Hakusi, here is a picture of OUR LADY ISIS/Mary in Washington DC with no drawing enhancement, I just increased the contrast and reve
rsed the colors, and she really pops out doesn't she?
In this blog I try to discover the Records of the Grand Historian, piece by piece and bit by bit. Answers usually come within 24 hours, and I was wondering why our ISIS/Mary Lady of Washington DC has Ear pieces, although the ancient Innana pictures show here with ear pieces and a helmet, I was still wondering. I was also wondering if there was any connection to the Star Wars symbolism of Leia and Luke (12 12=33) who are the 33 twins of Padme and Anakim (Anak=giant or Nephilim).
So we will learn more about the word Sa and the diety that it references. But first lets see if it matches our map!
It is a bit hard to see with the still photography overlay of the SA symbol on our head of ISIS. But here is the still, I made a short google earth video showing the transparency toggle for better clarity of how this fits and what it might symbolize in Washington DC.
There is much to know about this symbolism. I did finish reading a series of books that you might like called "The Far Memory" series in which Joan Grant remembers (re-members) her past lives in Egypt, and she does speak of the struggle for power between the dieties of dark and light. She calles on "Sa" the way that modern people pray to God.
So if you believe her honesty and accounts you may enjoy her perspectives, and the prominent role of dream activity in this culture.
Here are more Sa symbols and variations, there does seem to be "Ichthyus" resonance with this image doesn't there? The fish symbol of Christ? It was said that Osirus's phallus was eaten by a fish?...Whay don't we practice this in church? It might liven things up a bit! (I survived tons of churchiness as a child .....you are lucky I am not a flag waving zombified convert.)
This Wikipedia article about Tawaret is so hopelessly watered down (no pun intended..okay maybe pun intended). Tawaret is a water goddess...she is seen in HiddenRecords.com findings as a teaching tool of the ancients to show the way through the stars to the mystery star of Ra. In the ancient star maps, the Pleiadies were seen to be on the back of the bull, pointed at by Orion, and often with the Bull turning its head to emphasize the importance of the Pleiadies. (This 7 hills of Washington DC and Rome ) while we talk about the seven stars of the Pleiadies. But it seems that this was still not simple enough to show the wormhole of RA, through reincarnation of lives and memory loss cycles, so Tawaret the hippo goddess is seen with a knife cutting off the leg of the bull and thereafter the LEG OF THE BULL is seen as the Pleiadies star map that points DISTINCTLY to the star of Ra wormhole.
So, possibly Bull butchering became a part of the worship as a result of this star map teaching, who knows, however every star map of pyramids or modern installations uses the 7 hills between the stars of Orion and the mystery star of RA.She is also known as "IPET" and is one of the solar mothers credited with mothering Amun-Ra or Zeus. Just want to point out that the statue of Lincoln at the Lincoln memorial at the feet of ISIS seems to be built directly after the large statue of the seated Zeus. There are probably Gematria ties and date number dies and coordinate tie ins with this..yet undiscovered.
This should probably be a different post...maybe I'll separate them..but because these two research topics came together on the same day...here they are together:
In Washington DC ...yesterday I discovered that the 3 stars of Orion: WTC1 WTC2 and the Freedom TOWER..point directly to the 7 hills of Washington DC and then to the GEORGIA GUIDESTONES.
In the reverse heading we have the cryptic number of death 44. So I will analyze the headings and measurements more.
This number 44 is encoded heavily into the Georgia Guidestones. The MM=13 13 which is 44, Obama is the 44th President, Enterthe5t4rs has done videos about Obama and the 244 meridian, and other 44 degree headings including through the keyhole of the GG to Hoover dam. Where there are other cryptic clues of the 2 skeletons found there holding the sign with the date on it, reflecting the changing of the cube on the GG. So The 44 in the most quick summary with respect to this map is that it is KILL in simple gematria. Most prominent assassinations in the US are doubly and tripley encoded with 44 and 244. I will link some videos here for your homework to bring you up to speed on this important symbolism. Most people who are paying attention know that the Georgia Guidestones call for a radical DEPOPULATION of the earth, as a condition of living in balance with the earth.

Many guilt ridden humans agree with depopulation on some level not realizing that our best scientist who would solve scarcity and pollution problems on the earth have been MURDERED in the US. We have a right to the lost technology which would sustain our families and populations, heal our sick, clean our planet and allow us to live joyfully sharing resources on this planet. I whole heatedly believe that the burden of population on our plant is A HOAX (just like all major religion and everything that you learn in school)...don't get me started on pledging allegiance to the FLAG!..I am preparing a post on what the ancient hieroglyphs teach us about what the flag is and who it really honors. Pledging allegiance to a flag is a dark RITUAL...( makes me want to scream)...
But back to our topic of the HOAX of over population (while they are killing all of our best scientists that solves all these issues) and the Georgia Guidestones commandments which pose a danger to innocent humans who cannot fathom the darkness of the dark Cabal. So that was your short intro to the number 44.
In this blog I try to discover the Records of the Grand Historian, piece by piece and bit by bit. Answers usually come within 24 hours, and I was wondering why our ISIS/Mary Lady of Washington DC has Ear pieces, although the ancient Innana pictures show here with ear pieces and a helmet, I was still wondering. I was also wondering if there was any connection to the Star Wars symbolism of Leia and Luke (12 12=33) who are the 33 twins of Padme and Anakim (Anak=giant or Nephilim).
So we will learn more about the word Sa and the diety that it references. But first lets see if it matches our map!
It is a bit hard to see with the still photography overlay of the SA symbol on our head of ISIS. But here is the still, I made a short google earth video showing the transparency toggle for better clarity of how this fits and what it might symbolize in Washington DC.
There is much to know about this symbolism. I did finish reading a series of books that you might like called "The Far Memory" series in which Joan Grant remembers (re-members) her past lives in Egypt, and she does speak of the struggle for power between the dieties of dark and light. She calles on "Sa" the way that modern people pray to God.
So if you believe her honesty and accounts you may enjoy her perspectives, and the prominent role of dream activity in this culture.
Here are more Sa symbols and variations, there does seem to be "Ichthyus" resonance with this image doesn't there? The fish symbol of Christ? It was said that Osirus's phallus was eaten by a fish?...Whay don't we practice this in church? It might liven things up a bit! (I survived tons of churchiness as a child .....you are lucky I am not a flag waving zombified convert.)

So, possibly Bull butchering became a part of the worship as a result of this star map teaching, who knows, however every star map of pyramids or modern installations uses the 7 hills between the stars of Orion and the mystery star of RA.She is also known as "IPET" and is one of the solar mothers credited with mothering Amun-Ra or Zeus. Just want to point out that the statue of Lincoln at the Lincoln memorial at the feet of ISIS seems to be built directly after the large statue of the seated Zeus. There are probably Gematria ties and date number dies and coordinate tie ins with this..yet undiscovered.
This should probably be a different post...maybe I'll separate them..but because these two research topics came together on the same day...here they are together:
In Washington DC ...yesterday I discovered that the 3 stars of Orion: WTC1 WTC2 and the Freedom TOWER..point directly to the 7 hills of Washington DC and then to the GEORGIA GUIDESTONES.
This number 44 is encoded heavily into the Georgia Guidestones. The MM=13 13 which is 44, Obama is the 44th President, Enterthe5t4rs has done videos about Obama and the 244 meridian, and other 44 degree headings including through the keyhole of the GG to Hoover dam. Where there are other cryptic clues of the 2 skeletons found there holding the sign with the date on it, reflecting the changing of the cube on the GG. So The 44 in the most quick summary with respect to this map is that it is KILL in simple gematria. Most prominent assassinations in the US are doubly and tripley encoded with 44 and 244. I will link some videos here for your homework to bring you up to speed on this important symbolism. Most people who are paying attention know that the Georgia Guidestones call for a radical DEPOPULATION of the earth, as a condition of living in balance with the earth.

Many guilt ridden humans agree with depopulation on some level not realizing that our best scientist who would solve scarcity and pollution problems on the earth have been MURDERED in the US. We have a right to the lost technology which would sustain our families and populations, heal our sick, clean our planet and allow us to live joyfully sharing resources on this planet. I whole heatedly believe that the burden of population on our plant is A HOAX (just like all major religion and everything that you learn in school)...don't get me started on pledging allegiance to the FLAG!..I am preparing a post on what the ancient hieroglyphs teach us about what the flag is and who it really honors. Pledging allegiance to a flag is a dark RITUAL...( makes me want to scream)...
But back to our topic of the HOAX of over population (while they are killing all of our best scientists that solves all these issues) and the Georgia Guidestones commandments which pose a danger to innocent humans who cannot fathom the darkness of the dark Cabal. So that was your short intro to the number 44.
In EUROPE...we also have the 7 hills of ROME on a line with the mystery star of RA ; Stonehenge. There is also a local english 7 hills that are much closer to Stonehenge in case anyone was confused about the tie between these installations. ROME also has its own Star of Ra installation. Really this is done over and over again...in many place through out time.
hieroglyph for goddess which is the snake.
Here is a link to an article about the statue in the LOST series and theories about its similarities to TAWARET.. Which ABC (the all seeing eye) did confirm that that LOST statue was Tawaret.
Lost is a story about a group of people who "FELL" from the sky onto an island that moved through time and space. Spoiler ahead if you haven't watched the series: they ultimately discover that they had been dead the whole time, and were in fact in hell. Which sounds like a summary of the fall of the Nephilim actually. But it also point intriguingly to theories of discovered continents by Admiral Byrd to which he referred openly on national television. Saying that these continents are beyond Antarctica which was made off limits to everyone and every modern country has a agreed to keep this continent off limits despite tales of paradise like conditions and huge resource deposits there. Like the island LOST it is increasingly disappearing from globes, and it is very difficult to find this paradise that Admiral Byrd spoke of since the defense department created GPS which everyone willingly and UNquestioningly accepts as gospel despite many many glaring errors in this model which are practically observable using simple tools. Culminating in the reality that this paradise is only accessible by the ELITE and accessible by submarine only it seems. Hmmmmm
Alright nothing to see here..back to your cheeto s and slurpies, and paying for your state censored college aspirations...
So what this comes down to on the Plane existence of the E.T.s (plane -e.t.) is that we have warring dragon serpent races, and it has become very very confusing because they have been infiltrating each other. So if you are buying any modern religion or following any major thought group of people, you are herded and corralled by one or more of these dragon blood lines.
I believe that Yashua came through a Dragon Bloodline (like an undercover agent) to teach us how to gain authority over the physical through correct action, pure motivation, storing energy , not becoming hooked in the religion of money and sex, and using energy stored to command the physical. He said that we will do his miracles and more. He taught love and tolerance and non-judgment because judgement wastes your energy and hooks you into other people's failures, love expands energy and actually seems to create energy out of nowhere. The aim is to store enough soul voltage that we will be able to graduate this trap, almost like Truman did on the Truman show. He need awareness, he needed to stop distractions and focus, he needed strength to face his fears and self reliance, he went through an anger phase, but he was free of anger when he graduated the matrix. This is what I think and feel you do not need to agree with me :)
Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more codes discoveries and connections!
Here is the video with the text read..although the sound is a little rough..still working on that :)
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