Sunday, November 8, 2015

Guys...I think I am going to stop publishing information that might be dangerous for me

I just realize that some people are "safe" because they have
large audiences...and most of them are unwilling
to share their audience...and basically a person need to have 
a large following to be "safe" from this kind of thing..
I don't think my following is large enough to 
make it worth it... I realize...because I'm smart...that I don't have the numbers
to insulate me ...from danger..
So I will stop publishing this information...

Airplane and Pilot Decode Sinai Crash videos to come

Welcome Back :)

Airplanes are a favorite tool of the Shadow Government Terrorists. The original definition of Terrorist was Government rule by FEAR! So this video shows the numbers behind "Airplane" and "Pilot" to understand why this is like an ALTAR for sacrifice. The word "Altar" also ties into this Sinai Crash. I have two videos coming on this topic, but this is an important first video, please click the link in the photo caption to go to the video :)
link to decode video of "airplane" and "Pilot"
On some of my playbacks the sounds is overlapped and on other playbacks 

the sound is I hope the sound is fine..erf...

Follow this next link to an article of
Ukranian wikileaks with a transcript tying
this False Flag to John Mc***C**ain and
his minions..
link to Article:

Leuren Moret: Sen. John McCain in false flag plan to down Russian airliner, caught just prior to Russian Airbus A321 Sinai crash

Thanks for visiting , watching..I have two videos
on this Sinai Crash..coming up..with
a google earth visit to to the nearby Great Pyramid
and fresh ORION analysis of the Orion map there..

Dr. Keshe name and "Kadoish" decode

Hi there welcome back, please click the link in the caption for the link to the Keshe name and "Kadoish" decode:
Link to Keshe name decode and Kadoish decode video  

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Orion, Great Pyramid, Frankincense, 123 codes 52 and 39

This video is about the relationships of 52 or the number of the Magiician...being the rounded up number of the lower angle of the Great Pyramid (Orion), and "Fifty two" spelled out...(cast your spell correctly) what is the relationship between these numbers. 39 is high profile number as Zach K Hubbard keeps mentioning..but he doesn't make the ORION connection. 93 is the number worshipped by Thelema, so we know we aren't to far of the mark. 39 plus 39= 42 equals 123..a number found in tandems or in groups with ORION magic and sacrifice found around the world... So..while many are posting about kittens, spastically demonizing symbolism that they don't take the time to understand, or spinning in circles of outrage on the headline...WE DIG DEEPER... 


(about the relationship of 52 to 39)

Here are some more pictures for your enjoyment...

Pyramids , Eagles and Orion everywhere...

Star of David =119 in the simple gematria...
here also is the idea of PI ..the division of the
circumference...and much more

I have shown ORION maps in places that
haven't been shown before but the most
famous and well known examples are the Great Pyramids,
Other Pyramid clusters, and NYCITY..

Please leave a comment and say Hello

As Above So Below...DECODE with Pi/Menorah Gematria

There are so many images to choose from with this
concepts..this one ..the Magician from the Tarot
also represent the active form of Pi, or the mirror of
25...that is 52...I talk about this alot in my I chose this picture
follow the link in the caption to the video
of the decode:

I am censored from youtube, WRONGLY, see my post about this
and that is why I much find another video host...I am having 
some trouble with this but google plus is allowing uploads so I am 
grateful for this...
LINK to decode of As Above SO BELOW 
Thankyou for your comments,
I would like to rebuild my community, minus 
the people who participated in striking my channel with
hundreds of uncalled for strikes simultaneously..

If people on YOUTUBE are trying to help me ..or
make notice of my censorship..please let me know so that I can thank them.
I don't see every video...Thanks to Christian Beauchamp..and I was hoping
to have more help from my male youtube friends...but youtube is a bit of
a boys club..and I am missing both the ego and the genitalia for that club...
but I would like to thank anyone who would acknowledge my work
as being worthy of protection..

Ways that you can help me...
1.posting blog links in your youtube descriptions..
2. mentioning me so that my original community can find me here

Dandilion decode

In this video I decode my own name! and talk about understanding the suffixes of our words


click here for the video link!
Thankyou for your comments
Thankyou for your help and support
as I try to continue teaching in the face of
extreme censorship...


Dream ...decoding the word..with pi and simple gematria

Thankyou for you comments and support!
I am going to post these videos seperately and in playlists
eventually so they will be more easily searchable for reference 

Friday, November 6, 2015

CME is 315 which is a "GOD" equivelent in Menorah Kansas decode...

Many people are running the numbers and making the
matches...but the real question is WHY???

We have to go much deeper than popular culture to 
understand WHY....
Virgin Mary 816 (eg)
Over Kansas City with St. Joseph in the upper right.

The Kansas city Parade...tons of numbers.....but the real question is WHY do they do this?
I believe that the answer is in the dark magic...These games are played on ley lines, with coordinates, and occult drawings over the cities.

I think that it is the buddhist prayer flags in the wind. The FLAG ...YOKES the wind for PRAYER....

BASEBALL ....YOKES the focus of the it is part of a quantum wind....and uses occult symbolism to create another outcome that was symbolically set forth in the numbers , places and symbolism of the games. Sports observers are in a trance!! They can have their awareness a power boost to the dark magic. So if the crowd stands and cheers, during an interesection of numbers , names and placement....THE CROWD is jet fueling a FUTURE EVENT that is symbolized in the hidden meanings of the numbers, places, and drawings over the places

Like Ankara Turkey.....the twin bomb happened on the phallus of ORION that is drawn in detail over there...Not saying I understand the symbolic story here...but ORION is everywhere..including Kansas City and NY...and I don't know the scores and locations...but if the final win was in Kansas CIty...the drawing of the "virgin mary" there equals 618, equals "Valley of Death". And all these numbers have been highlighted all summer, the phi and bride of Christ numbers.
Ankara Turkey

Roseburg Oregon
AND TEXAS! see the upraised hand...
this is in exact mirror image with Dallas as Alnitak
then KANSAS CITY is INSIDE upraised hand
So Orion is holding the Virgin Mary 816 in his upraised hand...

(I don't have an image of ORION in Texas handy,
but if you saw my recent videos before they were will understand why I was censored
because I am asking the important question...WHY!?)
It is really important to ask the question WHY...! and the answer includes geographic clues like I have found...which are censored obviously.

Kansas City numbers and symbolism:

In Pythagorean gematria (He invented gematria): Kansas=11, Royals =21 (21 is 3)

The Parade was on 11/3

I believe there was also a CME or solar flare on that day..and again on 11/5 
explaining the two yellow arrows in front of ALICE.
(I could write pages on the connections between Alice, the sun, arrows, yellow)

but back to KANSAS....

In Pythagorean gematria (He invented gematria): 
Kansas=11, Royals =21 (21 is 3)

21 is also 7x3
 and the letter U which is the trinity of Suns letter,
 the "As Above"

Parade in (pi gematria) is 315145
 ...the 315 is a freemason number that is HUGE in importance, it is the sum of all the zodiac names, it is the sum of major bible verses having to do with is BEYOND huge...

The Menorah or PI gematria...really helps a decode look around the corner of the code so to speak to understand the symbolism of a happening like PARADE on 11/3

KANSAS in menorah or Pi gematria is 311 616 (the166 is the Vetruvius or perfected man idea) all together this is 18 which is the R...the R is the manifestation letter...the opened B...B is ISIS (drawn over Kansas City)...and she is pregnant in the B shape, add 16 to B ...or add a P
(chi RO) or phi (like the serpent shapes on the forehead of Nefertiti or Harpocrates)..and you understand why you add that to B

B+P=R Birth (or the the case of black magic)

so...the Drawing over Kansas City...shows the Holy Mother (ISIS or Virgin Mary) holding the holy child, Harpocrates, Horus, or Christ Child.

Christianity is just repackaged ancient Egyptian religion handed down..probably from the 4th age of the Mayans would call that time...

So Kansas has the 311 KAN and 616 SAS...the 18. So it embodies the B+P=R But in simple gematria

KAN is KA (111)+N (sound) 14 = the HAND (hidden hand in the case of freemasonry)...14 phalanges on each hand...this is why 28 is the number of man.

but 12+ 14=26... THe Spirit (Ka) plus SOUND (n) as in GENESIS...
is 13 plus 13
the layout of the alphabet =GOD= 26 in the menorah or pi code.
it is also the layout of the skull and bones group photos...

They put themselves in groups of 12 on each side of a clock 32233 (in menorah g.) This is the CODE CIPHER for finding this gematria...and the clock in the center is the G and the T (GOTT)

Then they put 3 more people below the above group...
the 13th 14th and 15th ....131415 (Pi)
the mirror of this
31+41+51=123 conspiracy, and many many other things..and also the meridian for the Oregon Roseburg icrucian...shooting hoax...

but you can look behind the curtain and see that this is about creation...and the freemasons taking the reins of creation...

So this is just the surface...of course..
link to Article
and the 339 number is another masonic 33 ..39 and 93 reference..
just the surface scratched on this story.

CME =315 

in side by side menorah or pi gematria
by suspiciousobservor

315 is a "GOD" number in the menorah gematria.

It equals, the names of all the zodiac periods added together,
 Shaddai (in Hebrew gematria)
equals 314 with adding YOU..equals 315

Genesis 1:27 text added together in Menorah G
screen shot from Marty Leeds lecture:

There are so many topics to cover..
but studying HOW to decode the words..and 
their ancient and modern symbolism...will make 
more of the hidden stories just rise to the surface
as we stop babbling and learn what ENGLISH really means...

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Dropbox Videos and a Dream video on Google plus

I have been making many videos..even though I haven't been able to upload them...until now..I just got this one up on Google plus...I really want to publish the complete ORION...123 Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh I'll keep working on that..but at least I got one video up...

I don't think it will embed though...

Dream DECODE video

this is a link to the video I hope...

Orion Frankincense, Gold and  Dropbox

for a short time (because my drop box is full) 

The ROUND up of 123 Concepts (Oregon, Roseburg Orion connection)

so...I have a video that hasn't gone up anywhere talking about taking the drop box videos and uploading them UNLISTED on a channel that you don't care about losing...and sharing the links and embed codes with that I could post
the title of the videos unlisted would be #DS692521.11.5.15 (the date) and then a, b, c...
depending on what number of videos have the same date?
So does anybody think that is a good idea?

Decode of "Dandilion Song" and

"Marty Leeds" with special attention to suffix or the 

endings of words

(link to the googleplus video)


I haven't gotten a video up anywhere since the last one...Daily Motion won't upload, FB my "page" won't upload ...Zeekly...well my firefox crashed right as the last upload was ripe I'll keep trying there...I did get a video up on DropBOX....I don't know if people would want to download a it and then discard it...Seems like that upload works..but its not press and play..

I'm sorry guys..I would upload videos to my personal public Facebook like Zach K Hubbard does..but I don't want to loose that seems I play by different rules and cant use other truthers as approximations of what I could do...

I have an idea...someone would upload videos, untitled..and unlisted from dropbox...into an extra youtube account with an unsearchable name...then I could embed from there into the blog...or into my FB page...(that used to be an art page)...and maybe that would work. I think it is the identity of my computer possibly that is blocking the upload..

What do you think? Here are some of my recent findings..that NO ONE else is finding or talking about..that might the be reason why I am not treated like others who are reporting on movies, or news...

Research like finding this Nazca type drawing in
Ankara Turkey...could be the reason why all of my
research was removed from youtube..
this is an Orion constellation..there are two
parts to this drawing..the trainstation twin
bombing was located on the upward phallus part of this drawing..
so you can see..why some might not want people to find out about 
the sacrifices happening on Orion's belt.
Like the WTC1,2 and FT are another example of 
sacrifices happening on Orion's belt
Mermaid in Paris..I found ISIS with Holy child in Paris and TWINS

in the womb of ISIS ...near Paris...astonishing..
This is ISIS and holy child in PHILADELPHIA..

The Pope visit centered around her mouth and the
Philadelphia train wreck was close to this area too.
This is a close up of the face of the holy child in Philadelphia...

This is the "Manitoba Man" who has the Manitoba Legislative Building 
on his phallus..

Other pictures that I could include here ..Isis sitting on Osiris with the Washington Memorial..lodged in her womb in Washington DC. ORION in Roseburg Washington, Zeus 
as a Merman in San Fransisco, Many Many Doves and Phoenixes in France...
so stay tuned as I try to get these videos and research restored...

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Orion connection with Great Pyramid..123 numbers and more

I am uploading these videos to Zeekly..but they are disappearing..but I notice that they will still play if I have the html embedded ...this is an attempt to get this collection together...on one page..

Another challenge that is occurring is that I upload one video..and Zeekly switches it to another video that is already uploaded...not sure if this is just...innocent software failure or not..(sigh)..

I will update and put these videos in order as they successfully upload.. :) I am having trouble getting videos upload on Zeekly ..I think they need to be renamed, so..I am trying to figure out what will work.. A large Orion/Frankincense/Gold and Myrrh video appeared to have uploaded successfully overnight...but it isn't showing up in my zeekly line bear with me while I try to rename these or figure this out...

Monday, November 2, 2015

My Youtube Channel is hit with hundreds of strikes within a few hours....

  The email doesn't say who struck my account with hundreds of copyright strikes but who ever it was...was able to view unlisted videos.. because unlisted videos with NO VIEWS and no music or any copyrighted material were hit with multiple strikes...So it was probably youtube.

Here is my Channel on Zeekly: Dandilion Song on Zeekly

and here is my video at Zeekly about being hit with seemingly random copyright strikes...I mean some videos do have copyrighted music on recent 300 or more videos though are free and clean...and because videos were hit randomly it doesn't seem to have anything to do with copyright.

It says on the email that if I file a counter notification that I am agreeing to open myself up to be sued in federal court by the party who brought the complain which I assume is youtube, since they are the only ones who can view unlisted video, or who would be bold enough to flag a short unlisted video of me kayaking with my dog that has no the lake water copyright protected? Sigh...well...I will have to correct links in this blog with Zeekly links...and I probably will have to create another vimeo or something else...but I'll take this "take down" as a compliment...that I was a greater threat than bigger channels...

CENSORED BY YOUTUBE...taking it as a compliment

I am going to pop the embedding codes for the re-upload of this video here...I know it is a duplicate...I just don't know why the first one is still playing when it was taken down here are new embedd codes for the same video...