More exciting revelation of Our Lady of ISIS in Washington DC and connection to the gestation number 266 with the 266th Pope visiting Washington DC on the 266th day ..which is 9/23.

A quick note about my Title of my blog..I am not the Grand Historian..but I feel like I am reading in the library, or getting a peek at the records of the Grand Historian and that is why I named the blog this. Also the Gematria of the Grand Historian, will radiate that frequency and I am hoping will attract similar frequency people. :)
Finding our Lady of ISIS yesterday was very exciting but I had a dream last night about her Ear and Eye pieces and the leyline of the "conception" we need to press on with the information that is coming forth. Although I don't quite remember what was told to me about the symbolism of her ear. So hopefully that information will trickle into my daily awareness.
I am a video with a computer read voice of the blog is you would like to watch or listen to that :)
So Our Lady ISIS is sitting on the 269 degree heading, and this turns out to be quite meaningful! I will get to that in a moment....but first..

A quick note about my Title of my blog..I am not the Grand Historian..but I feel like I am reading in the library, or getting a peek at the records of the Grand Historian and that is why I named the blog this. Also the Gematria of the Grand Historian, will radiate that frequency and I am hoping will attract similar frequency people. :)
Finding our Lady of ISIS yesterday was very exciting but I had a dream last night about her Ear and Eye pieces and the leyline of the "conception" we need to press on with the information that is coming forth. Although I don't quite remember what was told to me about the symbolism of her ear. So hopefully that information will trickle into my daily awareness.
I am a video with a computer read voice of the blog is you would like to watch or listen to that :)
So Our Lady ISIS is sitting on the 269 degree heading, and this turns out to be quite meaningful! I will get to that in a moment....but first..
It is interesting to note for people who never play with Google Earth..that the "heading" system on this globe model seems to be flawed in that the heading changes every few miles, and often the heading reading will change from one measurement to the next.
Learn about the 7 hills of Washington DC, the Pleiadies symbolized, the etymology of Washington and much more on this Post; Washington DC and the 7 hills.
On my first measurement of Virginia St heading toward the cross of the Vesica Piscis..the first heading was 33degrees even, then it changed to 303.69 degrees...So I will have to see if I can get another clean reading...
But from the conception site to the crossing of 23rd street in the Lincoln Memorial, the Distance is .8 mile. I do hope to get into the sacred cosmic measurement origin of the mile ..but for now just know that the mile and all of our units of measurement are carefully created to be like musical notation in harmony with the movement of the spheres...( and I don't mean a heliocentric globular model).
Our Lady is sitting on the 269th heading it just a coincidence that 269 is the year of quoting from WIKI:
"Year 269 (CCLXIX) was a common year starting on Friday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar. At the time, it was known as the Year of the Consulship of Claudius and Paternus (or, less frequently, year 1022 Ab urbe condita). The denomination 269 for this year has been used since the early medieval period, when the Anno Domini calendar era became the prevalent method in Europe for naming years."
CLXIX is a reference to a worm, which is censored from most etymological sources, but it is also
What does this have to do with BIRTH? 9/23 and the Conception site of Horus with ISIS and Washington DC? See my recent post about the simple RA gematria of the word BIRTH, such an important word in our culture. Why is the 266th Pontiff arriving for Washinton DC visit on the 266th day, which is 9/23?
Isis/Mary in this picture is conceiving ...Horus most likely, Or as Mary conceiving Christ. I am not implying that this is the same thing. I am as yet unable to sort out all of the identical overlaying stories, and sort the motivations of various powerful governments for morphing changing and adapting these religions again and again. I am just pointing out that This is either NUT (sky goddes) and Geb (the phallus that points to the solar trinity as pointed out in the Hidden Records work. OR it is ISIS and Osirus's phallus...or possibly both.
The Washington Monument is aligned with Orion rising (like a phallus) in the eastern sky and it points toward the downward facing triangle or CHALICE that is the trinity of suns.
There is an alignment on Sept 15th but I wasn't able to find the photo, there was also an alignment on July 4th facing east.
Please visit to understand the connection of the trinity of suns, to the chalice to Orion , to the mystery star of Ra, and how this is encoded in sacred installations all over our planet.
Here we see ancient Sumerian God SHU I believe with his lighting tools the double tridents, which I believe are the oldest aspect of the "23" symbolism that we are seeing today.
The vesica Piscis on the clay tablet on the right, is the shape that the worm hole star of Ra makes when it opens in the sky. here the Pleiadies and the exoplanet are shown in the star map with the Star of Ra.
Please see Wayne Hershel's site for the very important information about the trinity of suns and star of Ra and what it has to do with various obelisk installations all over the world.
Isis/Mary is sitting here with her feet pointed toward the rest of the US on the 269 heading, with the conception point coordinates being:
38deg 53' 21.81" N
77deg 02' 06.79" W
There are alot of number codes in the coordinates. 35 and 53 are encoded in sacred temple sites, and in comets. The Comet Bennu (Lord of the Jubilee) was originally called RQ53 or 18+17=35...which makes this a 35/53 mirror.
So the top coordinate reads
11 is the gateway for the falling star from heaven 53 ..of the trinity of suns (21=3) the completion number of 9
So it points to the 9/11 date which is the julian equivalent of the gregorian 9/23.
We see that the twin towers (referring to Venus incarnated dieties) event was a prelude pointing toward 9/23 because the second tower fell at 9:02:03. ..and we know that they do not usually publish the seconds unless there is a message. Also the Philadelphia train wreck happened at 9:23 and there are to many other manufactured events with this clue to list.
The bottom coordinate ACTUALLY has the heading in it...and the triplet of 777
There is much more to study about these is line to much much more about the number 269.
Is it coincidence that 269 is what is called a TWIN PRIME? I think not....
923= 13x71 but despite its importance it doesn't have its own WIKI page.
911 has its own WIKI page with more information about the religion of numbers that we were not taught in school.
So..there is the 9/23 and the Lupercalia sacrifice of the freemason with the heading of 33degrees...all in a nice tidy Geomancy. There would be tons of tie ins with Lincoln if I had all day to dig into this... I just had to find the 33 degree because the Virginia heading shifted by 90 degrees under my mouse...and that was strange..
I was wondering why she was sitting on water, knowing that is Mari, but the picture is complete when you see that she is often pictured sitting on a low cushion or chair.
I tried to do a video with my voice showing more aspect in google earth and my microphone just isn't working..
ent of the street between the washington circle and the pineal gland of Isis is not perfect..but the measurement from the center of the Washington Circle to the center of pineal gland of ISIS reveals that these circles are far more than just circles of streets.
A 111.99 degree heading toward Isis' head and a .79 distance.
From WIKI:
111 is a perfect totient number.
111 is R3 or the second repunit, a number like 11, 111, or 1111 that consists of repeated units, or 1's. It equals 3 × 37, therefore all triplets (numbers like 222 or 777) in base ten are of the form 3n × 37. As a repunit, it also follows that 111 is a palindromic number.
If we look at the number 79...we see that in Simple Gematria 79 shares Gematria with these words:
Lincoln,Akhenaten, virgin, sword ,Yeshua, Flower, Alpha Omega, and honey bee.
In Jewish Gematria it share Gematria with QI and Oil. Both Qi and Oil are symbols of consciousness in many cultures.
79 is the 22nd Prime Number. 22 is a number that is often coded in Gematria to refer to lowest ascendant of man. It refers to the Hamite. The son Ham of Noah who sodomized him in his sleep and received a curse not on himself but on his son Canaan.
Buckingham Palace employs the root words "Bucca" meaning mouth and GOBLIN (think JKRowling's depiction of the Goblin Bank and the Bank City state of London) and HAM literally refers to a group of slaves that are also edible, specifically to the hindquarters of both humans and pigs. We know that humans and swine have interchangeable associations at least with respect to being UN-deserving of wisdom.

So HAM=8=1=13=22 and Pea also equals 22. But I digress.
More about the number 79 here; but the best association I can think of without more research would be the atomic number of Gold Au=79 (and its gematria is 22) Originally the humans were engineered to be gold slaves. It may turn out that we are literally mining gold from within. See the work of Dan Nelson in pulling the invisible and undetectable frequencies into living water using chi, or charge. The feminine form of gold is undetectable, but a charge from sunlight or current will pop the feminine gold into its masculine physical form.
This was the true function of pyramids. They concentrated energy with giant capacitors and both pulled the energy from the water underneath while charging the water and popping the gold into the masculine as a byproduct. This is why the spanish found gold in the temples of South America..but no gold in the hills or water, because they didn't understand the true purpose of the pyramids. I don't know if Zacharia Sitchen understood, and pretended he didn't in his book about the south American Pyramids...It must be a volatile secret. With so many governments hoarding gold right might wonder if RA is going to return and demand Gold! exacting a terrible price if enough gold hasn't been harvested. People who wonder about this rather than just believing what they are told are thought to be the crazy ones by the minds that are safely penned into mainstream thought.
The legends and information about ISIS has been handed down, and shifted to serve various purposes, but we are interested in the point of view of the Freemasons, and what magic they are seeking to create with these ley line alignments and geomancy. So we can understand how these things affect our world.
Isis tricked Ra ; ( a short excerpt) from Wikipedia:
in disclosing his "secret name" by causing a snake to bite him, the antidote to whose venom only Isis possessed. Knowing his secret name thus gave her power over him. The use of secret names became central in many late Egyptian magic spells. By the late Egyptian historical period, after the occupations by the Greeks and the Romans, Isis became the most important and most powerful deity of the Egyptian pantheon because of her magical skills. Magic is central to the entire mythology of Isis, arguably more so than any other Egyptian deity.
This could be relevant if our government is looking for protection from the return of Ra, by honoring ISIS in this place of power. Interesting right? Or as Wayne writes they are honoring the wormhole Mystery star of Ra (Stonehenge) with sex ritual and leyline geomancy.
Please stay tuned as I decode more numbers directions and geographic connections. Thanks for reading!
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