Welcome Back!! Brain Symbolism in plain sight it is the topic today! and how it can bring you closer to truth. If you have multi-dimensional memory and can bring your memory even partial through lifetimes, you have a partially function hippocampus! Tell my your past life or future life memories in the comments :)
What does the HORN, (link to article) thorn have to do with the RAM's horn symbolism, and is it true that the Hippocampus is the region of the brain is associated with long-term memory storage and the hippocampal neurons known as place cells that play a major role in causing the sensation of familiarity known as déjà vu and reincarnation. It is said that when a small subset of our hippocampal neurons dies and is reborn; the mind is in a constant state of reincarnation.
I also wonder about our human brains, and our collective memories and interconnectedness with this symbol of the hippocampus. There is a Hippo God which is credited with cutting the leg of the Bull of that symbolizes the Pleiadies...and I wonder about the act of our memory or lack there of...cutting US off from our star heritage? Just a thought...
Post Script: Here is a picture of a Hippocampus and a link, I am inviting you to think about this creature in terms of symbolic brain structure and function. The Thorn..and the Horn. As Enterthe5t4rz says modern culture loves to mock Yahshuah, I do believe that he is right about this. The Thorned crown on Yahshua's head as modern religion repeatedly shows Yahshua in a posture of defeat. Crucifixion of the pineal gland (Connection to truth) between the two thieves (the right eye and the left eye) in Golgotha (skull), and they put INRI above his head to mock him as "the King of the Jews"
Interestingly I learned about the idea of Christ as the Pineal gland from EntertheStRz please visit his channel and tell him I said hello.
by the way:
with Ra Gematria=|
II (18) NR 14+18
9 32
or 9/23
is this a coincidence? With these number showing up again and again everywhere and in Washington DC?
So they show Yahshua with 9/32 over his head in code and a THORN crown.
Acacia thorn bush is another favorite central theme to the Freemason Compass and Square symbol....and it is a thorn bush. Maybe the Thorn crown is says something about the urge to mock Christ's Hippocampus, his little horn shaped brain anatomy having to do with memory in reincarnation?
If someone HAS memory in reincarnation...doesn't then incarnation become more like time travel?
We saw the time travel machine in Terminator as decoded by Enterthe5t4rz looking very much like the bottom of the thorn shape. Since there are no books to spoon feed us on these topics we must dig for clues and faithfully test them with the truth in our hearts.
From wiki:
The hippocampus or hippocamp, also hippokampoi (plural: hippocampi or hippocamps; Greek: ἱιππόκαμπος, from ἵππος, "horse" and κάμπος, "monster"[1]), often called a sea-horse[2] in English, is a mythological creature shared by Phoenician[3] and Greek mythology, though the name by which it is recognised is purely Greek. It was also adopted into Etruscan mythology. It has typically been depicted as having the upper body of a horse with the lower body of a fish.
So many creatures seem to have the lower body of a fish...interesting....
Here is another picture of the brain structure of the hippocampus according to WIKI(click here for article link) " has a distinctive, curved shape that has been likened to the sea horse monster of Greek mythology and the ram's horns of Amun in Egyptian mythology. This general layout holds across the full range of mammalian species, from hedgehog to human,"
Is it interesting to you ..that our GODs have so many serpent references and yet...Wiki doesn't mention reptiles having this ability to carry memory through reincarnation, this would be why they would care so much about immortality, and ALSO why they would be interested in mixing with our DNA, to benefit from mammalian attributes of multidimensional memory.
In a turn to modern media for ancient clues, the Hippogriff of Harry Potter comes to mind:
I am not sure what JK Rowling was trying to contribute on the subject with BUCKBEAK the Hippogriff in Harry Pater (Potter), but I did find that mythologically speaking a hippogriff is born from impossible love , a combination of a Griffon and a Mare.
Griffins were known as fierce protectors of gold andavengers of evil. The legendaryone-eyed Arimaspi rode on horseback while raiding gold guarded by griffinswhich was the source of the long standing enmity between griffins and horses. Hippogriffs are the offspring of theimpossible love between griffins and mares.
Click the picture as a link to an article going into JK Rowlings statements about the hippogriff and her reasons for using this character in her films. I do not know if there is a connection between a Hippocamp and a Hippogriff and whether these are mythological creatures that are aspects of brain anatomy or not. But because the Hippocampus seems to be expressed as horns, and there are many mythological creatures with HORNS, and Cernunnos is seen as a pagan SUN god with dear horns. Cernunnos may be genuine benevolent Celtic version of a lifetime of Christ with the Celts. This symbol could be in the process of being dirtied by the Roman Church, as they want to have the monopoly on Christ. If Christ was a benevolent loving son of a true God, would he be exclusive..only coming to one region of the world? If he carries memory of "the Father" through incarnations wouldn't he reach out to many people in many cultures as the Archeological evidence and various documentation of the incarnations of Christ suggest?
I encourage Christians to shrug of the middle school mentality of exclusivity that the ROMANS have thrust upon the memory of the Great Teacher of Truth Yahshua. Perhaps they crucified him with thorns, because they were mocking him with their ability to kill a son of GOD who is powerful enough to incarnate with memory and purpose in many places at many times, having many names. I just offer this as an idea for you to hold with the wisdom. In England the Stag is a sign of the Son of God, with this Horn/thorn connection of the hippocampus I think we should consider the possibility that Christ was there teaching using the words and symbolism of that culture of Celts, and that these symbols and all inclusiveness of Christ is a threat to the Catholic Church and Christians and so they are using the image and name of Cernunnos (which was sacred to the celts) for their 666 project of opening a gateway to other dimensions. The Large Hadron Collider CERN that is on the Philae / Stonehenge line that I found please see my first posts on this topic.
This video is made to embed into this blog post about the symbolism of the hippocamp, and hippogriff as brain symbolism. MEMORY THROUGH DEATH AND LIFE..some of us have this and can remember our other lives..this is like time travel if you retain this memory. The ability to retain this memory comes from SOUL VOLTAGE do not waste your awareness in destraction and sex..and you will build up soul voltage, do not waste your energy is judging other people, worrying about politics...posting kittens on social media...build up your soul votage THIS IS THE WHOLE POINT OF YOUR EARTH EXISTANCE...sorry to shout...but you really need to get this...and I love you but you are very thick headed sometimes...and I love you enough to shout basically. ...that's alot of love..
We all need to conserve energy and soul voltage, our voltage is being skimmed off..and that is another long story..but there are ways to be free..and interestingly enough the master have been teaching these ways...but not telling you the full story of WHY...Yes you get to go to heaven...but the story is bigger than that...
Update to the Hippogriff symbolism (I watched this movie again last night..) The hippogriff..is the wizard version of the Hippocampus..because it is a BIRD. Garuda!!!! benevolent protective bird people (at the time of the Annunaki)...who were enemies of the serpent race..(not all of them were benevolent and there were mixed breeds and motivations.. so don't get all "fundamentalist" on this..stay fluid in the mind)....
But Harry's life is about balancing the dark and light WITHIN HIM...and at the beginning of his hippogriff encounter he is confronting dark players in his own family and history. He is about to "buy" the story against his uncle, the Dark Star Sirius. THE DOG star Sirius is in Pleiadies and it moves or doesn't move like the other stars leading to the speculation that..it is a binary SUN in our solar system, but it went DARK! Does this mean it is a BAD or evil SUN?..the movie seems to be asking this question. We find JK Rowlings version of the confusion of events at the time of the darkening of this star..and these revelations...need to awaken in Harry's memory. Harry is walking in fear...of Sirius...
He bows to the Hippogriff and the Hippogriff BuckBeak (I did the numbers..on this movie..they are very cool...I need a staff of video makers to keep up with the revelations)....So hopefully I'll get the numbers up but I am trying to learn to stay on track with shorter blogs...
SO HARRY needs to balance the elements to BE FREE...FR=69 (perfect balance of the elements is the CRAB and the keystone).. So Harry..gets off to a wobbly start with the hippogriff as the teacher, it is also a part of HIS BRAIN AND MEMORY... MEMORY is unlocked to those with greater balance. JUDGING ...others throws you off balance and blocks your MEMORY...(sigh)...I know I am lecturing you...please don't judge...drop that hot potato...
So Harry...is thrown on the back...of BUCKBEAK by Hagrid (I love Hagrid)..and he learn to love the BALANCE...the perfect balance comes....
As we can see the balance and power of the Hippocamp can be a symbol of mastery for the goodguy, and it can be a symbol of power for the fallen. I do believe that the gods of ancient Egypt and Greek and Roman Gods are Fallen Angels! This does not mean that we should refuse to learn about them. I believe that the angels who DIDN'T fall ...love the fallen angles and are working to correct this entire debacle. So although we shouldn't follow the fallen as masters, we need to study and learn what they know, listen to the teachings of Master Yahshua who taught us that we would do miracles like he did someday. If the Roman church has distorted the times, dates or whatever about Yahshua, I believe that there was a Master of Truth and Righteousness, and he came to earth many times to teach many people. His Venus symbolism shows up in many cultures, and it makes sense from the perspective of a loving teacher of TRUTH that he wouldn't create exclusivity by coming only one time to certain group of people. Christians have been scared away from multi lifetime realities ...by the ROMAN twisting and distortion of the truth. They want you to believe that they have the keys to heaven. They don't want you to know that you have many lifetimes to dig deeper into mistakes and sin or to correct and polish your strength in truth. So I gently talk to the Christians..please shed the layers of distortion and brainwashing that we ALL grew up with, and look honestly at the teachings that are available. We will continue to study ancient Egypt and the fallen gods of other traditions..like the long lived Annunaki...who became the Pharaohs, who became the Greek and Roman gods... We will study these things to find and peel away the distortions that we have been taught. If we could fully use and repair our hippocampus...we would have full memory of our many lives here. If we could heal our pineal gland we would have a pure flow of direct information from truth. Maybe all these stories are code for brain and anatomy symbolism as it relates to spirituality and finding our way home.
During the recording of this I realized that the whole explanation of balance of Harry Potter and the HippoGriff was erased somehow from my post. So I'll write it again here...
Harry and the Hippogriff...first fly through TWO TOWERS, this is the symbol of the Teachers from Venus. Twin symbolism shows up in many instances of wise teachers throughout history who claim to be the "SUN of God". I am coming to believe that these are the many incarnations of our beloved teacher Yahshuah. You do not have to agree with me and you do not have to turn away from my posts just because I am exploring an expansive idea of the Teacher Yahshuah. I do NOT use the world LORD because Yahshuah doesn't want this word used. LORD is a word that actually means a WORM master of the double infinite time trap of infinity. It is a fallen angel term and it plainly explains that this word means a prison guard. THIS is why Christians urgently need to peel themselves away from their serpent indoctrination and think for themselves. So Anyway...Yahshua the teacher was born IN MANY OF HIS LIFETIMES...under the bright star of VENUS.
Venus become bright when it undergoes a magnetic poleshift. Our sun has many pole shifts and a long solar calendar was described and documented by the Mayans, and they understood the Sun and the teachers that arrive on Earth when the sun flips magnetic polarity, and causes Venus to flip becoming very bright. Then a SON of God is born on our planet to teach us. The wise men KNEW this! the MAGI...they didn't listen to the modern moronic militarized pastors of ROMAN brainwashing...the MAGI thought for themselves and studied the stars and the cycles. So the MAGI story is both symbolic...of the stars of ORION following the bright star, and it is probably true that there were people on earth who were not distracted by daily life and put their minds to the stars.
(erf...this post keeps getting longer)..but this is important!!!
SO...Harry and the Hippogriff fly through the two towers...the GATEWAY. The Eiffel Tower man, is 1.01 miles tall, this is a gateway number,...11 is also a gateway number...but it is incomplete..not a number of mastery...a DOOR or GATE to a journey of mastery. This is why the illuminati want to burn down the gates to mastery for the commoner.
After flying through the TWIN PEAK OR TOWERS...The Hippogriff (impossible love and brain memory through lifetimes) flies low to the water...in the Sunlight. The Hippogriff with Harry finds perfect balance of the elements. Water, air, fire and earth. The hippogriff dipps his right claw into the water (His Garuda bird god aspect).. All lions and dragons etc throughout all time are shown with their right paw up...it is the right hand that creates the balance connection. At the moment of full element balance Harry experiences joy and freedom and he releases his grip on the feathers...and expresses his true balance. After this point in the movie Harry moves to greater INNER KNOWING and remembering of his own abilities. He discern the truth about SIRIUS, and works to expand his power of LOVing MEMORY with the Petronus Charm. Where instead of cowering behind a priest or pastor, you stand in the face of evil and confront it with the IMPOSSIBLE LOVE in your heart, no matter how difficult your path has been.
If we take the symbolism of Harry and his father...and his uncle SIRIUS. If Harry is the SUN, like a Christ figure who learns to overcome the twin dualities of good and evil within him. (ths sun pillar and the moon pillar meet in the middle at the 69 keystone of BALANCE of the elements).
He is symbolic of Christ like person who lives in times of evil but carries impossible love and bravery in his heart. His Father is the Stag Animagus (the Christ symbol for the Celts) and his Uncle is the Sirius Dog Star,..that has gone dark and was held in prison wrongly. JK Rowling is no single mother commoner, she is a pen name for someone who is allowed to spill a few truths. So we need to look at the symbolism offered us. There may be distortions in the message but there is usually a helping of truth and distortion side by side in all things.
This is Neptune /Enki....Riding..two Hippocamps! These are Seahorses...and are symbolic of brain structure. The Annunaki wore horned helmets, and perhaps their brain phyisiology gave them multiple hippocamps allowing for the to have the elongated skulls. The more elder among them had more horns on the helmet. We know that each of their years was 26,000 of ours if I remember this right (my own hippocampus is straining). So the more horns and the bigger the horns the more lifetime memories they had conscious recall of. This may have to do with the fearlessness of the VIKINGS because they
KNEW that they would be born again and they were working a multi life strategy, or world domination which they seem to be finalizing the end game of this right now.
KNEW that they would be born again and they were working a multi life strategy, or world domination which they seem to be finalizing the end game of this right now.
The hippocampus...as the HORN of Ammon-RA
perspective because we see the severed halves of the brain in other
pictorgraphs from the Eiffel Tower Man,.....
![]() |
Eiffel Tower Man ...see the video I will eventually put at the bottom of this post for a google "tour" with me... |
Do you see his hippocampus? This gives him the ability to carry memory
through dimensions, from lifetime to lifetime. Now I am still not sure
about the brain symbolism here, because the hippocampus as you see in
the following pictures is not supposed to be severed. I believe that the
Eiffel Tower Man...is a conquered man, damaged and diminished....a
voodoo doll of someone possibly mankind who has a stake in his heart, a
severed hippocampus,, a pierce pineal gland, a tear in his left eye (the
aquarium), and various other insults. He is 1.01 mile tall which equals
Jupiter=Zeus. There are more pieces to this puzzle. 101 Also equal
Osirus if you spell it with the chalice hieroglyph "U". How do we know
they gave us the correct spelling of such an important figure. We can
tell from the numbers and the hieroglyphs of the alphabet.
Remember..question everything right??
to the head of the "Eagle" in
Astana and in other places. In Astana is the building that looks like a
HORN or Thorn. So this article about the Hippocampus and its religious
significance to the Illuminatusi (new word)...may be very relevant to
unraveling these clues.
What does the HORN, (link to article) thorn have to do with the RAM's horn symbolism, and is it true that the Hippocampus is the region of the brain is associated with long-term memory storage and the hippocampal neurons known as place cells that play a major role in causing the sensation of familiarity known as déjà vu and reincarnation. It is said that when a small subset of our hippocampal neurons dies and is reborn; the mind is in a constant state of reincarnation.
I also wonder about our human brains, and our collective memories and interconnectedness with this symbol of the hippocampus. There is a Hippo God which is credited with cutting the leg of the Bull of that symbolizes the Pleiadies...and I wonder about the act of our memory or lack there of...cutting US off from our star heritage? Just a thought...
Post Script: Here is a picture of a Hippocampus and a link, I am inviting you to think about this creature in terms of symbolic brain structure and function. The Thorn..and the Horn. As Enterthe5t4rz says modern culture loves to mock Yahshuah, I do believe that he is right about this. The Thorned crown on Yahshua's head as modern religion repeatedly shows Yahshua in a posture of defeat. Crucifixion of the pineal gland (Connection to truth) between the two thieves (the right eye and the left eye) in Golgotha (skull), and they put INRI above his head to mock him as "the King of the Jews"
Interestingly I learned about the idea of Christ as the Pineal gland from EntertheStRz please visit his channel and tell him I said hello.
by the way:

II (18) NR 14+18
9 32
or 9/23
is this a coincidence? With these number showing up again and again everywhere and in Washington DC?
So they show Yahshua with 9/32 over his head in code and a THORN crown.
Acacia thorn bush is another favorite central theme to the Freemason Compass and Square symbol....and it is a thorn bush. Maybe the Thorn crown is says something about the urge to mock Christ's Hippocampus, his little horn shaped brain anatomy having to do with memory in reincarnation?
If someone HAS memory in reincarnation...doesn't then incarnation become more like time travel?
We saw the time travel machine in Terminator as decoded by Enterthe5t4rz looking very much like the bottom of the thorn shape. Since there are no books to spoon feed us on these topics we must dig for clues and faithfully test them with the truth in our hearts.
From wiki:
The hippocampus or hippocamp, also hippokampoi (plural: hippocampi or hippocamps; Greek: ἱιππόκαμπος, from ἵππος, "horse" and κάμπος, "monster"[1]), often called a sea-horse[2] in English, is a mythological creature shared by Phoenician[3] and Greek mythology, though the name by which it is recognised is purely Greek. It was also adopted into Etruscan mythology. It has typically been depicted as having the upper body of a horse with the lower body of a fish.
So many creatures seem to have the lower body of a fish...interesting....
Here is another picture of the brain structure of the hippocampus according to WIKI(click here for article link) " has a distinctive, curved shape that has been likened to the sea horse monster of Greek mythology and the ram's horns of Amun in Egyptian mythology. This general layout holds across the full range of mammalian species, from hedgehog to human,"
Is it interesting to you ..that our GODs have so many serpent references and yet...Wiki doesn't mention reptiles having this ability to carry memory through reincarnation, this would be why they would care so much about immortality, and ALSO why they would be interested in mixing with our DNA, to benefit from mammalian attributes of multidimensional memory.
In a turn to modern media for ancient clues, the Hippogriff of Harry Potter comes to mind:
I am not sure what JK Rowling was trying to contribute on the subject with BUCKBEAK the Hippogriff in Harry Pater (Potter), but I did find that mythologically speaking a hippogriff is born from impossible love , a combination of a Griffon and a Mare.
Griffins were known as fierce protectors of gold andavengers of evil. The legendaryone-eyed Arimaspi rode on horseback while raiding gold guarded by griffinswhich was the source of the long standing enmity between griffins and horses. Hippogriffs are the offspring of theimpossible love between griffins and mares.
Click the picture as a link to an article going into JK Rowlings statements about the hippogriff and her reasons for using this character in her films. I do not know if there is a connection between a Hippocamp and a Hippogriff and whether these are mythological creatures that are aspects of brain anatomy or not. But because the Hippocampus seems to be expressed as horns, and there are many mythological creatures with HORNS, and Cernunnos is seen as a pagan SUN god with dear horns. Cernunnos may be genuine benevolent Celtic version of a lifetime of Christ with the Celts. This symbol could be in the process of being dirtied by the Roman Church, as they want to have the monopoly on Christ. If Christ was a benevolent loving son of a true God, would he be exclusive..only coming to one region of the world? If he carries memory of "the Father" through incarnations wouldn't he reach out to many people in many cultures as the Archeological evidence and various documentation of the incarnations of Christ suggest?
I encourage Christians to shrug of the middle school mentality of exclusivity that the ROMANS have thrust upon the memory of the Great Teacher of Truth Yahshua. Perhaps they crucified him with thorns, because they were mocking him with their ability to kill a son of GOD who is powerful enough to incarnate with memory and purpose in many places at many times, having many names. I just offer this as an idea for you to hold with the wisdom. In England the Stag is a sign of the Son of God, with this Horn/thorn connection of the hippocampus I think we should consider the possibility that Christ was there teaching using the words and symbolism of that culture of Celts, and that these symbols and all inclusiveness of Christ is a threat to the Catholic Church and Christians and so they are using the image and name of Cernunnos (which was sacred to the celts) for their 666 project of opening a gateway to other dimensions. The Large Hadron Collider CERN that is on the Philae / Stonehenge line that I found please see my first posts on this topic.
This video is made to embed into this blog post about the symbolism of the hippocamp, and hippogriff as brain symbolism. MEMORY THROUGH DEATH AND LIFE..some of us have this and can remember our other lives..this is like time travel if you retain this memory. The ability to retain this memory comes from SOUL VOLTAGE do not waste your awareness in destraction and sex..and you will build up soul voltage, do not waste your energy is judging other people, worrying about politics...posting kittens on social media...build up your soul votage THIS IS THE WHOLE POINT OF YOUR EARTH EXISTANCE...sorry to shout...but you really need to get this...and I love you but you are very thick headed sometimes...and I love you enough to shout basically. ...that's alot of love..
We all need to conserve energy and soul voltage, our voltage is being skimmed off..and that is another long story..but there are ways to be free..and interestingly enough the master have been teaching these ways...but not telling you the full story of WHY...Yes you get to go to heaven...but the story is bigger than that...
Update to the Hippogriff symbolism (I watched this movie again last night..) The hippogriff..is the wizard version of the Hippocampus..because it is a BIRD. Garuda!!!! benevolent protective bird people (at the time of the Annunaki)...who were enemies of the serpent race..(not all of them were benevolent and there were mixed breeds and motivations.. so don't get all "fundamentalist" on this..stay fluid in the mind)....
But Harry's life is about balancing the dark and light WITHIN HIM...and at the beginning of his hippogriff encounter he is confronting dark players in his own family and history. He is about to "buy" the story against his uncle, the Dark Star Sirius. THE DOG star Sirius is in Pleiadies and it moves or doesn't move like the other stars leading to the speculation that..it is a binary SUN in our solar system, but it went DARK! Does this mean it is a BAD or evil SUN?..the movie seems to be asking this question. We find JK Rowlings version of the confusion of events at the time of the darkening of this star..and these revelations...need to awaken in Harry's memory. Harry is walking in fear...of Sirius...
He bows to the Hippogriff and the Hippogriff BuckBeak (I did the numbers..on this movie..they are very cool...I need a staff of video makers to keep up with the revelations)....So hopefully I'll get the numbers up but I am trying to learn to stay on track with shorter blogs...
SO HARRY needs to balance the elements to BE FREE...FR=69 (perfect balance of the elements is the CRAB and the keystone).. So Harry..gets off to a wobbly start with the hippogriff as the teacher, it is also a part of HIS BRAIN AND MEMORY... MEMORY is unlocked to those with greater balance. JUDGING ...others throws you off balance and blocks your MEMORY...(sigh)...I know I am lecturing you...please don't judge...drop that hot potato...
So Harry...is thrown on the back...of BUCKBEAK by Hagrid (I love Hagrid)..and he learn to love the BALANCE...the perfect balance comes....
As we can see the balance and power of the Hippocamp can be a symbol of mastery for the goodguy, and it can be a symbol of power for the fallen. I do believe that the gods of ancient Egypt and Greek and Roman Gods are Fallen Angels! This does not mean that we should refuse to learn about them. I believe that the angels who DIDN'T fall ...love the fallen angles and are working to correct this entire debacle. So although we shouldn't follow the fallen as masters, we need to study and learn what they know, listen to the teachings of Master Yahshua who taught us that we would do miracles like he did someday. If the Roman church has distorted the times, dates or whatever about Yahshua, I believe that there was a Master of Truth and Righteousness, and he came to earth many times to teach many people. His Venus symbolism shows up in many cultures, and it makes sense from the perspective of a loving teacher of TRUTH that he wouldn't create exclusivity by coming only one time to certain group of people. Christians have been scared away from multi lifetime realities ...by the ROMAN twisting and distortion of the truth. They want you to believe that they have the keys to heaven. They don't want you to know that you have many lifetimes to dig deeper into mistakes and sin or to correct and polish your strength in truth. So I gently talk to the Christians..please shed the layers of distortion and brainwashing that we ALL grew up with, and look honestly at the teachings that are available. We will continue to study ancient Egypt and the fallen gods of other traditions..like the long lived Annunaki...who became the Pharaohs, who became the Greek and Roman gods... We will study these things to find and peel away the distortions that we have been taught. If we could fully use and repair our hippocampus...we would have full memory of our many lives here. If we could heal our pineal gland we would have a pure flow of direct information from truth. Maybe all these stories are code for brain and anatomy symbolism as it relates to spirituality and finding our way home.
During the recording of this I realized that the whole explanation of balance of Harry Potter and the HippoGriff was erased somehow from my post. So I'll write it again here...
Harry and the Hippogriff...first fly through TWO TOWERS, this is the symbol of the Teachers from Venus. Twin symbolism shows up in many instances of wise teachers throughout history who claim to be the "SUN of God". I am coming to believe that these are the many incarnations of our beloved teacher Yahshuah. You do not have to agree with me and you do not have to turn away from my posts just because I am exploring an expansive idea of the Teacher Yahshuah. I do NOT use the world LORD because Yahshuah doesn't want this word used. LORD is a word that actually means a WORM master of the double infinite time trap of infinity. It is a fallen angel term and it plainly explains that this word means a prison guard. THIS is why Christians urgently need to peel themselves away from their serpent indoctrination and think for themselves. So Anyway...Yahshua the teacher was born IN MANY OF HIS LIFETIMES...under the bright star of VENUS.
![]() | |
Even the Hippogriff ride goes through the towers incase any of the muggles..missed the first point of the movie |
Venus become bright when it undergoes a magnetic poleshift. Our sun has many pole shifts and a long solar calendar was described and documented by the Mayans, and they understood the Sun and the teachers that arrive on Earth when the sun flips magnetic polarity, and causes Venus to flip becoming very bright. Then a SON of God is born on our planet to teach us. The wise men KNEW this! the MAGI...they didn't listen to the modern moronic militarized pastors of ROMAN brainwashing...the MAGI thought for themselves and studied the stars and the cycles. So the MAGI story is both symbolic...of the stars of ORION following the bright star, and it is probably true that there were people on earth who were not distracted by daily life and put their minds to the stars.
(erf...this post keeps getting longer)..but this is important!!!
SO...Harry and the Hippogriff fly through the two towers...the GATEWAY. The Eiffel Tower man, is 1.01 miles tall, this is a gateway number,...11 is also a gateway number...but it is incomplete..not a number of mastery...a DOOR or GATE to a journey of mastery. This is why the illuminati want to burn down the gates to mastery for the commoner.
After flying through the TWIN PEAK OR TOWERS...The Hippogriff (impossible love and brain memory through lifetimes) flies low to the water...in the Sunlight. The Hippogriff with Harry finds perfect balance of the elements. Water, air, fire and earth. The hippogriff dipps his right claw into the water (His Garuda bird god aspect).. All lions and dragons etc throughout all time are shown with their right paw up...it is the right hand that creates the balance connection. At the moment of full element balance Harry experiences joy and freedom and he releases his grip on the feathers...and expresses his true balance. After this point in the movie Harry moves to greater INNER KNOWING and remembering of his own abilities. He discern the truth about SIRIUS, and works to expand his power of LOVing MEMORY with the Petronus Charm. Where instead of cowering behind a priest or pastor, you stand in the face of evil and confront it with the IMPOSSIBLE LOVE in your heart, no matter how difficult your path has been.
If we take the symbolism of Harry and his father...and his uncle SIRIUS. If Harry is the SUN, like a Christ figure who learns to overcome the twin dualities of good and evil within him. (ths sun pillar and the moon pillar meet in the middle at the 69 keystone of BALANCE of the elements).
He is symbolic of Christ like person who lives in times of evil but carries impossible love and bravery in his heart. His Father is the Stag Animagus (the Christ symbol for the Celts) and his Uncle is the Sirius Dog Star,..that has gone dark and was held in prison wrongly. JK Rowling is no single mother commoner, she is a pen name for someone who is allowed to spill a few truths. So we need to look at the symbolism offered us. There may be distortions in the message but there is usually a helping of truth and distortion side by side in all things.

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More Gates...flying pigs..is another story another post..the Boar..HOG...HAM.. |
Thanks for listening! Listen to the teachings of YAHSHUA and expand your authority over of the physical, we are up to our ears with dark magicians, and cowering christians afraid to follow the teachings of Christ and perfect their ability to ward off evil with the miracles that Yahshua displayed for us. Thanks for subscribing and sharing :)
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