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I have to admit I am developing an fondness for the goddess ISIS, although she is terrifying in her intense-ness. Because the Illuminati has dirtied her memory and traditions, I did feel suspicious about her legend trying as most humans do to fit her into a good box or a bad box.
Also..not knowing the motivations of our founding fathers, were they "good" Freemasons or dark do-ers planning dirty deeds. The beehive picture in the Washington Monument feels very disrespectful toward mankind. But I realize if I stop trying to moralize everything I will wade through the data faster and probably be able to sort the clues better.
I know I can write long blogs...so I will give you the 5 minute version of EARTH WORD DECODE in this paragraph, then you can read the rest for retention or deepening.
1.) "EA"...which was the name of ENKI.
2.)ENKI was/is a shapeshifting Merman.
3.) EA= 4 (the four corners of the earth, and it also encoded the D which shows you the shape of the DOME
4.) R of "Earth" R=18 reduces to 9 (completion) and Dennis Fetch says that this is the number of SET.
5.) Okay EAR ...the R is also the Manifestation hieroglyph, it is the opening of the birth canal of the pregnant woman. Hopefully she is pregnant with a blessing (ISIS and HORUS) (Mary and Christ). But in this case it is the creation of EARTH, the manifestation of EA
6..)EAR...is the LISTENING equipment that we have. ISIS is the spoken word , the power of the spoken word, as taught by Dennis Fetch
7..) Letter E is a hieroglyph by itself, It is a TRIDENT pointing to the 5 pointed star of RA. We know it is RA because the corporate world worships RA. From the NBC symbol of Ra's ships to the Target symbol of Ra, to the 5 pointed star of the geometry of Stonehenge (which is the wormhole of RA) WORM-hole is where we get all of our flying snake imagery in Egypt.
8.) So EARTH....is the Prison of your SPOKEN WORD to yourself, your parroted spoken word, because few think or say anything original...this is where you are made in the image of God and are able to trap or free your self, hypnotize or un-hypnotize your self.
9.)EAR= 69 go back to the inner ear picture and SEE the structural 69 encoded in the physiology, there is a reason for everything...I could write 6 posts on the number 69..but I want to go kayaking today, so in short. This means the jump from the 6th level of heaven to the 9th, if you can't make this jump...you are not FREE. But if you LISTEN, and speak correctly, you will eventually make this jump.
10.)Ear 5+1 (6) (9 is 18=R (reduced) so there is a 69 in the EAR.This is FR 6/18 in FREE.
I decoded that word in another post:The Writing on the Wall and the meaning of FREE
11.)EARTH ....T : is the right angel (angle) turn. It is the L and the CROSS in the middle of the infinite loop between the poles of Death and Rebirth...of the infinity loop of time..symbolized by the 8 or the H.
12.)IN ISIS's right and left ear in Washington DC are two 8 or H shaped buildings. 88 is HH is Heil Hitler....it is the double infinity trap of times symbolizing the two EYES. EYE=35 =8...so two EYES is 88 T.he two thieves, the good and the bad, on Golgotha with CHRIST (pineal = all knowing)...in between.The Theives will rob you BLIND! (they leave clues for you everywhere) BLIND=41 minus 6 (star of Divide (David)= Eye (35) ...that is how you cure the blind.
13.) The number 52 and how it encodes our Quantum random frequency generator that we call earth, and the number 7. I didn't even get to the sacred 7/11 ratio that is encoded in everything from the Great Pyramids, to the Statue of Libery (ISIS) to the Hebrew Calendar (corresponding to 9/11 and 9/23) to the Valley of DEATH symbolism on the 7/11 convenience stores (Psalm 9:23)
So..ISIS , Ishtar, Inanna, Mari, Mary, and more...is a wild goddess for sure and you have to respect that. We are also not under any obligation to worship her like the Illuminati or even "good" Freemasons do. But we can respect and learn from the truth she wishes to teach, to help us graduate the infinite loop of time. We can investigate her role in the galactic politics and the role she has played on
When we look at the encoding in the world "EARTH". Learning to see the word as a sentence or hieroglyph.
We see the
"EA"...which was the name of ENKI . Please follow the link of his name to a more complete story about Enki, But in short, he is the serpent god of the Old Testament with a mixed history of rebellion, he rebelled against the galactic laws of genetic engineering, he rebelled against his higher ranking Brother Enlil who wanted to kill humanity (the genetic fiasco they created), so he is the serpent and he did Rebel. Christians are taught to see the Annunaki as Gods..because they wrote the Old Testament and form all early thought of humanity (logic). Enli was the more conservative rule following Yahweh, vengeful and violent a child raper, and cold hearted destroyer of mankind (the genetic experiment). Enki or EA was the lower ranking brother, sons of Anu, but he was more flexible and seemingly creative , breaking rules being mischievous, he was a serpent shape shifter that preferred the water., the author of the genetic engineering ideas, the solver of the gold mine slave rebellion that they had, and is known to Christians today as Jehovah or Lucifer...and some other names.
EA /Enki on the left, Marduk Ra (Amen) on the right. You can see the Pope hat Miter on Enki, and the fish symbol of Christianity came out of this. The ichthyus is also symbolically tied to the Pleiadies. Ga-billions of AMEN saying Christians put this on their CAR (22) while they pray to Je-Zeus (the child raping serpent god)..and they will get upset if you try to explain this to them. So go gently the hypnotism is what is causing the anger reaction.
On the right we see the 3 stars...probably of ORION..and his pet dragon. I kind of want one of these...maybe I don't...I don't have time for pets..but it would be cool to drink tea on the porch with your pet dragon coolly looking out over the lawn....
There is MUCH MUCH more to decode on both these images but I don't have all day ...there are other blogs for this..look it up..I am hoping to go kayaking today with my husband....
Please visit Team Wake Em up for the humorous debunking of the news and all the forked tougne things coming out of the POPEs mouth. Just telling the sheep what they want to hear. See the Churches are militarized, they are telling their followers TO WILLING GO AND GET CHIPPED! The Pope is building up the image of the CHURCHIES right now. Making them look compassionate and reasonable. IT IS A TRICK. GOSH its the same trick every time and the humans keep falling for it. I will speak out firmly on this...to wake up the LOVIES. You are having your OWN compassion and reason...USED against you!!! STOP trusting this man. Use your brain...he can fix everything he is talking about, but he doesn't... (sorry small soap box there)
Okay...back to EARTH
EA= 4 (the four corners of the earth, and it also encoded the D which shows you the shape of the DOME.
Please see the work of Casey on the EntertheStRz channel the playlist about the EYE/Dome cosmology of the Earth, if you want to start peeling off the lies that you were taught in SCHOOL.
R=18 reduces to 9 (completion) and Dennis Fetch says that this is the number of SET.
We have been seeing alot of "completion " type symbolism encoded in songs, movies, news events, everything for the is September (9)
If it is like the BIBLE..says...then Satan (SET) will be turned loose on our planet to get all the lazy people off the fence of good or evil and make them choose a side.
The days of peace are ticking down lovies....I can feel it ...can you?
Okay EAR ...the R is also the Manifestation hieroglyph, it is the opening of the birth canal of the pregnant woman. Hopefully she is pregnant with a blessing (ISIS and HORUS) (Mary and Christ). But in this case it is the creation of EARTH, the manifestation of EA
Link to my post that includes the picture
on the upper right: Is this Osiris (Isis is sitting on?)
Link to the my post about the SA symbol
in Washington DC: ...dang cant find it right now..my own search gadget isn't working..erf...
link to more awesome images of ISIS
EAR...is the LISTENING equipment that we have. ISIS is the spoken word , the power of the spoken word, as taught by Dennis Fetch on the Illuminatus Observer. Here is the link to the article where he goes over this: Dennis is psychic, and highly connected so I would like to stay far away from that world as possible, I have kids.
In Washington DC, Isis has the Treasury in the form of an 8 on one ear, and the office buildings of the puppets on the other ear. This encodes that these thought forms and people are TRAPPED in the infinite loop of TIME (the sands through the hourglass) and pour ISIS they are trying to deafen her with these two knife edges of the symbol SA...over her head.
On the White House Mall. Isis has buildings over her ears? Are they trying through dark magic geomancy to block the ears of the immortal goddess? In the article I linked to of Dennis's he says that the Bohemian Grove black magic ritual is to try and capture and burn the goddess in the form of the OWL every year, hampering her wisdom ...so that wisdom will not prevail in our world.
I had never thought of it like this before. I thought that the OWL was a symbol of human sacrifice in Babylon, and that its presence on the dollar was a human sacrifice tag, so that the carrier of the dollar if that person died, it would count as a sacrifice to Ishtar/Inanna//Isis. Maybe this is simultaneously true. The dark are sacrificing humans to the goddess to distort the vibration of her role for humanity?
This writer of the upcoming article link; sees ISIS as a source of darkness but he has many fascinating numberological and historical insights. I always love to read articles not matter the slant of the writer, I try NOT to become slanted because better "balance' more equanimity keeps your soul stable and in balance so that you can handle deeper mysteries. This is at the core of Yahshuah's teaching of DO NOT JUDGE! So hold your judgement and practice your sobriety and equanimity as you read. "The Statue of Liberty (ISIS)"
Remember the dark government wants us to HATE ISIS that is why they are making the name ISIS synonymous with terrorism. So this propaganda reveals an important motivation clue, which encourages us to investigate the mysteries with the knowledge that our government hates the goddess, participates in the Bohemian Grove, violates OWL symbolism, and is also using the name of ISIS for a male run CIA insanity play of "terrorism".
If you think the news is telling you the truth...you are reading the wrong blog! you need to go and read something easier to digest.
now the Letter E is a hieroglyph by itself, It is a TRIDENT pointing to the 5 pointed star of RA. We know it is RA because the corporate world worships RA. From the NBC symbol of Ra's ships to the Target symbol of Ra, to the 5 pointed star of the geometry of Stonehenge (which is the wormhole of RA) WORMhole is where we get all of our flying snake imagery in Egypt.
Here is ISIS ...I mean who else could this be? in ancient Babylon. The area of Ancient Babylon where the WRITING was on the WALL at the 32 deg 32''32" location...is the circle of her EYE.
THERE IS A REASON FOR THIS!! Do you see how she is looking out through the EYE of the known world at the time. (Kind of like the Truman Movie poster right?)
Kind of like the Fetch saying on his PODCAST, that "You .....are ...Inside the EYE" The name of the PODCAST is "Inside the EYE". (tons of heirogylphs to decipher in that Title)..But I AM STILL trying to make it through the EARTH glyph. I put this ariel pictograph of ISIS up because of the SPIRAL of the EAR! (see how the last two pictures go together?)
She also has a spiral on her tongue because ISIS is the SPOKEN WORD of GOD. She more than anyone else understands the sacred word, and its power. I hope to do a post on ENOCH as Abraxas now the Letter
HUMANS ! I love you..and I am human bodied too, but I don't think my soul is..I feel like I have dropped onto the Planet of the Apes... HUMANS ..your school, your parents, your TV, your radio, your government, has taught you to SPEAK yourself into a place of withering INEPTITUDE. I love you but I want to spank you with a flip flop sometimes because I can say this to lovies until I am blue in the face and they will turn around and curse themselves again in their next sentence. I am benevolent I seek to remove your roadblocks....and if yelling and gently and loving insulting you will give you better habits..then I do that...with love. COME out of the prison you have created with your own words and mind...
"There's a storm coming 'Arry (Pater) and we all best be ready when she does"~Hagrid
I have to admit I am developing an fondness for the goddess ISIS, although she is terrifying in her intense-ness. Because the Illuminati has dirtied her memory and traditions, I did feel suspicious about her legend trying as most humans do to fit her into a good box or a bad box.
Also..not knowing the motivations of our founding fathers, were they "good" Freemasons or dark do-ers planning dirty deeds. The beehive picture in the Washington Monument feels very disrespectful toward mankind. But I realize if I stop trying to moralize everything I will wade through the data faster and probably be able to sort the clues better.
I know I can write long blogs...so I will give you the 5 minute version of EARTH WORD DECODE in this paragraph, then you can read the rest for retention or deepening.
a quick handwritten gematria decode with Ra gematria the 13=E+H and 21=A+T the core of most enligh words is some sacredckuster |
2.)ENKI was/is a shapeshifting Merman.
3.) EA= 4 (the four corners of the earth, and it also encoded the D which shows you the shape of the DOME
4.) R of "Earth" R=18 reduces to 9 (completion) and Dennis Fetch says that this is the number of SET.
5.) Okay EAR ...the R is also the Manifestation hieroglyph, it is the opening of the birth canal of the pregnant woman. Hopefully she is pregnant with a blessing (ISIS and HORUS) (Mary and Christ). But in this case it is the creation of EARTH, the manifestation of EA
6..)EAR...is the LISTENING equipment that we have. ISIS is the spoken word , the power of the spoken word, as taught by Dennis Fetch
7..) Letter E is a hieroglyph by itself, It is a TRIDENT pointing to the 5 pointed star of RA. We know it is RA because the corporate world worships RA. From the NBC symbol of Ra's ships to the Target symbol of Ra, to the 5 pointed star of the geometry of Stonehenge (which is the wormhole of RA) WORM-hole is where we get all of our flying snake imagery in Egypt.
8.) So EARTH....is the Prison of your SPOKEN WORD to yourself, your parroted spoken word, because few think or say anything original...this is where you are made in the image of God and are able to trap or free your self, hypnotize or un-hypnotize your self.
9.)EAR= 69 go back to the inner ear picture and SEE the structural 69 encoded in the physiology, there is a reason for everything...I could write 6 posts on the number 69..but I want to go kayaking today, so in short. This means the jump from the 6th level of heaven to the 9th, if you can't make this jump...you are not FREE. But if you LISTEN, and speak correctly, you will eventually make this jump.
10.)Ear 5+1 (6) (9 is 18=R (reduced) so there is a 69 in the EAR.This is FR 6/18 in FREE.
I decoded that word in another post:The Writing on the Wall and the meaning of FREE
11.)EARTH ....T : is the right angel (angle) turn. It is the L and the CROSS in the middle of the infinite loop between the poles of Death and Rebirth...of the infinity loop of time..symbolized by the 8 or the H.
12.)IN ISIS's right and left ear in Washington DC are two 8 or H shaped buildings. 88 is HH is Heil Hitler....it is the double infinity trap of times symbolizing the two EYES. EYE=35 =8...so two EYES is 88 T.he two thieves, the good and the bad, on Golgotha with CHRIST (pineal = all knowing)...in between.The Theives will rob you BLIND! (they leave clues for you everywhere) BLIND=41 minus 6 (star of Divide (David)= Eye (35) ...that is how you cure the blind.
13.) The number 52 and how it encodes our Quantum random frequency generator that we call earth, and the number 7. I didn't even get to the sacred 7/11 ratio that is encoded in everything from the Great Pyramids, to the Statue of Libery (ISIS) to the Hebrew Calendar (corresponding to 9/11 and 9/23) to the Valley of DEATH symbolism on the 7/11 convenience stores (Psalm 9:23)
So..ISIS , Ishtar, Inanna, Mari, Mary, and more...is a wild goddess for sure and you have to respect that. We are also not under any obligation to worship her like the Illuminati or even "good" Freemasons do. But we can respect and learn from the truth she wishes to teach, to help us graduate the infinite loop of time. We can investigate her role in the galactic politics and the role she has played on
When we look at the encoding in the world "EARTH". Learning to see the word as a sentence or hieroglyph.
We see the
"EA"...which was the name of ENKI . Please follow the link of his name to a more complete story about Enki, But in short, he is the serpent god of the Old Testament with a mixed history of rebellion, he rebelled against the galactic laws of genetic engineering, he rebelled against his higher ranking Brother Enlil who wanted to kill humanity (the genetic fiasco they created), so he is the serpent and he did Rebel. Christians are taught to see the Annunaki as Gods..because they wrote the Old Testament and form all early thought of humanity (logic). Enli was the more conservative rule following Yahweh, vengeful and violent a child raper, and cold hearted destroyer of mankind (the genetic experiment). Enki or EA was the lower ranking brother, sons of Anu, but he was more flexible and seemingly creative , breaking rules being mischievous, he was a serpent shape shifter that preferred the water., the author of the genetic engineering ideas, the solver of the gold mine slave rebellion that they had, and is known to Christians today as Jehovah or Lucifer...and some other names.
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Marduk Ra |
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Enki EA |
On the right we see the 3 stars...probably of ORION..and his pet dragon. I kind of want one of these...maybe I don't...I don't have time for pets..but it would be cool to drink tea on the porch with your pet dragon coolly looking out over the lawn....
There is MUCH MUCH more to decode on both these images but I don't have all day ...there are other blogs for this..look it up..I am hoping to go kayaking today with my husband....
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"EA"...which was the name of ENKI , is VERY VERY tied to the Pope and Vatican true religion. Most Christians if they researched this they would find that Enki is the Lucifer of the Christian religion, he is also Zeus (JeZeus) the child raper. So it does kind of tie in with the child raping of the Catholic Church and the thousands of children that go missing from their orphanages. Do you really think they are so pious to just run orphanages out of the goodness of their heart? If it is the goodness of their heart...why does ORPHAN mean DRAGON FOOD, etymologically.? But I am still trying to get through the word EARTH (sorry ...I receive information broad band and it is hard to get it all in this small band format )
So I feel that as humans we really have to set our early BIBLE (say that with a southern accent...I have a slight southern accent so that gives me the right to make fun of it ahahahaha)..lets try again.. BIBLE programming.I have it too..I went to church ..CATHOLIC church every sunday and I saw more scary priests than you shake some holy water on. Even as I child I know they were scary in a way I didn't understand..but then I have had many many lifetimes as a nun etc..in the Catholic Church (not sure why...maybe so I had time to THINK)...so I might have carried the knowledge over to my current young wise self.We need to stop holding up the banner of loyalty to the BIBLE, and the Annunaki Gods Yahweh and Jehovah...if we want to free up our brain cells for some LOGIC to flow through. ...The bible has many clues and truths in it, but you won't find them if you are programmed by your churchie upbringing...
The Pope is a very bad man...like Dorothy (42) in the Wizard (LIZARD) of OZ
said, to the man behind the curtain.."You are very bad man!"..she was right.
Toto the dog, pulled the curtain, and I could right a post just on this.
The "Coven" "ant"=oath is shown here
Toto the dog, pulled the curtain, and I could right a post just on this.
Okay...back to EARTH
EA= 4 (the four corners of the earth, and it also encoded the D which shows you the shape of the DOME.
Please see the work of Casey on the EntertheStRz channel the playlist about the EYE/Dome cosmology of the Earth, if you want to start peeling off the lies that you were taught in SCHOOL.
R=18 reduces to 9 (completion) and Dennis Fetch says that this is the number of SET.
We have been seeing alot of "completion " type symbolism encoded in songs, movies, news events, everything for the is September (9)
If it is like the BIBLE..says...then Satan (SET) will be turned loose on our planet to get all the lazy people off the fence of good or evil and make them choose a side.
EA= 4 (the four corners of the earth, and it also encoded the D which shows you the shape of the DOME.
![]() | |
The four corner PILLARS of the EarthThis is a symbolic picture, see the feather as a rudder in the water?Link to source article |
The days of peace are ticking down lovies....I can feel it ...can you?
Okay EAR ...the R is also the Manifestation hieroglyph, it is the opening of the birth canal of the pregnant woman. Hopefully she is pregnant with a blessing (ISIS and HORUS) (Mary and Christ). But in this case it is the creation of EARTH, the manifestation of EA
Here (above) you can see that on either side of ISIS's head next to her EARS are TWO (B) Thrones (Th28,RO33,NE19=RA)..So Throne means : The full rotation of the sun knowledge of the gods who can travel through the SUN, who have the mastery OR (ability to manifest through PI)=33 (6) to travel the wormhole (merkaba 6 as seen in its 2d shadow). NE=14+5 this is another name for RA=19, but it encodes a round trip ticket through the 5 pointed star wormhole of RA) Link to my post that includes the picture
on the upper right: Is this Osiris (Isis is sitting on?)
Link to the my post about the SA symbol
in Washington DC: ...dang cant find it right now..my own search gadget isn't working..erf...
link to more awesome images of ISIS
EAR...is the LISTENING equipment that we have. ISIS is the spoken word , the power of the spoken word, as taught by Dennis Fetch on the Illuminatus Observer. Here is the link to the article where he goes over this: Dennis is psychic, and highly connected so I would like to stay far away from that world as possible, I have kids.
In Washington DC, Isis has the Treasury in the form of an 8 on one ear, and the office buildings of the puppets on the other ear. This encodes that these thought forms and people are TRAPPED in the infinite loop of TIME (the sands through the hourglass) and pour ISIS they are trying to deafen her with these two knife edges of the symbol SA...over her head.
On the White House Mall. Isis has buildings over her ears? Are they trying through dark magic geomancy to block the ears of the immortal goddess? In the article I linked to of Dennis's he says that the Bohemian Grove black magic ritual is to try and capture and burn the goddess in the form of the OWL every year, hampering her wisdom ...so that wisdom will not prevail in our world.
![]() |
Link to Bohemian Grove Article |
This writer of the upcoming article link; sees ISIS as a source of darkness but he has many fascinating numberological and historical insights. I always love to read articles not matter the slant of the writer, I try NOT to become slanted because better "balance' more equanimity keeps your soul stable and in balance so that you can handle deeper mysteries. This is at the core of Yahshuah's teaching of DO NOT JUDGE! So hold your judgement and practice your sobriety and equanimity as you read. "The Statue of Liberty (ISIS)"
Remember the dark government wants us to HATE ISIS that is why they are making the name ISIS synonymous with terrorism. So this propaganda reveals an important motivation clue, which encourages us to investigate the mysteries with the knowledge that our government hates the goddess, participates in the Bohemian Grove, violates OWL symbolism, and is also using the name of ISIS for a male run CIA insanity play of "terrorism".
If you think the news is telling you the truth...you are reading the wrong blog! you need to go and read something easier to digest.
now the Letter E is a hieroglyph by itself, It is a TRIDENT pointing to the 5 pointed star of RA. We know it is RA because the corporate world worships RA. From the NBC symbol of Ra's ships to the Target symbol of Ra, to the 5 pointed star of the geometry of Stonehenge (which is the wormhole of RA) WORMhole is where we get all of our flying snake imagery in Egypt.
Here is ISIS ...I mean who else could this be? in ancient Babylon. The area of Ancient Babylon where the WRITING was on the WALL at the 32 deg 32''32" location...is the circle of her EYE.
THERE IS A REASON FOR THIS!! Do you see how she is looking out through the EYE of the known world at the time. (Kind of like the Truman Movie poster right?)
Kind of like the Fetch saying on his PODCAST, that "You .....are ...Inside the EYE" The name of the PODCAST is "Inside the EYE". (tons of heirogylphs to decipher in that Title)..But I AM STILL trying to make it through the EARTH glyph. I put this ariel pictograph of ISIS up because of the SPIRAL of the EAR! (see how the last two pictures go together?)
She also has a spiral on her tongue because ISIS is the SPOKEN WORD of GOD. She more than anyone else understands the sacred word, and its power. I hope to do a post on ENOCH as Abraxas now the Letter
HUMANS ! I love you..and I am human bodied too, but I don't think my soul is..I feel like I have dropped onto the Planet of the Apes... HUMANS ..your school, your parents, your TV, your radio, your government, has taught you to SPEAK yourself into a place of withering INEPTITUDE. I love you but I want to spank you with a flip flop sometimes because I can say this to lovies until I am blue in the face and they will turn around and curse themselves again in their next sentence. I am benevolent I seek to remove your roadblocks....and if yelling and gently and loving insulting you will give you better habits..then I do that...with love. COME out of the prison you have created with your own words and mind...
"There's a storm coming 'Arry (Pater) and we all best be ready when she does"~Hagrid
Alright release from the prison of your parroted SPOKEN WORD, you are "Polly" a spoken word puppet for the Illuminati, you don't know anything else..and you have been lied to that you are free so you will most likely not believe anyone who points out to you that you live in the most homogenus thought bubble ever. Your media is controlled, your thoughts are steered in demographics, you and your companions create the most uniform collective reality ever, ,because no one is authoring an original thought or idea. . We are supposed to have a very divergent reality where alternative perceptions enrich our creativity. Instead we live in a manufactured thought tube, and anyone who thinks differently is feared, killed or medicated and shunned. If this matrix reflect our beliefs how did it happen that we have so many people thinking the same thoughts and creating the same reality. ??? Well that is another blog post isn't it?
So EARTH....is the Prison of your SPOKEN WORD...this is where you are made in the image of God and are able to trap or free your self, hypnotize or unhypnotize your self.
Most words have many layers of code but "earth" is an important word so it probably has 100's of layers of code.
So here's another run at the first 4 letters"
Ear 5+1 (6) (9 is 18=R (reduced) so there is a 69 in the EAR.
Here is a crab, the KEYSTONE of Freemason arch (see my post linked below about the arch) I believe if I remember right that Zeus is on the other side of this coin. The pinnacle is the CRAB because of the balance of the Elements.
That is why this animal is on this coin...
This is FR 6/18 in FREE.
I decoded that word in another post:
The Writing on the Wall and the meaning of FREE
EAR= 69 go back to the inner ear picture and SEE the structural 69 encoded in the physiology, there is a reason for everything...I could write 6 posts on the number 69..but I want to go kayaking today, so in short. This means the jump from the 6th level of heaven to the 9th, if you can't make this jump...you are not FREE. But if you LISTEN, and speak correctly, you will eventually make this jump.
EARTH ....T : is the right angel (angle) turn. It is the L and the CROSS in the middle of the infinite loop between the poles of Death and Rebirth...of the infinity loop of time..symbolized by the 8 or the H.
On ISIS's right and left ear are two 8 or H shaped buildings. 88 is HH is Heil Hitler....it is the double infinity trap of times symbolizing the two EYES. EYE=35 =8...so two EYES is 88
The two thieves, the good and the bad, on Golgotha with CHRIST (pineal = all knowing)...in between.
BLIND=41 minus 6 (star of Divide (David)= Eye (35) ...that is how you cure the blind.
Before the final step of EARTH decode..I want to include an article of a Channeling by someone of the goddess ISIS, I take channelings as a decoding opportunity, but this one had a voice that is distinctly different from most of the comfort offered by NEW AGE teachings.
New Age is a flawed church just like all the other churches by the way. Anyway here is a channeling of ISIS addressing the choices that are before you...here is a link to the audio:
EARTH=52 (a very meaningful number in widespread use) and that reduces to 7. I will link both of the number theory links here.
But I have come to realize that 7 is the hippocamp. It is the HORN of the brain called the Hippocamp, for memory but more importantly memory THROUGH REBIRTH!
When you see Moses with horns or other "horned gods" I believe the CODE is that these beings have stored energy and dedicated it through their thought and spoken word to preserving their memory through body switches. The ELITE like to keep the secrets to themselves while teaching you! that knowing the secrets is evil.
This is why zodiac knowledge used to openly in every jewish temple and goes back to Sumerian times. But modern churchies cower in fear from using knowledge that they have been programmed to think is evil. USE YOUR BRAINS! Who taught you that this was evil? Church elders! What do they have on their inner room floors and what do THEY study and take advantage of knowing..the zodiac, and knowledge of MEMORY though the timetravel of birth and death. They teach you that HORNS are bad and zodiac is bad. Because if you caught on and empowered yourself...you would break from the "thought tube " pack and start to author the matrix in a meaningful way!
Here is some current clues about the 77 and divergent 7 meaning the developed HORNS of the hippocampus.
A short intro into the number 52 copied from WIKI:
New Age is a flawed church just like all the other churches by the way. Anyway here is a channeling of ISIS addressing the choices that are before you...here is a link to the audio:
EARTH=52 (a very meaningful number in widespread use) and that reduces to 7. I will link both of the number theory links here.
But I have come to realize that 7 is the hippocamp. It is the HORN of the brain called the Hippocamp, for memory but more importantly memory THROUGH REBIRTH!
When you see Moses with horns or other "horned gods" I believe the CODE is that these beings have stored energy and dedicated it through their thought and spoken word to preserving their memory through body switches. The ELITE like to keep the secrets to themselves while teaching you! that knowing the secrets is evil.
This is why zodiac knowledge used to openly in every jewish temple and goes back to Sumerian times. But modern churchies cower in fear from using knowledge that they have been programmed to think is evil. USE YOUR BRAINS! Who taught you that this was evil? Church elders! What do they have on their inner room floors and what do THEY study and take advantage of knowing..the zodiac, and knowledge of MEMORY though the timetravel of birth and death. They teach you that HORNS are bad and zodiac is bad. Because if you caught on and empowered yourself...you would break from the "thought tube " pack and start to author the matrix in a meaningful way!
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TW black and white freemason at his humiliation initiantion |
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Hippocamp symbolizes memory structures in the brain, Rams horns and other hons represent this too. |
Here is some current clues about the 77 and divergent 7 meaning the developed HORNS of the hippocampus.
A short intro into the number 52 copied from WIKI:
- he approximate number of weeks in a year. 52 weeks is 364 days, while the tropical year is 365.24 days long. According to ISO 8601, most years have 52 weeks while some have 53.
- A significant number in the Maya calendar
- On the piano, the number of white keys (notes in the C major scale)
- The number of cards in a standard deck of playing cards, not counting Jokers or advertisement cards
- The name of a practical joke card game 52 Pickup
- "52 Pick-Up" is a film starring Roy Scheider and Ann Margaret
- The code for international direct dial phone calls to Mexico
- A weekly comic series from DC Comics entitled 52 has 52 issues, with a plot spanning one full year.
- The New 52 is a 2011 revamp and relaunch by DC Comics of its entire line of ongoing monthly superhero books.
- The number of letters in the English alphabet, if majuscules are distinguished from minuscules
This short excerpt, has the clues I want to connect to the word EARTH. It is a quantum random generator. Earth is a quantum random generator. So many clues besides the number but just IN the number are the random generator clues of "EARTH".
The deck of cards 52 is designed to be a handheld low tech quantum random generator. This is why card sharks have CHARISMA, they know how to use their thoughts and words to "shuffle the deck" of life in their favor. They "get it", and you can see them laughing at the joke...in the twinkle in their eyes. You deserve to lose your money if you play cards without understanding the symbolism of the game. There are two jokers and they are both YOU!..your dual and clueless aspects. (sorry but a true friend will tell you the truth)
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Link to trickster God article |
The alphabet 52 is a magic system, based on the written word, harnessing the spoken word. Abracadabra (I create was I speak) ...but YOU only speak what you have been taught to speak....and I hope to help you change that...if you are willing.
De chalco graphiae inventio (1541, Mainz) with the 23 letters. W, U and J are missing. HMMMMMmmm wonder why? |
The white keys (52)...Music is another spoken WORD, it is the first power greater than sitting kings...This power was held by the BARDS, and the first step is the basic music mathematics. This language is known by all..so don't tell me it doesn't affect you..while you tap your fingers in traffic to music who's words you don't understand (you don't understand english you just think you do)..and the music you don't understand. But...the music creates worlds through YOU,...you are the LIAR...the LYRE.....you are strings resonating....but are you resonating with truth?...or are you LYRE-ing..even to yourself.
(please know that all instruments have been tuned away for 432 to 440 which was a NAZI suggestion that took a while to catch on the US)..this is a whole other post at least..to find out what happened and why)
The practical joke card came 52 card pickup....the joke is on you....if you turned over all the cards where they landed and had EYES to see..you would see the quantum random generator..the oracle speaking to you...because it plays through you, it is you...
Please visit the WIKI page on 7, there is a 7/11 ratio in the word EARTH just like in the pyramids just like, the Hebrew Calendar, just like the "Valley of Death" signs on every 7/11 store...so much to say about this...
Thanks for reading! I am getting better at error free writing...thanks for your patience, the words are moving faster than I can type :) Come back soon for new posts including the 7/11 breakdown and what it means for you and your family in the coming year.
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