. So perhaps the climate disturbances are from the approach of the 10th planet as talked about by supposed government insiders in this interview with Alex Jones (insider gematria) and Bob Fletcher (didn't do his gematria yet) That is the link to the youtube interview.

I started drawing lines from the 32 degree 32'32" coordinate to various places of importance to record the numbers and the significance. I find that 101 structure of this building in CERN is very telling. Osirus =101 and Jupiter=101 and the Eiffel Tower man that I found is 1.01 mile tall.
This is the birthing hole of the gateway, and as we know CERNITES are busily trying to open inter-dimensional portals to let in the dark armies of their overlords..we live in interesting times to say the least. In the miles between CERN and ancient Babylon we have the 22 number of the lowest form of slave/mind here on earth. We have the 32 of Balshazzar and the Writing on the Wall, and we have the 74 which is the July 4th celebration which points to the true codes hidden in the English Alphabet and the idea of the Spirit of 76 which is astral transcendence of the dome and the physical body. That is what INDEPENDENCE day is about...Not about Britain or the US. It is freedom from the DOME. With or without the body (666). So the heading is 306.44. This heading is the trinity of 666. The 18+18 (each 18 is 3 sixes ) and the summation of :36 which is 1+2+3...to 36 =666. So 36 always means this...but in this case it is a GATEWAY because there is a 0 zero singularity in the middle of the trinity of 666. 6 is the number of the field in the tales of Gilgamesh ...so it isn't EVIL although there are evil entities trapped her in physicality ..and that is an understatement...right there...
306.44 literally is the heading of the 666 trinity with a 44 on top. Like Obama is the 44th president the final president. 44=Kill and when Obama is killed after all this ground work to create a race war with hoax newsry. Obama will be the cherry on the cupcake of racial tension. (what a legacy). So this heading toward CERN also has a cherry on top....Kill. That is the writing on the wall concerning CERN.
Ancient Babylon to Palantine Hill, I hope you know the significance of Palantine Hill, Lupercalia, the start of ROME, the Tiber River, the Wolf Lupus infecting the twins with her milk, which has parasites of worms in it, which caused the twins to try and kill each other. This was important because it showed one way to corrupt the uncorruptable. GIVE them DOG or wolf parasites. Wolves operate in packs in NO SMALL PART due to the hive mind of the controlling parasites they carry. Lupercalia showed the triumph of DOG over GOD. The God like do-gooders that came from Venus in the form of TWINS and were incorruptible except that it seems that dog parasites do have mind control.
This is why every family in the world is encouraged to have a dog, and we see dog and baby pictures sharing GERMS! THIS is Lupercalia! infecting yourself and your family with dog parasites. I have a microscope and I have checked the saliva of wealthy children who have a dog in the family...they have PARASITES in their saliva that match the saliva of my dog if I don't worm him every month. These children exhibit volitile and selfish behavior which means that they are struggling with the hive mind parasite control of dog worms.
Lupercalia and Tiber river is much more in depth than this...so hopefully I will get to a post just on this..but that is short intro into the LUPERCALIA that is all around you, in your house, in your pet...YOU urgently need to buy Clarkia and deworm yourself and your loved ones. Please look for a website world without parasites and if you buy a large bottle you can save alot of money. You will need this herb for the rest of your life. There are parasites in the dairy, this is why the Illuminati are pushing the dairy so hard. No one should drink wolf milk (Lupercalia) or cow milk...period!!!
Here is a SHOCKING discovery...that the Line from Ancient Babylon:
To the Astana Palace complex in Kazakhstan ...the numbers weren't looking very exciting at first but then I found this:
This river edge forms the TORC on the neck of the person that is created with this pictograph from the sky..who I am going to take a wild guess is Osirus or RA. Perfect alignment with his TORC which is symbolic jewelry of solar science wisdom. This shows you that the 9/11 alignment IS a BIRTH connection..it is a the same place that fetus on the other side of the "Jordan" shown here will travel to be birthed into the lens earth at the bottom of the dome. to the far right...
This can't be shown all in one picture but if I zoom out of this shot..an amazing alignment reveals itself:
I have done all of these numbers and will post them and their implications in the coming days but now...I gotta get my kids ready for the day :) Thanks for visiting please share and come on back now! Ya Hear?
Update to this post: here is a playlist on Ancient Babylon and the many things that I have found here , Just when you thought it was safe to say the word "Sadam" again..you find out that yes....Truth is stranger than fiction. Sadam's palace is on the LENS of the EYE of ISIS, in this Nazca line drawing of ANCIENT BABYLON! I wouldn't lie to you...I wouldn't....I couldn't believe it either...
Now...there's more than THAT in this short play list, we have Bible scripture that happened right here in Daniel 5, and you know that this has something to do with the US, because the line heading of the Ancient Babylon Writing on the Wall...goes straight to....goes straight...to...well you need to watch the video to see where it goes...It surprised me!
23 and 32
So I knew I had to visit this place on Google Earth, after I made this graphic to show you some of the gematria. Here is a link to some extensive scriptural comparison on the words and concepts of this story of "The Writing on the Wall" : Daniel 5 Prophecy. 25-28
Ooops, now I see I have a typo on my graphic...I did the gematria for "Daniel Ch 5 26-28). I thought it was interesting that it had 911 upside down for the simple gematria, a 696 which is a cross from the earth number 6 to the heaven number 9 and back. To me this says that Daniel is FREE, he can come and go between earth and heaven.
a quick review of the word "FREE"
FR=618 or 6/18 or June 18 as a calendar date this is the 169th day of the year with 196 remaining. The number six is what is called a "perfect" number. That is quotients not including itself add to equal it.
1+2+3=6 and that 1+2+3+6divided by 2 equals 6. Another nearby perfect number is 28 and then then next one is in the 800 somewhere. Here is a wiki link on this topic. This is relevant for calendars because there are only 2 perfect calendar days each year 6/6 and 6/28.
Alright so back to FREE and 6//18 . 6 and 18 are also like 6 and an expanded trinity of 6s . 18=6+6+6
So this means that "Free" refers to a person of the earth , steeped in the trinity of 666 gains the ability to cross to heaven 69. This is different from the Infinity loop of 8 crossing which is the reflexive and unconsciousness return to life after life after life symbolized by an hour glass of sand going through the figure 8 shape. 69 is the pinnacle of the Freemason arch and it is symbolized by the CRAB or Cancer because the Crab is said to have perfect balance between the elements of water, earth, fire and wind. So it is the pinnacle of balance which makes it the keystone of the Freemason Arch.
a quick review of the word "FREE"
FR=618 or 6/18 or June 18 as a calendar date this is the 169th day of the year with 196 remaining. The number six is what is called a "perfect" number. That is quotients not including itself add to equal it.
1+2+3=6 and that 1+2+3+6divided by 2 equals 6. Another nearby perfect number is 28 and then then next one is in the 800 somewhere. Here is a wiki link on this topic. This is relevant for calendars because there are only 2 perfect calendar days each year 6/6 and 6/28.
Alright so back to FREE and 6//18 . 6 and 18 are also like 6 and an expanded trinity of 6s . 18=6+6+6
So this means that "Free" refers to a person of the earth , steeped in the trinity of 666 gains the ability to cross to heaven 69. This is different from the Infinity loop of 8 crossing which is the reflexive and unconsciousness return to life after life after life symbolized by an hour glass of sand going through the figure 8 shape. 69 is the pinnacle of the Freemason arch and it is symbolized by the CRAB or Cancer because the Crab is said to have perfect balance between the elements of water, earth, fire and wind. So it is the pinnacle of balance which makes it the keystone of the Freemason Arch.
I find the best blogs through Google Images...much better than a regular search...So here we see that the "keystone" is the 69 or the crab. Now I'll have to go into this in another post, but the cipher of Sephira show that cancer is actually the second to last step..the last step being Leo. Which is why we see the Leo glyph in the Annunaki artwork having to do with the genetic engineering creation of man. This is also why our president right now the 44th ad final president is a Leo, and was born in Hawaii which is the 50th a final state. Although he was bron in Hawaii Kenya but HI=PI, and this tell you to use a PI centered cipher to understand the states and their progressions from "Delaware" (first...be aware" ) to Hawaii which is the culmination of 32 digits after PI it is the last degree of freemasonry before THAWING...
See this is why it is good to have the computer read this text, I have trouble staying on topic because every topic explodes into many other topics and they actually ALL need to be seen simultaneously for the picture to form..don't worry..we'll get there..
FREE...the cross from 6 corners of the earth 6/6+6+6 to the 9 of heaven, THEN the word tells you more about the crossing. There are two EEs in FREE these are the 5 pointed stars that we see everywhere from Carl's Jr. to Starbucks and in the gender bending mystery ingredient energy drinks. (Don't drink those, don't eat or drink anything with the myster star of RA on it). So the 5 pointed star is simultaneously a symbol of the upright and correct growth of MAN to star seeded proportions of body and mind, and it shows that gateway through the wormhole out of the veil of the lower layers of earth. Using the Trident which is encoded also in the letter E. The word re-pent refers to recommiting yourself to your soul memory mission of embodying that perfect upright man, with perfected body, soul and mind. Like many good symbols that were mean to teach this one has been corporate-ized and now in its corporate sense it is more a form of mockery to the poor people who eat fast food, who eat at Starbucks and drink the poisonous drinks...it tells them subconsciously to repent, while serving them toxins which further damage their body and their mind making it more difficult for them to repent.

Interesting last warning right? Here is an article about Pennsylvania and why it is the "keystone" state and all about arches. These pillars show the twin opposed vortexes of the top of the dome or arch,This is a flat representation of the DOME. The dome of our world is a convex structural pigments which with a toroidal shape. Like the Scarab Beetle shows us the Torus shape of our world, The Scarab Beetle also displays structural pigment (an insight into why our world matrix look different to each viewer perspective), But here at the top of the l columns there is clue that when you "look up" you will see this effect in the sky if you are at the equator of the stars in the southern hemisphere rotating to the right and the northern rotating to the left. Thanks to the work of Casey on his youtube channel Enterthe5t4rz , this final piece to the puzzle about the lens shaped earth (see the football that is a lens ashape on the front of the Economist magazine) , the helio-globular model has NO model that holds together under scruitiny. The flat dome or flat earth model had only one unanswerable question the movement of the stars on the spheres, which is answered by knowing that the interior of our dome sky is like a tip up CHALICE, this is why a Chalice hold the KEY to holy blood. Because those with high energy blood REMEMBER THIS, but they hoard the knowledge to themselves so that they can hide whole continents by teaching the slaves (22) the wrong map...so we will never find the islands that those who know the truth (DHARMA and LOST sarees) can understand the world, the map and find the hidden places on earth.
So there is MORE about the word free..including the anti date the 196th day which is July 15 or the 7/15 which adds to the number of the "ham"=22. This is the lowest form of edible slave. The lowest dome level in Astana is .22 miles . There are 7 levels of heaven in gnostic teaching (I am not gnostic I am not christian, I am free and here by choice to remember and teach) The 8th level is the level of the fixed stars
![]() |
I have lots of Chalice blog posts and Chalice videos nowhere and on youtube |
But if you go to this place in Google earth you will see the dome layers 1-7 that even planetary bodies. The 8th level is the level that shows the feathered serpent. THIS MEANS THE COSMIC WORMHOLE!!!! I do think that we are dealing with serpents/ dragons and lizards as species and shape shifters on our earth. BUT this feathered serpent was a symbol of FREE dom from the DOME . See how "freedom" has the word DOME in it? that is what we need to be free of. So Astana shows the Chalice mirrored structural pigment of the sky, the layers of the dome, the flat lens shaped earth, the feathered serpent WORMHOLE, as a magic sword (embedded in the "stone" of the DOME). It shows the earthly low orbits used by the HAMITES (22) of NASA. Those Nashole who either are to dumb to notice the hoax or they think they are better than everyone else and sickeningly keep the hoax to themselves while draing a paycheck and running fake missions in a swimming pool or in VERY LOW ORBIT. ...yes I feel a little bitter about this because I used to look up to these ninnys.
This map shows the 8th layer of the fixed stars...and even a 9th layer..Then there is the water layer, which is bridged by the stem of the chalice. In Astana the designers geniusly made the water into an "As above so below" gesture, which is also the secret of the Chalice" We see the infant embryo ready to enter the wormhole entry into the dome world, It will have its memory wiped. Astana shows the embryo fetus outside the dome FOR A REASON!...Everything in the dome is only mental matrix. The creation of the body is actually on the other part of the chalice. This is why Yahshua was immaculately born,....this means that he was just like the rest of us. Born on SIN (which is a place more than a condition) and mentally projected within the DOME through the hijacking of the pineal gland. This is why when YAHSHUA triumphed over the matrix of the dome, turning the matrix dream to his will. He was able to heal and walk on water and perform miracles showing his dominion over the Matrix projected dream (JUST like the control shown by DIVERGENTS in the movie Divergent) Yahshua solved the problem of the matrix dream and by doing this he ENTERED a quantum program into the matrix which can be picked up now and used by anyone who resonates with the VERY high vibration of Yahshua. This is why his life and death was about the symbolism of the pineal gland and the two thieves of the EYE.
This does have to do with Daniel 5. Belshshazzar the King , He was given kingship for righteous rule by God, and he was warned that his kingdom was measured and found wanting, and would be divide between the Medes and the Persians. The King didn't understand the writing on the wall and so had to call Danial in (who has the numbers that show his ability to cross in and out of the dome at will) Who explained to him what this meant. This all occurred in Ancient Babylon on the 32 degree 32'32" coordinate. Symbolizing that 32. Is the place of backwardness. 23 is the correct orientation of the double trident (the two threes). There is more to decode on the 32 and the 23 but it is telling and defining that the fall of Belshazzar was on this coordinate and he was unable to see it coming and he didn't even understand the Writing on the Wall.
In the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" which has amazing amazing script, title and symbolism gematria all the way through...there is a scene of a character coming through a door past the WRITING ON THE WALL. I have it on my hard drive let me find this for you:
So here we see the 9/23 15 as the Wriiting on the Wall. This movie was written by Whitely Strieber who is an Alien abductee survivor which makes his information fascinating and suspect at the same time. However the version of events described here in this movie is describe EXACTLY by the Mayans as they were becoming extinct in 647 ad after the end of their long count of the destructive Solar cycle that began in 3113 BC (this is the true origin of our Fukushima and Freedom tower numbers and dates...it is to honor the destructive cycle of the SUN) that seems to be far in our future. But I suspect the true numbers are hidden. So The MAYAN accounts of the stopping to the ocean currents, the ice age up north and down south they didn't get rain, but the sun stopped fertility of the people and the crops..and they went extinct. The MAYANS did see the writing on the wall, and they prepared, but it wasn't enough for the drought and lack of fertility.
This is a modern tie in to the concept of the WRITING on the WALL. We have much confusion about climate changes, and the Mayan information does point to that this is a natural cycle and it is both warming which cycles to sudden cooling due to the stop of ocean currents as salinity of the oceans in the north is dropped drastically. So I am not sure if this is actually happening now..because my study of these dates say that we have some time before the Sun will reach this cycle again. So perhaps the climate disturbances are from the approach of the 10th planet as talked about by supposed government insiders in this interview with Alex Jones (insider gematria) and Bob Fletcher (didn't do his gematria yet) That is the link to the youtube interview.
A few more number stills from the movie about radical Climate Change before we go back to Ancient Babylon!
This is the face of a woman in Ancient Babylon who EYE embodies the ancient city. Very interesting right? I hope that Casey get to see this. Also we can see that her Pineal gland is featured with a spiral and there seems to be another spiral on ...her tongue?

I started drawing lines from the 32 degree 32'32" coordinate to various places of importance to record the numbers and the significance. I find that 101 structure of this building in CERN is very telling. Osirus =101 and Jupiter=101 and the Eiffel Tower man that I found is 1.01 mile tall.
This is the birthing hole of the gateway, and as we know CERNITES are busily trying to open inter-dimensional portals to let in the dark armies of their overlords..we live in interesting times to say the least. In the miles between CERN and ancient Babylon we have the 22 number of the lowest form of slave/mind here on earth. We have the 32 of Balshazzar and the Writing on the Wall, and we have the 74 which is the July 4th celebration which points to the true codes hidden in the English Alphabet and the idea of the Spirit of 76 which is astral transcendence of the dome and the physical body. That is what INDEPENDENCE day is about...Not about Britain or the US. It is freedom from the DOME. With or without the body (666). So the heading is 306.44. This heading is the trinity of 666. The 18+18 (each 18 is 3 sixes ) and the summation of :36 which is 1+2+3...to 36 =666. So 36 always means this...but in this case it is a GATEWAY because there is a 0 zero singularity in the middle of the trinity of 666. 6 is the number of the field in the tales of Gilgamesh ...so it isn't EVIL although there are evil entities trapped her in physicality ..and that is an understatement...right there...
306.44 literally is the heading of the 666 trinity with a 44 on top. Like Obama is the 44th president the final president. 44=Kill and when Obama is killed after all this ground work to create a race war with hoax newsry. Obama will be the cherry on the cupcake of racial tension. (what a legacy). So this heading toward CERN also has a cherry on top....Kill. That is the writing on the wall concerning CERN.
Ancient Babylon to Palantine Hill, I hope you know the significance of Palantine Hill, Lupercalia, the start of ROME, the Tiber River, the Wolf Lupus infecting the twins with her milk, which has parasites of worms in it, which caused the twins to try and kill each other. This was important because it showed one way to corrupt the uncorruptable. GIVE them DOG or wolf parasites. Wolves operate in packs in NO SMALL PART due to the hive mind of the controlling parasites they carry. Lupercalia showed the triumph of DOG over GOD. The God like do-gooders that came from Venus in the form of TWINS and were incorruptible except that it seems that dog parasites do have mind control.
This is why every family in the world is encouraged to have a dog, and we see dog and baby pictures sharing GERMS! THIS is Lupercalia! infecting yourself and your family with dog parasites. I have a microscope and I have checked the saliva of wealthy children who have a dog in the family...they have PARASITES in their saliva that match the saliva of my dog if I don't worm him every month. These children exhibit volitile and selfish behavior which means that they are struggling with the hive mind parasite control of dog worms.
Lupercalia and Tiber river is much more in depth than this...so hopefully I will get to a post just on this..but that is short intro into the LUPERCALIA that is all around you, in your house, in your pet...YOU urgently need to buy Clarkia and deworm yourself and your loved ones. Please look for a website world without parasites and if you buy a large bottle you can save alot of money. You will need this herb for the rest of your life. There are parasites in the dairy, this is why the Illuminati are pushing the dairy so hard. No one should drink wolf milk (Lupercalia) or cow milk...period!!!
Here is a SHOCKING discovery...that the Line from Ancient Babylon:
To the Astana Palace complex in Kazakhstan ...the numbers weren't looking very exciting at first but then I found this:
This river edge forms the TORC on the neck of the person that is created with this pictograph from the sky..who I am going to take a wild guess is Osirus or RA. Perfect alignment with his TORC which is symbolic jewelry of solar science wisdom. This shows you that the 9/11 alignment IS a BIRTH connection..it is a the same place that fetus on the other side of the "Jordan" shown here will travel to be birthed into the lens earth at the bottom of the dome. to the far right...
This can't be shown all in one picture but if I zoom out of this shot..an amazing alignment reveals itself:
I have done all of these numbers and will post them and their implications in the coming days but now...I gotta get my kids ready for the day :) Thanks for visiting please share and come on back now! Ya Hear?
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