Friday, June 10, 2016

Channel/blog update

Hello guys...I have been sick...I do have a video in the pipeline that I will
hopefully post here soon. I am working on...what I think is an impending third term for Obama and the foreshadowing in Star Wars=119.   But...I need to take it easy.

The Mandela effect has changed my own stressful ways... and I think that I will eventually bring you videos about how to roll with personal changes in your life. Basically you will have to
step back from your life and see it as a play/dream/nightmare.   If you step back from will be able to dodge the blow when it tries to clobber you.

I think the best metaphor is waking up from the dream. That the dream or "life" is going to get crazier and crazier until you stop believing it ..and stop giving it power.

The way to do to hang onto the only thing that you have control over...your awareness. Your awareness is always with you..even if you die I believe. ...and it is the same through storms or fine weather. So ...even if your life is not "clobbering" you right now...release your hold on your life and sink into ....just your awareness, your field of awareness. This is with you whether you are dreaming or not. If you practice this now.... you will be better at rocking with the shifts.  I think that if you watch "Sliders" you will be able to use this show as a metaphor for the objectivity that you will need for the shifts. I think that our shifts are smallish compared to this show...but still the metaphors of shifting or merging timelines is helpful to see through the eye s of this show..

Looking at the Sliders wiki...the first episode is supposed to be followed by the 6th episode..I have started a decode of the terminology and symbolism in the first episode...but Like I said I have been under the weather and I am going to be publishing at a slower rate until I feel better.

I am still locked out of the main Dandilion Song channel.  I haven't tried to hard to fix the password yet. I am working on the Mandela Effect, and other decodes.

also...I am being included against my will in a private message fiasco on I can't seen any actual messages over there..see the photo..121 messages..but it is just a conversation I think. Please don't included me in these things..even if you mean well :)

Love you guys...thanks for checking out the blog..I love to see the page views and visits here..I welcome your comments thanks for reaching out to me in the comments.
 Be Well..Be Aware.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I just ordered these DVDs as they sound very interesting. I also ordered a copy of The Annotated Alice in Wonderland including Through the looking glass. I think Lewis Carroll had some interesting insight to alternate realities. I find in intriguing that they just released Tim Burton's Alice through The Looking Glass. I haven't seen it but my husband said it is filled with symbolism.

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  4. 9Nania has an interesting video regarding Trump (maybe why the BD changed?). I think she is seeing a timeline. She has a lot of videos about events that are on a 40 day cycle. Here's a link to her recent one that references an event tied to Trump's BD.

    1. Thankyou dear...I am behind on ...bear with me..

  5. Just adding another KJV change. Matthew 27:9 Jeremiah is NOW Jeremy. Glad I have better translations than this one. KJV is becoming detestable and I imagine they will continue messing with it until the hidden meanings are no longer discernable. I find it telling that this translation is the one changing so much. Making notes before it becomes a jumbled mess. Hope you are feeling better today!

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  7. Hope you see this post. I just watched Sliders Episode 11 (Season 2) Into the mystic and found residual of the human skeleton of my memory and not the one of this current reality. Just wish I really knew what all this means. I hope this finds you well.

    1. Hi! sorry I have away from the computer..I have also been watching this show for clues and there are many..because everything is quantum there will also be personal messages in here...I would just say to be still...the first feeling that sort of "rang" for you..and maybe it will unfold and give you more clues :)


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