Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The #Mandela #Effect intro...theories of shifting timelines

There is a change afoot...theories to support it is a positive change
and theories that it might be a negative sign of collective memory loss

arg!!!! the video came down...putting
it back in blogger..hold on

 Please subscribe to my OTHER Dandilion Song channel I am hoping that public uploads might be better there ..at least for a while...I will start uploading to it..when it gets about 40ish subs...its not
worth it to upload a video for 4 views..

So what do you think about this video ...leave me a comment!
another video looking at the gematria shift is coming up..

and I have an idea about a video...talking about
#The #Mandela #Effect
and how it might relate to what Yahshua said about
"believe in me"....

Records of the Grand Historian..

Google plus

Seen dot life Beautiful Hummingbird
is this link working??


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  2. I am trying to figure out how to contact you. I have sent an email to dandiionsong. I am lost about what your saying with the numbers. I can't find videos on your channels but one. I see that frequency is changing so I guess timelines but spelling changes in the Mandela Effects are changing Gemantria and I think that is related somehow. Trying to figure it out. I am not Christian because I was brought to the understanding that the God of the Old Testament was a sociopath. I haven't thrown the baby out with the bath water I still hold on to Yeshua' teachings but I no longer believe the salvation story of church and I stay away from church. I feel alone because I don't know anyone personally who sees things as. I do. I only seek the truth. How do I find your videos on what you are saying about the numbers?

    I have been writing down my Mandela Effects and I have quite a list. I bounce back and forth on whether or not if this shift is good and back. I also wonder if a Faraday cage could protect stuff. I haven't felt that we are on a free earth, it seems we are slaves but I don't know if it is self inflicted? I don't know if this comment makes sense. I'm tired so I will check more later.

    1. Yes..I understand what you mean...I would like to see your list of Mandela Effects...Like I said in another reply I am still researching this...but I am leaning toward that this is the merging of timelines or parallel universes. I do expect for the effects to become stronger..and even...more challenging.

      I agree that the old testement god..was a sociopath I have many videos on Yahweh is Baal...who I think is an ancient astronaut..and that the earth is still suffering under the abuse that was begun be these ancient bumblers...

      I don't often check my email..sorry...I will try to be more attentive tot he comments here..thanks for commenting :)

    2. Mandela Effects (some noticed by others but concur with my memory, some validated ie seeing residual)

      1. Luke I am your father NOW No I am your father
      2. Mirror Mirror NOW Magic Mirror
      3. Life is Like a Box of Chocolates is NOW "was" like....
      4. Ruby Tuesdays is NOW Ruby Tuesday
      5. TGI Friday is NOW TGI Friday's
      6. Lowes is now Lowe's
      7. Cheese-Its NOW Cheese-It
      8. Legos is NOW Lego
      9. Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar is NOW Bragg
      10. Murphy's Oil is NOW Murphy Oil
      11. Interview with A Vampire NOW with The not A
      12. Volkswagon, Volvo, and Ford logos changed (Volvo is now a symbol for male)
      13. Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore NOW Toto, I've a feeling we aren't in Kansas anymore.
      14. If you Build it They will come (Field of Dreams) is NOW If you Build it He will come.
      15. Sex in the City NOW Sex and the City


    3. 16. Prince's song lyrics for Let's Go Crazy...Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to Celebrate this thing called life is NOW, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life (This one upset me because I KNOW it was celebrate!!!!)
      17. The ending scene of Gone with the Wind use to have Scarlet O'hara saying Wherever Shall I go, Whatever Shall I do. It is NOW Where will I go What will I do. This one upset my Mom, she is a HUGE Gone With the Wind Fan
      18. Curious George was a monkey with a tale NOW he is a chimp (no tail) - My son actually noticed this one and thought they just had a new Curious George.
      19. Hailey's Comet NOW Haley's comment and pronounced differently but at least I found a song that still says Hailey's comet (helped my daughter cope).
      20. Chic-Fil-A is NOW Chick-Fil-A
      21. Casablanca song (MY FAVORITE MOVIE) You must remember this, A kiss is STILL a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh. IS NOW You must remember this, a kiss is JUST a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh. Looked this up and can still find the original singer singing the lyrics the way I remember them, whew!
      22. Narwhals, I do not remember this creature (unicorn whale) and lots of people do not remember this creature yet they are real (timeline change seems to be more plausible to me because of this).
      23. Also, not only I have noticed but Sun is white and hot, hurts my skin when driving for instance. I remember the sun as a more orange/yellow color, thank heavens many others remember this.
      24. Different Strokes is NOW Diff'rent Strokes.
      25. Brady Bunch apparently had spin offs called Brady Brides and the Brady Hour (My mom said she did not remember any such spin off's either)
      26. Bernstein Bears is NOW Bernstain Bears
      27. Oxy Clean now Oxi Clean
      28. The Song by Queen We Are The Champions no longer has the ending "of the world" as the closing lyrics on my CD and wow it sounds wrong but I found videos of concerts by Queen that thankfully sang the ending the way I remember it.
      29. Human Anatomy, too many changes to list here for me but the stomach and kidney's are ones I know have changed because my husband and I had medical issues in which we would be aware of for sure where they use to be.
      30. Many Geography changes, plenty of videos on this and concur with many of them. Biggest for me is there is no Polar Ice caps now (Ok, I know they would say Global warning, but well it's no longer on my Physical Globe in my home either and it was there) Also, North and South Korea Moved up and to the East of China and South America has seriously shifted to the right. Now almost half of the Globe is covered by the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean is much smaller.


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    5. 31. The inventor of the Cotton Gin is NOW a caucasian
      32. Japan was a part of the Coalition for Iraqi Enduring Freedom. Makes no sense, In my reality they were only trained for self-defense, not offense.
      33. The Great Pumpkin (Charlie Brown, Peanuts) showed up at the End NOW he does not :(
      34. Depends (Adult Diapers) NOW is Depend
      35. For me and some others...the Big Dipper is now inverted in the sky (upside down from what I remember this would be since the fall season for me - didn't sky gaze in winter).
      36. Loony Toons is now Loony Tunes (one Youtuber did find Loony Toons website as a registered domain by Warner brothers in 1997 or 1998 on the WayBack machine or Who's Domain is it site, by Warner Brothers two years before Loony Tunes was registered.
      37. It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is NOW "this" instead of "the" Neighborhood
      38. The Lindbergh Baby was found dead in this reality. I distinctly remember was never found as a part of a school presentation on Child Safety/Stranger Danger. Could be they were trying to protect us and not tell little kids that the baby was found dead?

      39. The Bible, WOW!: (KJV changes big time)

      Isaiah 11:6 Lion will lay down with the lamb is NOW The wolf will dwell with the lamb.

      Luk 19:23 We are instructed to put our money in a BANK, I do not remember the word bank in my bible ANYWHERE.

      Mat_9:17 Wineskins is NOW Bottles

      Matthew 6:9-13: ON earth is NOW "in" earth and Trespasses is now debts.

      Matthew 7:1-3 Judge not lest ye be judged is NOW Judge not, that ye be not judged.

      Psalm 46:10 Be Still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the NATIONS is NOW among the HEATHEN.

      Acts 12:4 Passover is NOW Easter! I NEVER read Easter in my BIBLE!!!!

      Other things I noticed is Denarus is now penny througout the entire text and whenever the words possessions or goods would have been used and is my memory the word STUFF is NOW used. That was the stupidest change I noticed - it sounds so wrong now!

      40. Billy Graham is now alive (I remember the funeral on TV, but nope he is alive now)

      Personal Mandelas or timeshifts?

      I am no longer allergic to cats (had been all my life) but am now allergic to shellfish, latex, and peanut butter - NEVER had a problem until a few years ago and peanut but is been within a month. The cat thing is totally new because I had a problem about a year ago (I'm talking needing an inhaler, getting hives, etc). Now, no allergy and I have not been exposed to cats in the past only sporadically. So cool, I have a pet kitten now :)

      My sons are very different in personality than they use to be and this seemed to happen over night. It is not a good thing in my opinion but I am trying not to judge and help them as best as I can.

      Okay, this is long, and I know there are others, but I didn't start writing them all down until I started thinking it might be important.

    6. IMPORTANT! I think Psalm 46:10 is significant. I just went back and looked for a youtube video of Obama reading Psalm 46 for the 9/11 memorial. I remembering thinking he chose an odd one to read for that...might be significant especially given the message. Also he read it as amongst the nations not heathen! Something is up!

    7. Here is the link to the video I mentioned in above comment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxFj4mv0rRQ

    8. Thankyou Dear! Many of these I didn't know...but I am in agreement with you and the Luke timeline as I call it...do you mind if I put this list in the body of a Mandela post..as a reference that can be referred to and expanded upon? I am still reading this list..but this a great list thanks for taking the time to type all this out...I hope this list can be useful for others as well :)

    9. MY children changed their personalities too!!! almost overnight!!! There are people who have said their children have dissapeared...That they went to talk to their ex and their ex didn't remember having children and ...well that's pretty scary...

    10. Yes, please feel free to use this list. Hope you feel better soon!

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  3. OK, I have quite a few. I will post when I have my computer to type...too many for texting on an Android keypad!

    1. Thankyou so much for this list...I can add to this list..that Trumps BD used to be 6/16 and now it is 6/14 . I thought they just changed it on the wiki but now I think it could be Mandela Effect.

    2. I admit I do not follow much in regards to politicians. I recognized when I was 18 years old that it was two sides of the same coin. I never voted because I am not the type to vote for the lesser of two evils. It is rigged or as my DH would say....Left or Right, it doesn't matter, the flight plan doesn't change. Some say I am nuts not to vote but I think it's like giving them my permission to do what they are doing. I came close to voting once for Ron Paul but researched it and learned even he is a part of it all. Until man relies on inner guidance from a higher source he will remain enslaved to man, egoic rule.. So, I am trying to learn to be guided by that inner small voice. Your work is confirmation for me in this regard. Thanks for what you are doing to shed light on all this mess!

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