Many people are running the numbers and making the
matches...but the real question is WHY???
We have to go much deeper than popular culture to
We have to go much deeper than popular culture to
understand WHY....
Virgin Mary 816 (eg)
Over Kansas City with St. Joseph in the upper right.
Over Kansas City with St. Joseph in the upper right.
The Kansas city Parade...tons of numbers.....but the real question is WHY do they do this?
I believe that the answer is in the dark magic...These games are played on ley lines, with coordinates, and occult drawings over the cities.
I think that it is the buddhist prayer flags in the wind. The FLAG ...YOKES the wind for PRAYER....
BASEBALL ....YOKES the focus of the it is part of a quantum wind....and uses occult symbolism to create another outcome that was symbolically set forth in the numbers , places and symbolism of the games. Sports observers are in a trance!! They can have their awareness a power boost to the dark magic. So if the crowd stands and cheers, during an interesection of numbers , names and placement....THE CROWD is jet fueling a FUTURE EVENT that is symbolized in the hidden meanings of the numbers, places, and drawings over the places
Like Ankara Turkey.....the twin bomb happened on the phallus of ORION that is drawn in detail over there...Not saying I understand the symbolic story here...but ORION is everywhere..including Kansas City and NY...and I don't know the scores and locations...but if the final win was in Kansas CIty...the drawing of the "virgin mary" there equals 618, equals "Valley of Death". And all these numbers have been highlighted all summer, the phi and bride of Christ numbers.
I believe that the answer is in the dark magic...These games are played on ley lines, with coordinates, and occult drawings over the cities.
I think that it is the buddhist prayer flags in the wind. The FLAG ...YOKES the wind for PRAYER....
BASEBALL ....YOKES the focus of the it is part of a quantum wind....and uses occult symbolism to create another outcome that was symbolically set forth in the numbers , places and symbolism of the games. Sports observers are in a trance!! They can have their awareness a power boost to the dark magic. So if the crowd stands and cheers, during an interesection of numbers , names and placement....THE CROWD is jet fueling a FUTURE EVENT that is symbolized in the hidden meanings of the numbers, places, and drawings over the places
Like Ankara Turkey.....the twin bomb happened on the phallus of ORION that is drawn in detail over there...Not saying I understand the symbolic story here...but ORION is everywhere..including Kansas City and NY...and I don't know the scores and locations...but if the final win was in Kansas CIty...the drawing of the "virgin mary" there equals 618, equals "Valley of Death". And all these numbers have been highlighted all summer, the phi and bride of Christ numbers.
![]() |
Ankara Turkey |
(I don't have an image of ORION in Texas handy,
but if you saw my recent videos before they were will understand why I was censored
because I am asking the important question...WHY!?)
It is really important to ask the question WHY...! and the answer includes geographic clues like I have found...which are censored obviously.
It is really important to ask the question WHY...! and the answer includes geographic clues like I have found...which are censored obviously.
Kansas City numbers and symbolism:
The Parade was on 11/3
I believe there was also a CME or solar flare on that day..and again on 11/5
explaining the two yellow arrows in front of ALICE.
(I could write pages on the connections between Alice, the sun, arrows, yellow)
but back to KANSAS....
In Pythagorean gematria (He invented gematria):
(I could write pages on the connections between Alice, the sun, arrows, yellow)
but back to KANSAS....
In Pythagorean gematria (He invented gematria):
Kansas=11, Royals =21 (21 is 3)
21 is also 7x3
21 is also 7x3
and the letter U which is the trinity of Suns letter,
the "As Above"
Parade in (pi gematria) is 315145
...the 315 is a freemason number that
is HUGE in importance, it is the sum of all the zodiac names, it is the
sum of major bible verses having to do with is BEYOND
The Menorah or PI gematria...really helps a decode look around the corner of the code so to speak to understand the symbolism of a happening like PARADE on 11/3
KANSAS in menorah or Pi gematria is 311 616 (the166 is the Vetruvius or perfected man idea) all together this is 18 which is the R...the R is the manifestation letter...the opened B...B is ISIS (drawn over Kansas City)...and she is pregnant in the B shape, add 16 to B ...or add a P
(chi RO) or phi (like the serpent shapes on the forehead of Nefertiti or Harpocrates)..and you understand why you add that to B
B+P=R Birth (or the the case of black magic)
so...the Drawing over Kansas City...shows the Holy Mother (ISIS or Virgin Mary) holding the holy child, Harpocrates, Horus, or Christ Child.
Christianity is just repackaged ancient Egyptian religion handed down..probably from the 4th age of the Mayans would call that time...
So Kansas has the 311 KAN and 616 SAS...the 18. So it embodies the B+P=R But in simple gematria
KAN is KA (111)+N (sound) 14 = the HAND (hidden hand in the case of freemasonry)...14 phalanges on each hand...this is why 28 is the number of man.
but 12+ 14=26... THe Spirit (Ka) plus SOUND (n) as in GENESIS...
is 13 plus 13
the layout of the alphabet =GOD= 26 in the menorah or pi code.
it is also the layout of the skull and bones group photos...
They put themselves in groups of 12 on each side of a clock 32233 (in menorah g.) This is the CODE CIPHER for finding this gematria...and the clock in the center is the G and the T (GOTT)
Then they put 3 more people below the above group...
the 13th 14th and 15th ....131415 (Pi)
the mirror of this
31+41+51=123 conspiracy, and many many other things..and also the meridian for the Oregon Roseburg icrucian...shooting hoax...
but you can look behind the curtain and see that this is about creation...and the freemasons taking the reins of creation...
The Menorah or PI gematria...really helps a decode look around the corner of the code so to speak to understand the symbolism of a happening like PARADE on 11/3
KANSAS in menorah or Pi gematria is 311 616 (the166 is the Vetruvius or perfected man idea) all together this is 18 which is the R...the R is the manifestation letter...the opened B...B is ISIS (drawn over Kansas City)...and she is pregnant in the B shape, add 16 to B ...or add a P
(chi RO) or phi (like the serpent shapes on the forehead of Nefertiti or Harpocrates)..and you understand why you add that to B
B+P=R Birth (or the the case of black magic)
so...the Drawing over Kansas City...shows the Holy Mother (ISIS or Virgin Mary) holding the holy child, Harpocrates, Horus, or Christ Child.
Christianity is just repackaged ancient Egyptian religion handed down..probably from the 4th age of the Mayans would call that time...
So Kansas has the 311 KAN and 616 SAS...the 18. So it embodies the B+P=R But in simple gematria
KAN is KA (111)+N (sound) 14 = the HAND (hidden hand in the case of freemasonry)...14 phalanges on each hand...this is why 28 is the number of man.
but 12+ 14=26... THe Spirit (Ka) plus SOUND (n) as in GENESIS...
is 13 plus 13
the layout of the alphabet =GOD= 26 in the menorah or pi code.
it is also the layout of the skull and bones group photos...
They put themselves in groups of 12 on each side of a clock 32233 (in menorah g.) This is the CODE CIPHER for finding this gematria...and the clock in the center is the G and the T (GOTT)
Then they put 3 more people below the above group...
the 13th 14th and 15th ....131415 (Pi)
the mirror of this
31+41+51=123 conspiracy, and many many other things..and also the meridian for the Oregon Roseburg icrucian...shooting hoax...
but you can look behind the curtain and see that this is about creation...and the freemasons taking the reins of creation...
So this is just the surface...of course..
link to Article
and the 339 number is another masonic 33 ..39 and 93 reference..
just the surface scratched on this story.
just the surface scratched on this story.
CME =315
in side by side menorah or pi gematria
by suspiciousobservor
315 is a "GOD" number in the menorah gematria.
It equals, the names of all the zodiac periods added together,
315 is a "GOD" number in the menorah gematria.
It equals, the names of all the zodiac periods added together,
Shaddai (in Hebrew gematria)
equals 314 with adding YOU..equals 315
Genesis 1:27 text added together in Menorah G
screen shot from Marty Leeds lecture:
equals 314 with adding YOU..equals 315
Genesis 1:27 text added together in Menorah G
screen shot from Marty Leeds lecture:
There are so many topics to cover..
but studying HOW to decode the words..and
their ancient and modern symbolism...will make
more of the hidden stories just rise to the surface
as we stop babbling and learn what ENGLISH really means...
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