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(read to me!)
I stumbled upon Eiffel Tower Man...when I realized that the Palantine Hill line went through CERN and Stonehenge..and Paris...so I zoomed in on Paris..and saw the first pictograph right away.
I am not good at overlays in google earth but if I was I would take the sphinx head geometry and lay it over here...to see the street alignments. I picked out and enhanced the names of the important streets of the radiant third eye of the head dress...(read to me!)
I stumbled upon Eiffel Tower Man...when I realized that the Palantine Hill line went through CERN and Stonehenge..and Paris...so I zoomed in on Paris..and saw the first pictograph right away.
The height of Eiffel man is 1.01 which is a gateway number that the Illuminatus use for their "new birth" imagery and dark magic ritual.
101=Bilderbergs, Orirus, Russian, Immortal, Hoover Dam, Spider Web, Philadelphia, Tree of Life, Gematria Code, Darth Vader (sympathy for the devil soap opera father of ANAK, Nephilim Giants), Louisiana, Melchizedek, Sorcerer, Republican and more. (I lumped simple, english and jewish gematria together)
I did the various measurements..I apologize for my low tech graphics. I am sensitive to the computer and must be about 10 feet away..to not get ill from the electronics..so this is limiting...as you can imagine...
There is alot to say about this Eiffel Man; the rays on his head indicate that the inspiration symbolized by these rays, are about mortal men on earth. The little people of politics..who think they are big. This man has a metal stake through his heart; the Eiffel tower, and his body symbolizes the gateway the birth of something bigger.
We have seen the whisperings of the birth of a new race in popular culture, New Age reLIEgion, the Tomorrowland Festival, birth symbolism hidden in church sculpture, it is talked about by Satanists like Lady Gaga in public, and it is repeatedly alluded to in movies and TV. In Revelations the harvest is relayed in term of food references, implying that the tares will be thrown into the fire. Humans are tricked into thinking that this is philosophy, the fig tree is cursed when it bears no fruit. I believe that this is referring to a joining of DNA to make a new species. We see in Ancient astronaut studies, that the early visitors needed to hide their breathing apparatuses, and mortality under masks! Then they learned to occupy the human body and use the body as a CAR (22) a vehicle for perfect parasitizing. Para is a root word for place of the dragon or worm. Paradise. Isn't it interesting that Paradise and Parasite...basically mean the same thing. But humans don't catch on.
So despite being small and unable to breathe here on their own (Darth Vader) and having no opposable thumbs, the worms have still been able to take over humans and the world.
So the next step is to obviously create the perfect union of the worm and the human body, so that our planet will become the home of this next root race. See the chillingly warm and fuzzy move "HOME" about a race of planet destroyers with RAM horns, that basically need a new planet and so they become friends with a young mixed race heroine to further blind humans to the take over by playing to sympathy for this lost race that needs a new home. We are encouraged to have sympathy and move over and share our planet with them, and our bodies as it will turn out.
Those who do not have the compatible DNA will be the TARES...
So...I am coming to a grim conclusion about the Eiffel Tower man. He also stands on a Military installation which is another symbol of how the human has been fully and completely duped. The separation of the corpus collusum, unplugged the inter-connectivity of the two brains. Women show more strength in using connected thinking, and a complete severing of this ability would finalize the madness on the planet.
I believe that the Jade Helm logo over lays this Eiffel man, showing the severing of the brain and the piercing of the Pineal gland. The Pineal gland represents Christ to many, perfect knowledge not needing to depend on the teachings of man, knowing right from wrong and truth from a lie. Christ according to the story was crucified between two thieves. In the bible, the EYES are said to be thieves because they BLIND the pineal gland, the blind the knowing with false light I learned this on the EntertheSt4rs youtube channel , lots of front line revelations and cosmology theory there.
EYE=35 BLIND =41 (41-6(carbon)=35)
Christ was crucified between the thieves on Golgotha (the skull), He symbolizes the Pineal gland...which here is being pierced as we can see the separation of the Corpus Collosum.
would between the eyes..but you
get the point. I will have to find the
correct overlay of Christ. Probably
the correct painting is centrally
displayed on perfect coordinates
somewhere in Paris.
We see an assault not only on reason
but on the pineal gland in the form
of Nazi weapon, Fluoride. Which
poisons the Pineal gland and traps
the human in a moronic state of
dependency, to the point that they will even advocate for their right
to poison themselves and their children with fluoride. Seeing the Pope with his pineal gland staff...on a staff representing the spine, is a chilling confirmation that we will be ruled if we do not USE OUR OWN HEADS, and protect our heads.

Lighting From Heaven is the meaning of of the phonetic sound of Barack Obama in Hebrew Luke 10:18
This is also the ONE symbol for the Freedom Tower (another July 4th, 7/4 =G/D tie in. Brain demolishment...WHY..human domination? This is why the Eiffel tower man has his brains separated. Those are not horns or eyebrows..those are the halves of his brain. This is why we have the tear from his left eye.
The Pope who is the head of the ROMAN Church of domination over the earth
holds a staff which AGREES that CHRIST symbolized the pineal gland, and
he is seen as defeated by ROME/Jesuit/Cia world control. This is why everwhere you see him...they show him defeated! They teach you that he wasn't defeated..so why don't they show him triumphant most of the year and defeated only on good friday...because this is another merry-go round of the mind!! The staff he holds is showing you..that they have defeated your PINEAL GLAND..you are trapped in SIN (see below for the correct explanation of SIN is a place..not a condition).
Another word about Christ. I do NOT condone following any church, I do not believe the Teacher referred to as Christ did this. He did not follow any man. I believe his Hebrew name was Yahshua and this was intentionally change to JE-ZEUS, in the translation to Greek. Few people could read in those days much less read two languages to catch the bait and switch. Now people all over the world are following satanic church leaders into the dark ritual of ASKING JE-ZEUS into their heart. ...and we wonder why christians seem fine one moment and can go all demonic the next moment. They have asked a dark serpent lord to rule their heart!! (maybe this is the Eiffel tower stabbed through the heart).
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http://thehiddenrecords.com/paris.php |
But back to PARIS!
I have found other pictographs here on the Eiffel Tower man, within the EGG of Paris. These need to be better developed but first. No study on this would be complete without acknowledging the amazing work of Wayne Hershel..Here is a picture with a link to his work on these constructions in Paris:
and I bought one for my mom and if had enough money I would buy one for my two bonus kids that I get to see very soon. This book while being beautiful will make the world new for you. It is very difficult to get truth published these days. Wayne is trying to raise money or a documentary because many humans still do not read as their primary media...so please visit his site, learn, donate..and if there is a new book tell me because I want to buy it ! (although I am sceptical of his wholesale believe in the musings of NASA who I believe laugh heartily at our expense anytime we act like they told us the truth...but besides that this is a great book)
So Wayne uncovers many alignments in Paris...which are all valid and amazing..but as far as I could tell he didn't get the Stonhenge and Philae alignment..which are crucial to understanding the truth religion of the Illuminati...
Secrets in Plain sight! also found the Paris Eiffel man, and I enjoy his alignment more than I do mine..because I feel it is much less dismal...with the Eiffel Tower as the penis (still sounds kind of painful though)
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http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/category/aliens/ |
Please read the whole story
at the link below the photo.
He makes very important OSIRUS links..and I left a message on this page about the Philae alignment and how that validates his findings.
So much more to discover here, I keep coming across COMET numbers, and am wondering how
centrally COMETS play in this
Illuminati religion of the resurrection of OSIRUS.
The Dark Lord looks very much like Yaldebaoth (Yahweh)..the Archon of Gnostic thought. Who is depicted on this Greek Coin of mysterious ORIGIN.
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http://thehiddenrecords.com/key-of-solomon |
At this point on the path, I am inclined to believe that OSIRUS is a dark lord, who is trying to resurrect, and the Illuminati are attempting to harness the quantum power that humans don't even know they have to direct CHI to Zeus (Osirus) through Church antennae on ley lines, and through explosive quantum hypnotic events like the Fourth of July.
While I am on THAT topic, just want to direct you to best and most mind blowing deciphering of the 4th of July I have yet seen.
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http://illuminatusobservor.blogspot.com/2008/07/1776-and-4th-of-july.html#axzz3eT57ipau |
It does make the world more interesting after having our brains dulled by the lies we have lived with for so long.
Before I hang up the phone here..I want to post a few more pictographs that I uncovered and will go into more deciphering of these, in coming days. Paris is surrounded by an EGG. The Egg I believe is symbolic of the Planet SIN which is the strange crescent in Ancient Sumerian tablets mistaken for the Moon. It could be the moon, but I think it is one of the orbs circling the mystery star as encoded in the Stonehenge geometry, and reflected in ancient art. Anytime you see a Goddess on a Moon..that is SIN. It is a planet..and possibly also an Archon. Some think that this is the HIVE origin of Matrix philosophy. The place where your body was immaculately conceived.
When they say Christ was immaculately conceived..they mean (of the Dragon...CULU root in "immaculate"...this doesn't mean he is cleaner than you are. This means that he was born just like you are in the HIVE of SIN. Shackled in the mind trap of time just like you are. So this means if he can break free and gain dominion over the physical (666=carbon)...so can you.
So back to the EGG or HOME PLANET of the Illuminatus, the planet of SIN. You were born in SIN and you are only dreaming of your earth life...because your pineal gland has been hijacked at the 33rd vertebrae to cause you to KEEP DREAMING, while they harvest your energy and intellectual creativity, they WATCH YOUR LIFE which is your dream. This is shown in TRUMAN SHOW, and DIVERGENT. Where they can discover new ideas of creativity because they cannot engender their own creativity. So they are MILKING and storing yours. You are dreaming this life..it is a real to you..as your dreams are.
When this life feels dream like to you...you are close to AWAKENING...like Christ did. When he defeated the cube matrix (the 6 sided cube). But then as the story goes he was tricked into thinking that he needed to die...to show the way for others. He did wake up, and while he lived he showed us that he could command the matrix...because even though we are trapped by the matrix..the quantum control runs both ways. It is connected to our Pineal Gland...so we can STEER THE MATRIX! This is the hopeful message the Yahshua intended to teach. He didn't want a church, or your allegiance or flaccid promises,...he wanted to SHOW YOU..that the link runs both ways...
This is why the Fourth of July actually exists as a huge celebration, it is the Illuminati using many pineal glands at once to reinforce hypnotism and to harvest quantum energy for their purposes..which I believe are resurrecting Osirus...
Alright...much to say..but we will get back to the other pictoral codes within the EGG OF SIN that encircles Paris
more refinement is necessary. She
wears the Eiffel tower alignment as
jewelry. This is symbolic because jewelry was the original form of
imprisonment of the body of man.
We used to be able to pop in and out of this dream until we were
held down by metal, and the dream of metal is sufficient now. Originally it was cuffs but jems were added
so that humans would covet their own demise, and also the jems themselves had a psychic action upon the sleeping human.
From Wikipedia: explaining the French Connection to Scotland and Glastonbury (Avalon)
Raymond of Poitou came across Melusine in a forest of Coulombiers in Poitou in France, and proposed marriage. Just as her mother had done, she laid a condition: that he must never enter her chamber on a Saturday. He broke the promise and saw her in the form of a part-woman, part-serpent, but she forgave him. When, during a disagreement, he called her a "serpent" in front of his court, she assumed the form of a dragon, provided him with two magic rings, and flew off, never to return.[1]
In The Wandering Unicorn by Manuel Mujica Láinez, Melusine tells her tale of several centuries of existence, from her original curse to the time of the Crusades.
Here is another pictograph that I found that I don't have an explanation for..I look for the aim of the weapon here..and it goes through the channels of water quite precisely...the distances of this part of the world by Google Earth are very suspect...but that is an aside...see what you think about this pictograph?
I don't know if we can say if the person is male or female, I had thought female until I realized that I was making inferences from the clothing and the hair. The arm, elbow and weapon construction is quite explicit.
The heading of 133.75 is numerically important..but so is 47. I have been following the Gematria decode work of Zachary K Hubbard and he has been piecing together the meaning of 47...as basically being the code for "Agents"...with many other associations, but that being the central code. So that does seem to align with the theme here.
Please watch his videos where he hacks apart the headline hoaxes with grim determination, but a friendly manner get your pen and your notebook..his videos are like drinking from a firehose. It is important to connect the very old with the very new and he shows that the headlines today from Philae and Comet designation, to LeBron James (684) being a reflection of Yom Kippur (864)..but the REAL TIE to this number is the SUN. Not that I believe the actual publish size of the sun but if you are reading this Zach its the Sun's published diameter that is the hub of these number triangles with the 864 variations. The SUN is ..well here's a pictograph in process....
Please visit Zachary Hubbard's Youtube channel for your daily firehose of the current numbers but remember to tie them into the ancients for the true meaning, and to get your rudder in the water of what is about to happen.
Thanks for visiting my brand new blog, I hope to create a reference of searchable numbers and symbols to start to connect the dots across geography, music, math, sound, spoken word, hidden codes beyond gematria, philosophy, language and more...
For the PURPOSE OF : empowering people to DOMINATE THE MATRIX..not wallow in domination by the matrix.
THERE IS HOPE!!! It doesn't take to many...to pluck the correct strings of the Matrix..and feed the quantum light of knowledge to the rest. This is what the illuminati are doing everyday to keep us asleep, we can learn...stop complaining...and start plucking our own strings (no black magic is needed)...to further the freedom that was initiated by the Teacher of Righteousness who said if you have faith (control of your pineal gland)..you can say to the mountain move..and it will MOVE!!
How have you become neutered from the teachings of TRUTH. If you can say move to something in your sleeping dreams at night, a fractal of your waking pineal hijacked pseudo reality...you can say MOVE to the dream matrix around you. This is why the number arise perfectly...it is coming from your own unlimited expansive awareness...This is why you are FEARED by the illuminati...Claim your power..first by knowing it is yours, then using your intent and will to claim it...and your power will start to show up in your daily dream as synchronicity. Someone speaking to you in a language you had almost forgotten, answers that come from unexpected sources. This is YOUR OWN DREAM arising at your command and asking you to steer it...
When Truman exited the dome of the dream world...he left without anger...this is a key that Jim Carrey understands and he is trying to tell you...UPCOMING...DOMES..what do they mean!! You will be amazed...Thanks for reading and please come back :)
Post script: later additions to the top concept:
*Alexandre Gustave Eiffel (born Bönickhausen; /ˈaɪfəl/; French pronunciation: [efɛl]; 15 December 1832 – 27 December 1923)
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