BIRTH = 2.+9+18+20+8
but if we use gematria the way that we are told to...we miss the meanings. In our world, everything is code, there is no forgotten place.So if you find a dry area, where it seems that there is no have been using the wrong algorithm or not looking closely enough.
I have to spell RA as RAH so that the computer will read it right.
RAh GEMATRIA is a decode algorithm I came up intuitively after realizing that RAh worship is EVERYWHERE in our world..From millions of Christians saluting the HIDDEN ONE (RA) with the
word "AMEN".
To the RAh symbols above most church doors, home doors,
or on door mats. To the animation of the ship of RA as seen on NBC Television Logos to the depiction of Rah's ship
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Visit Hidden Records by Wayne Herschel |

SO RAh's symbol is the circumpunct. the 13 zodiac sign
with the SUN in the middle..except that RA 's "sun" is his wormhole star. (Rah is shown pointing to his origin with the Pantheon of fallen nephilim on the right)
So...the first symbol of serpents on earth was the Alpha/Omega sign of the serpent eating its own tail.
The infinite time loop.
So this is how the RAh Gematria should be decoded.
This symbol is encoded in MIRROR on my children's
school! If they are spending tax dollars on this which they
could use for more corrupt purposes, we must pay attention
to the motivation to display these images which are
of the secret religion...on state buildings. WAKE UP lovies, ,we do not live in free society, we live in a Roman colony run by the crown, The religion is the state religion of serpent worship
honored in plain sight all over the world but originating from the Vatican.
THIS IS WHY closely aligned with DEATH ...this symbol of the serpent Basilisk eating its own tail.
BH =2+8 IT (9+20) the R (18)
BH 10, IT (29) R(9) further reduces to
this is 9/11/01 backward
So what does this mean??? To me this means that this 9/11 number is a gateway number, both a birth and death number. A key to the golden and the silver gate as shown in the Vatican symbol,
with the crossed KEYS.
See...something happened with the NEPHILIM fell...they lost their ability to come and go freely on our world. This world is like a karma tar pit. New agers think that if they just disbelieve in karma, it will stop affecting them. But evidence shows that this world must be played BY THE RULES. If you incur KARMA, then you shackle yourself to the infinite loop of time until you remedy your mistakes.
Here are the Nephilim and black KABALA cubes by the Hoover Dam. Which points on Google Earth to Hawaii, Kenya. (Hi is greek for Pi 3.14 out 30 places shows you why HI is that last of the 50 states)
SO...This is the source of the tension between good and evil on our world. THE PLAN of the ET. See....The ETs that PLANNED this world...were allowed to do so ONLY if this world would improve the soul voltage of the participant. It is like on earth a person is allowed to farm cows, only if they create humane-ish conditions. So the ETs are allowed to farm humans and trap us here if they PLAY BY THE RULES.
So to do this...they must obey their OWN rules, but some of them didn't and those fallen angels lost their ability to understand and remember the rules and they became enmeshed in their own farm!
KIND of ironic right?
This would be like the farmer, having sex with the cows and then forgetting that he is a farmer..and becoming a king/tyrant in the society of cows. Meanwhile the other farmers (angels) stand in shock and awe looking at the debacle that ensues.
So....This 9/11/01 and 9/23 which in this year of 2015 is being symbolized by the pope's coming on the 266th THE END OF A GESTATIONAL PERIOD! They had to hurry and kill the last pope to get the correct number pontiff in for this black magic symbolic event. So we have the 266th pope coming to Washington DC on the 266th day 0/23 2015.
SO THIS means that the RAh gematria decode was CORRECT. Because we are talking about Birth
Death,, and the gateway of the fallen angels.
So ...since they have badly piled on the KARMA while they were here...they have been trying to HACK the karma rule with BLACK MAGIC....which is simply controlling the dream matrix from the lower level..
See...the "FARM" was designed to harvest, pineal data, HUMAN chi, ENERGY, and body fluids while creating a human environment. EACH person is hooked to a virtual reality through the 33rd vertebrae, so that they experience complete freedom, not realizing that they are actually in an energy farm on a PLAN of the ETS called SIN. Sin is a place more than a condition, but mistakes will cost you in karma. This is the POPE showing you..that your pineal gland YOUR TRUTH CONDUIT..will be killed and crucified...and he has his hands on your stalk (your spine)...
But know this...the heart symbol has been corrupted, Valentines is Satanic and connected to Lupercalia, Even the false JE-Zeus is shown with a glowing thorn wrapped heart. (another post about the freemason symbols of the thorns). Yet the true teacher Yahshua taught us to love one another, with no expectation of reward. DO NOT WORRY I AM NOT YAHSHUA was NOT CHRISTIAN...I do not follow the teaching of man. We do not know which scripture is twisted and which isn't so we have to feel the truth with our hearts and pineal glands.

This IS...about the merging of two species. Nephilim want to inhabit human bodies fully, not just as parasites. So they are trying to create a birth of a new ROOT race. Human will lose in this equation, serving as a space suit for the Nephilim who have trapped themselves in their own game.
Zeus is JUPITER and it is lighting from HEAVEN (Barack Obama) Luke 10:18 Hebrew shows Barack Obama's name phonetically equaling lightning from heaven. If you look around your world everything from Gatorade (special poison marketed to blacks) to movie symbolism is RIFE with lightning from heaven symbolism> The Jupiter ascending movie implies a new species being born between Jupiter (shown as female) and her love (the wolf hybrid). This is bringing it all back to Lupercalia and mother WOLF nursing the murderous twins Romulus and Remus and the festival of the beginning of ROME. Guess what Ameri-nauts and earthlings where ever you are citizens of ROME. Here is a picture of Zeus with the eagle of ROME, on the top of the Lupercalia dome cave is a white eagle. I will do a whole post on this..but this is the RELIGION OF ATLANTIS!! and it is core to understand our DREAM please stay tuned for this :)
Make no mistake...we are the children by genetic modification of the GODS...we have the serpent DNA with us. This is like the hobbits carrying the ring of evil....but we are strong and good and we can overcome this heavy load and still graduate this Matrix dream leaving our serpent captors behind.
They have been great teachers from evil example and we will leave this matrix as beautiful warriors of a truth they will never glimpse...
Please delicately ask any Christians you know to think about the twisting of the truth of Yahshua into the Greek language with the name JeSUS (I am BELOW)...or Je Zeus...tell them that in those days no one could read and the mistranslation by the ROMAN church was done without many catching on. They will be upset with you, but if you make the ROMAN church the evil source of lies..this pill is easier to take. They must REVOIKE all oaths they have made to the serpent Zeus, known and unknown, ...and free their hearts for truth as a matter of urgency. This is not a teaching of the gospel to take JeZeus into your heart so if you discuss this gently you should be able to bring the innocent to safety.

and finally we have the classic Zeus.
A note about serpent shape shifters...Yes for sure this is a sign of demonic nephilim. But use your thinker...Angels also shape shift as told in the bible where they appear as regular men, and can apparate and disappear suddenly. So...we must make the distinction between angelic and demonic..not all shapeshifters are demonic. Also we must realize that if the Nephilim were the fallen angels...and they are serpents and dragons.. LOGICALLY this implies that the angels who DIDN'T FALL are also serpents and dragons. This is why we have such a tangled web of every reLIEgion being a serpent reLIEgion but some serpents were rapers and pillagers and some were recorded in history as just rulers (NOT GODS though)..but JUST RULERS. So this is all very confusing and it means that we must take enough steps backwards from our brainwashing to see as many clues as possible.
Here Zeus is shown with the EAGLE of Atlantis religion. The eagle is seen to be the emanator or the projector of all awareness here in this dream matrix. It is an integral part of this dome/eye dream matrix. Many think that the EAGLE is the while light at the end of the tunnel that accepts your soul as its nutrition and reabsorbs your awareness into the whole (WE ARE ONE...idea) Well Don Juan and Carlos Casteneda's adventures in awareness point to the ability to store enough soul voltage here on earth to not only command the dream matrix like Yahshua taught us...but to GO TO HEAVEN..the level of the dome above all angels/demons ..the 8th level of Heaven and above..that is fly around or away from the EAGLE so that you are not eagle food, and you retain your awareness and escape the infinite time loop of Saturn/Jupiter/Zeus to become truly free. At that may come back to the time trap for the purpose of freeing others and teaching them the key to AWARENESS (the first State of the Eagle nation is "DEL AWARE"...the freemason are learning this..and they are hiding it from you!)
So...the 9/11 or 9/23 could be the REBIRTH of a new root race for the Nephilim where they are like the Tin man in Wizard of OZ and they finally get to run this race with a human they can start to move toward grace. But this is a demise of humanity as it is fused with the homeless in the movie for chilren "HOME" But for the FREE ( I will write another post..just on the word code "free")....there is the galactic alignment boost of these times that can boost your awareness to the point that you will be able to break the DREAM matrix....your body will die...but it is just a dream body, and you will have enough awareness to escape the EAGLE of Lupercalia, the EAGLE of Zeus, The Eagle of the Roman colony of the US.
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