Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Mandela Effect -Gematria change study

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Seen dot life Beautiful Hummingbird
is this link working??


  1. now I remember what used to happen on this Blogger site...they video embed code....spontaneously disappears...I would have to come back and re-embed video html code...

    I am starting to see this happen he writing of each post. The video disappears more than one..

    One remedy for this hide the video in a link related to another subject..or in a photo itself ..which is the bot test standard. So if there are bots looking to suppress videos by erasing the embedding code..they wouldn't be able to *see* the link...if it is written in a photo.

    This is how this problem was handled at . Except that people had trouble typing the URL, and there were other problems with misdirection of the URL...

    So I guess I am just telling you..that there are signs that I might not be able to put videos for you in this the near future

  2. i think this lady is working on the same level as you

    1. Thanks for your comment! I'll check out the link :)

  3. I use Wordpress it's excellent !

    1. I keep meaning to build a blog option there... thanks for the reminder :)

  4. I am confused. Are we experiencing different timelines simultaneously? I remember Cheese - Its and legos but currently the s is no longer here now and they are singular. Maybe I misunderstood when you said Lego is now legos. I was excited thinking it switched back but they are still Lego currently, actually it confused my daughter when she noticed it (before I did) as she is an avid speller by learning via spelling out all things she has. Also she likes to read a science book I have that has a section on Hailey's Comet and always loved it because we named her after that comet so she was very upset when she saw the change in our book. I am having a hard time knowing how to explain it to her. She is the only one of my four children who are seeing it and it upsets her. She is normally so happy, I hate what this may be doing to her!

    1. I am confused about this too...but I don't think that this has to be a negative outcome...I am still researching my theories are still forming. I think with children you should give it a positive spin.

      Something that I think might be going on is that...timelines or parallel universe that used to be separate are MERGING. Parallel universes are the subject of various movies and shows. I am watching the pilot of "Sliders" to look at what the predictive programming of the media has been.

      IN that show they show drastically different universes, and some that are very similar. I think we are merging with timelines that are very similar. This could be for a positive "heal" timelines etc..and to try to get a happy ending for many timelines...This is the spin I would present for a child who is asking questions or is concerned about this...thanks for your comment sorry I was slow to answer :)

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