Welcome Back! Thankyou for joining me today as we look through more records of the Grand Historian together. If you would like this text read to you while you do something else scrool to the bottom for the video, but check out all the links I embedded here :) Today we are going to hit the name switch of Yahshua to Je-Zeus STRAIGHT ON. If you are Christian...I do mean to be compassionate..but lets take this medicine straight.
Yahuwshuwa ha’Mashiyach “Mashiyach Ben Yahuwceph” (Messiah son of Joseph)was prophesied in the Bible by Isaiah who TOLD US the the Messiah's name and image would be marred beyond recognition.
SO its confusing because Zeus is an Annunaki god who's mother was IGGI I think this is how Sitchen spells it..I can't find the spelling right now...Zeus's mother was of the Bird race. Both races are shapeshifter and they are enemies more or less, but in the Sumerian times it seems that they worked together. There was a city called the City of Eagles, and when the tablets show eagle people...they weren't kidding..there were really eagle people. I used to think they wore masks...and it is difficult from this perspective to be sure...but there is alot of evidence that there were actually bird people shapeshifters and snake/draco people shapeshifters. ....and the poor hapless human primates who were to dumb to work in the gold mines and so had to be genetically altered to become the HAM of Abraham. Ham means edible worker. The Annunaki/draco/serpents ate the human HAMs and the IGGI were also slave to the Annunaki, but they ate SNAKEs whenerver possible.
So...Zeus! can shapeshift into both an Eagle and a Serpent.
So ...in the churches and the catholic churches as we know there is a problem with PEDOPHILIA!! and in the COURTS and system of law we have PROTECTION OF PEDOPHILES?? Does this have anything to do with PEOPLE ASKING ZEUS INTO THEIR HEARTS?....asking to have Zeus steer their life and be responsible for their "salvation"?
Well YES in fact there is a story about Zeus turning into an EAGLE and seducing a young boy named Ganymede! Taking the boy away from his family and making love with him and keeping this boy as a sex partner.
Yahuwshuwa ha’Mashiyach “Mashiyach Ben Yahuwceph” (Messiah son of Joseph)was prophesied in the Bible by Isaiah who TOLD US the the Messiah's name and image would be marred beyond recognition.
Yeshayahuw (Isaiah) 52:
14 As many were astonished at you; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:
15 So shall he sprinkle many nations; the
kings shall shut their mouths at him: for that which had not been told
them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they
There are many discussion on the Hebrew name of Yahshua...and the Hebrew form of "JEZEUS" or "Jesus" IS NO WHERE IN THE HEBREW text.
Now that people are LITERATE and can figure this out there are many blog articles about how this was an "innocent" confusion of the Hebrew by Greek Translators.
Nope this was NOT an innocent confusion of the name from Hebrew (which came from Aramaic)..to Greek. Some people get bogged down in the the spellings and pronunciations..but the main thing is DONT PRAY TO ZEUS!!! It is not an accident that Zeus's serpent name got mixed up with the teacher of righteousness's name.
THIS is why churches are dangerous, they are ALL branches from the ROMAN CHURCH! Those guys are Jesuit deceivers. We have LITERATE people in these churches, with internet at home...PRAYING TO ZEUS and Saluting AMUN RA! (Zeus) when they say Amen)
I get upset about this, because I detest deception and bait and switch techniques, I detest liars and dividers and snakes in the grass.

There are many discussion on the Hebrew name of Yahshua...and the Hebrew form of "JEZEUS" or "Jesus" IS NO WHERE IN THE HEBREW text.
Now that people are LITERATE and can figure this out there are many blog articles about how this was an "innocent" confusion of the Hebrew by Greek Translators.
Nope this was NOT an innocent confusion of the name from Hebrew (which came from Aramaic)..to Greek. Some people get bogged down in the the spellings and pronunciations..but the main thing is DONT PRAY TO ZEUS!!! It is not an accident that Zeus's serpent name got mixed up with the teacher of righteousness's name.
THIS is why churches are dangerous, they are ALL branches from the ROMAN CHURCH! Those guys are Jesuit deceivers. We have LITERATE people in these churches, with internet at home...PRAYING TO ZEUS and Saluting AMUN RA! (Zeus) when they say Amen)
I get upset about this, because I detest deception and bait and switch techniques, I detest liars and dividers and snakes in the grass.
Zeus is Enki's (The Annunaki god) son with the IGGI goddess Damkina. See in the beginning there were two main god races besides the primitive humans. The Bird People which Zacharia Sitchen calls IGGI, and the Draco reptilian Annunaki race started by Enlil and Enki.

SO its confusing because Zeus is an Annunaki god who's mother was IGGI I think this is how Sitchen spells it..I can't find the spelling right now...Zeus's mother was of the Bird race. Both races are shapeshifter and they are enemies more or less, but in the Sumerian times it seems that they worked together. There was a city called the City of Eagles, and when the tablets show eagle people...they weren't kidding..there were really eagle people. I used to think they wore masks...and it is difficult from this perspective to be sure...but there is alot of evidence that there were actually bird people shapeshifters and snake/draco people shapeshifters. ....and the poor hapless human primates who were to dumb to work in the gold mines and so had to be genetically altered to become the HAM of Abraham. Ham means edible worker. The Annunaki/draco/serpents ate the human HAMs and the IGGI were also slave to the Annunaki, but they ate SNAKEs whenerver possible.
So...Zeus! can shapeshift into both an Eagle and a Serpent.
So ...in the churches and the catholic churches as we know there is a problem with PEDOPHILIA!! and in the COURTS and system of law we have PROTECTION OF PEDOPHILES?? Does this have anything to do with PEOPLE ASKING ZEUS INTO THEIR HEARTS?....asking to have Zeus steer their life and be responsible for their "salvation"?
Well YES in fact there is a story about Zeus turning into an EAGLE and seducing a young boy named Ganymede! Taking the boy away from his family and making love with him and keeping this boy as a sex partner.
Humans don't naturally have an urge to abuse children, even a human being is homosexual they usually do not have pedophilia urges...but if they ask ZEUS into their hearts to be their savior....we see that even a human being can be corrupted by the presences of ZEUS.
So it should not come as a surprise that churches that worship Je-Zeus and that have serpent imagery in them...would be haven for pedophilia.
The Judges of our world, and our courtrooms are not what people think they are. The courtrooms are the domain of the starperson who is the judge. The Judge is a watcher, like a referee, they mediate between the serpents and bird people, but they are also fallen...so we can't hope for much wisdom.
I would also like to point out that English is a language designed to be serpent hypnotic spell casting, so while we can avoid churches and the re LIE gion of Zeus, we need to be aware the Pythagoras (Python) invented Gematria, then English was invented to perfect the hypnotic spell of numbers. So I like to study gematria to understand what the TRUE meaning of our words are. I hope to do more posts about this and build a dictionary of what our words actually say in the future.
So...it is very challenging to learn about our genetically engineered past and to learn that ENKI was the "god" that warned Noah about the Flood, and he was an Annunaki giant serpent shapeshifter. When I first started learning about this...my brain FROZE and it sort of went into a stupor for about 4 months. We don't have much time now..but you should know that the truth is a psychological shock to humans who have been lied to for so long. So this shock can cause anger and defensiveness in the heavily hypnotized. We need to have compassion for the natural process of the shedding the lies and be patient with our brothers and sisters who wish to follow righteousness but end up accepting a serpent pedophile god into their heart, and then they wonder why they struggle with demons that they didn't struggle with as a small child.
So here is Enki...warning Noah (UTNAPISHTIM)
about the flood. Enki created mankind and Dan Winters says that he created men using his own DNA. Enki's half brother Enlil was enraged by the genetic engineering getting out of hand on earth and was glad that the arrival of Nibiru would wipe out all the crazy creatures that were loose on the earth not to mention the Nephilim. So Enlil and Inanna and the other gods to secrecy. But Enki according to the story whispered the truth to UTNAPISHTUM through a reed wall..here he is shown in the shape of a serpent man. Noah later was sodomized by his son HAM who fathered the HAMITES, who became the multitudes of ABRA-HAM who had a COVEN Ant (a sorcerers oath) with Enlil (Yahweh) and Enki (Jehovah) to keep the slave nation under control and increase the gold supply for when they return to collect the gold. Click here for a fairly exhaustive documentation about the story of Enlil and Enki with pictures.
Here in this picture which is a drawing from a tablet, we see Enki and UTNAPISHTIM with the symbolic reed wall with the XXX on it. The hourglass shape is also important as is the crescent which is the EXOPLANET probably approaching and the Star..which I think is the star of RA as it later came to be known and shown in star map of pyramids all over the world. UTNAPISHTUM backward is
"MITH IP ANT U" (Myths Pi and you". If you wish to explore the worship of PI in our United States please see this July 4th 1776 article about the mindblowing role that PI plays in our language, geography and really everything.
The other important think to mention about the bloodlines is that Enki had a different mother than Enlil . Enlil was not a shape shifter. Enki's mother was a high winged dragon, who was very intelligent and had many inter dimensional skills that Enlil didn't receive from him official Annunaki mother. Enlil was first born, of an official wife of King Anu and thus was the heir, but Enki had superior intellect and supernatural ability....and he passed that onto the royals who were his human children created from his high winged dragon bloodline. Now there are good dragons and bad dragons, high dragons, high winged dragons, dark winged dragons, and white and dark wingless dragons and everything in between.
As humans due to our reptilian brain we wish to define things into to TEAM light and Team dark...and we keep fruitlessly hoping for the love and cherishment from the gods who genetically engineered us for FOOD and Slavery. This is why you will humans on Facebook complaining passionately about voting rights, not realizing that they are a cow...in a farm, and the farmer WANTS them to believe in voting and democracy.
Here we are we survived the flood and repopulated the earth according to the agreement between Enlil (Yahweh) and Abraham, and conveniently most churches and reLIEgions worship SNAKES, and or Eagles. Zeus is prayed to ga-millions of times a day by innocent HAMs as they toddle back and forth from their slave jobs wondering where all the tax money goes, it goes to the ROMAN CHURCH..the Vatican. So here are some Zeus and snake worshiping pictures from the Vatican or Roman Catholic Church, the Jesuits ARE the CIA. If you pass laws to remove guns from the citizenry it will not remove guns from the hands of psychopathic CIA Jesuits...just so you know...that is another trick.
People kiss this Statue of Zeus's feet everyday, thinking they are kissing St. Peter..but ignoring the advice of the bible not NOT WORSHIP STATUES or bow before men. Is it just me...or does PETER mean Phallus.???..like Jupiter/Jove/ Osiris/Ra/Zeus...on the Washington mall...and the phallus of the Washington Monument.
Here is a picture of Zeus...and Lincoln...see I am going to tie this back into LINCOLN in Washington DC...because I think that ISIS is sitting on HORUS/Zeus!!! All of this should make you mad enough to share this with your Christian lovies..to break them out of the serpent hypnotism!
This should make you mad enough to bring this up with people that you care about. FRIENDS DO NOT LET FRIENDS worship Zeus the SERPENT shapeshifter, who rapes little boys!!!!...can you stand by silently and let this go on ....now that you know?
Lincoln's memorial has 7/11 symbolism which is pyramid ratios, and he has the 3 pyramid arches on his Memorial, WHITE Eagles within his memorial ...(Zeus ...one of his statues has an eagle next to him..because she had Neteru and Annunaki blood meaning he could shift both ways. I hope to do more study about Lincoln to see why he has the honor of playing Zeus /Osiris/Horus/Ra in the Washington DC sex acts. Please check my previous posts to get up to speed on the Washington Memorial if you haven't been following along.
Here is another bit of dragon worship from the Vatican museum.
After driving by a school in my neighborhood 10 times a week at least for the last 12 years I suddenly realized that something like this is on the east facing side of this school. Both of my children attended this school...I never noticed it until my eyes started to really open.
Please see this website for more serpent and pagan imagery in catholic churches or at the Vatican.
Here are a few more pictures of Zeus serpent/bird imagery, and we will tie this into Palantine Hill, Lupercalia (white eagle) and I think the eagle worship goes back to Atlantis.
Have you noticed that we still have the Eagle on our money? and the Olive branch around the UN map? I would like to point out the Hindu worship the Bird Gods and call them Garuda and they are protectors of Vishnu (maybe Vishnu is Zeus...I mean how would we know?) but some see the Bird race as enemies of the Serpent race. That the Serpents are from DRACO and the Garuda are from ORION. (The star map of WTC 1 WTC2 and the Freedom Tower) in a line to the Georgia Guidestones. LINK to my post on this.
So if we try to apply the logic that all species have diversity of soul involvement we will see that there are a wide scale of temperaments of both Serpent and Garuda races. We see the Garuda saving the hobbits in the Lord of the Rings at the call of Gandalf...the Lizard...I mean...Wizard...
We should try to stay open minded about the motives and alliances in the galaxy that we are not aware of, gathering clues as we go, and not kissing statues worshiping snakes or eagles and not believing what we are taught in schools which are ALL run by ROME.
How does Yahshua fit into this? I am going to study this until I know more, but with the clues that I have I believe that Yahshua is a teacher and leader of righteousness who has had many incarnations on our world. I know that Christians have been taught by the serpents to fear the reincarnation idea, but you need to stop your knee jerk allegiance to serpent teaching okay? We need to honestly search and look at the clues. It is possible that before Yahshua's lifetime that humans did not reincarnate, and that Yahshua made it possible for commoners to have eternal life.
What about the Merovingian dragon blood line...was Yashshua born into that blood line. ref Dragon Cede by Nicolas de Vere (who claims to be of the purest dragon/fairy bloodline on the planet) I believe that Yahshua was a special man born into serpentine blood lines, who was able to accept the overlighting spirit of the Logos, which introduced a new program into his DNA, changing all of his descendants. He was like an undercover agent, born into wealthy powerful families. In his many incarnations. One incarnation may have been as Joshua Teacher of Righteousness in the Dead Sea Scrolls which places him as Moses's heir and access to the Holy of Holies, where according to the text he was killed by an evil priest. See ...I told you priests are not to be trusted. Some scholars would say that Joshua was also a Pharoh! We can't know for sure but we can surmise from the text that Yahshua came to upset the system, his coming was fortold. The distortion of his name was foretold. Herod killed the male children to try and prevent Yahshua from teaching on earth.
Who told Herod about the birth of Yahshua? Could it be the aliens that flew the dome shaped ships on Herod's coins?
Wayne Hershel has a great website Hidden records with new information about Herod's coin, but unfortunately I can't find the precise link..but here is a general link to HiddenRecords.com
So we can see that Herod had help from some of the people we would call Aliens though they have lived here openly for tens of thousands of years. I personally believe that Yahshua had lifetimes all over the planet and had the Roman not distorted his message people on earth would have united over a comment beloved teacher long ago. The is no scripture anywhere where Yahsua asks you do "go to church" he does say you will know people by their fruits, not by how big or shiny the church is or how many candles they have or how devoutly they pray to ZEUS or how solemnly they salute Ra by saying "Amen".
Do we humans have any friends on the planet or in the galaxy, that does remain to be seen. David Wilcox says that Blue Avians have returned to our solar system and are currently blockading all traffic and communications in and out. David claims to be the incarnation of Edgar Cayee , I feel that he feels he is telling the truth, but I think that David is being played some of his insider connections to discredit him. We will see...here is a video about David Wilcock talking about the Blue Avians.
David's is very encouraging...and I hope it is true. No article about Yahshua would be complete without the recent prediction of a Jewish Rabbi of the upcoming arrival of their messiah as shown in this video on Renee M channel. (disclaimer I don't advocate rapture date setting and I am concerned about the discovery of Renee M's name on the bishop circle of the deceiver website, but wit those disclaimers she does have interesting content and even more interesting if she actually is a "deceiver".
So...there is a movie called "The Day the Earth Stood Still" that reminds me of this sphere blockade. Keeanu Reeves plays an advanced being, who comes to save the earth and not necessarily humanity. I believe that any advanced race will see the mind control and slavery that has happened here and would seek to free or re-abilitate the humans here..not destroy them.
Thanks for reading my blog I will put a video of the computer reading the blog right here in a few hours. Please come back I want to do a post on DOMES...and I found many new discoveries on Google Earth yesterday that I am hoping up upload in video form to youtube so we can travel google earth together. See you next time!
Thanks you for your information..it answered several things I have been pondering.