Welcome Back I just made a Chalice video..without doing a blog first..and I lost it after 5 hours of editing...I can't imagine what happened...all the files suddenly became corrupted...I need more "Gremlin be gone spray" if you have some extra spray it my direction.,,,
Jesus (JeZeus) Yahshuah said, "The Pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge (gnosis) and hidden them. They themselves have not entered, nor have they allowed to enter those who wish to. You, however, be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves" - (Gospel of Thomas)
Here is the blog read to you...but there are already new links and photos in the blog.
So I guess I will write the blog first and hope for the best...but its late tonight forgive anymistakes and I'll correct them in the morning.......sheeesh......
Post Update; Here is a play list I made in Youtube with my Chalice videos...Its an amazing unraveling of the code, come with and see what you think!
I am starting to have an idea...about our world as a quantum random frequency generator (a QRFG), and because it is PERFECT! and responds to each of us, I am starting to think that EVERY small code, whether it is a letter, number, sound, or shape...has the ability to unpack code on any topic. The Chalice is a true example of this...
In this list, come with me as I discover, and reveal..later I hope to make more summary videos that are shorter and will look back and digest what we have learned about the Holy Grail within each of us.
In this list, come with me as I discover, and reveal..later I hope to make more summary videos that are shorter and will look back and digest what we have learned about the Holy Grail within each of us.
Jesus (JeZeus) Yahshuah said, "The Pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge (gnosis) and hidden them. They themselves have not entered, nor have they allowed to enter those who wish to. You, however, be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves" - (Gospel of Thomas)
Here is the blog read to you...but there are already new links and photos in the blog.
Most people think of Christianity when they think of Chalices and Wayne Herschel on Hidden Records has done a huge job of finding the esoteric symbolism of the trinity of sun above! and the trinity of Suns below...the Pyramids of our earth. Please see his wonderful Chalice post showing the Chalice detailed star map most likely of our star origins! Very exciting! I whole heartedly agree with his findings and hope that we can explore the fantastic layers of the Chalice decode that still remains for us to find.
A chalice is the same shape roughly as an hourglass, or infinity time loop and we often find with Church Chalices and Royals...there is often a small Serpent in the Chalice. The serpent is symbolic of a few aspects of the Chalice. The official story is that it means a poisoned cup...well that is too simplistic for this symbol to be so widely used...The Serpent is both the sign of the cosmic worm hole that is associated with the bottom star, Ra's star of the trinity of Suns....This star is a WORMHOLE..that looks like a Vesica piscis when opened, so. In the first respect this symbol means that the person shown with the cup...is either a direct traveler of the cosmic wormhole or is a descendent of a direct traveler...a God..

On the next picture we start to see the Chalice shape in other forms, this photo doesn't have a reference..but we can see that ISIS often has her wings up in a chalice shape, and she has taken the form of a kite, so this shape while very similar in form to the American Eagle which is based on the Roman white eagle which is based on ISIS in the form of a KITE or an OWL, shows the as above Chalice symbolism with the birth or manifestation into the negative space that defines the bottom of this Chalice...the as below aspect of the Chalice.
Lets take a moment for a quick look at the hieroglyphs here..Here on the left we see a person kneeling in a post that I will show being taken at Cuthos temple in Indonesia. This is a pose mentioned in the Carlos Castaneda books as a protective pose for a mortal to take when encountering a great god or terrifying energy. It is describes as a necessary post for surviving the encounter. In part two I want to travel by Google Earth with you to Cutho Temple in Indonesia where we will see more people in statues in this posture.
Here he is saluting the 5 pointed star. This star is everywhere in corporate culture, not because they don't have any imagination and can't think of other logos..but because RA worship is still very fanatically followed..it seems that ISIS is also worshiped, but she might also be mocked, but still her symbolism is everywhere one looks if you know how to see it.
I have no formal Egyptian Hieroglyph training and I find my self delightfully free of academic distortion on this subject...( I studied biochemistry and math) so..this is how we much unravel these symbols...we can honestly connect the clues as well as anyone else. We have been taught that we need a certain amount of brainwashing to have the right to try these things...but this is what is keeping the distortion alive, so I am proud that I am an amateur I have a better chance of coming up with connections on my own.
I will skip down to the Vesica piscis on the lower left paired with the flattish domed earth map on the four corners foundation. It is quite a shock when one first confronts that our world cosmology has been taught to us wrong, so be gentle with yourself. But the Egyptians have glyphs of space travel and they would know the cosmology of Earth. They repeatedly show earth as a dome. They have dome glyphs for the Pharaohs..who rule both the upper and lower Egypt. They mean the upper dome of the chalice, and the lower dome of the Chalice which has a round flattish earth at the bottom of it. So we will explore the Chalice as format of the cosmology of our world, the shape of our "earth" . To free up our minds for free thought on this subject we need to set aside our jesuit education about the format of our universe or shape of our world. So to chip away at this mentality I'll debunk NASA a bit before we continue with this very important topic.
So...if you believe NASA please youtube search NASA's official Galileo time lapse of EARTH and ask yourself if high schoolers could do a better job faking this...and why the cloud don't move in 24 hours..is the day the "earth stood still" or was that another movie. I asked a "scientist" about why the clouds don't move...and I was told that the small clouds that were to small to see...were moving..but the big clouds were to big to move...I about fell off my chair to hear this answer, when I challenged this person politely about his static cloud theory he resorted to psychological evaluations of my character, demeaning me for having the courage to think for myself. This is when I knew..he is either stupid, or he is supposed to guard the ridiculous lie...of NASA and I don't think he is stupid.
We will look more at Chalice and dome symbolism with respect to earth cosmology but first here is the NASA video. Recently NASA came out with their first un stitched photo of earth since 1972! If that doesn't make you wonder what the heck is up...you might need more coffee. (just kidding..not a safe thing to drink) Maybe they didn't want you to look up THIS embarrassment..that says it is from 1990ish..Didn't we have weather radar that showed people that big clouds do in fact move by this time? That IS embarrassing...

Here the scarab beetle is showing the torus field relationship between the sun and the flat earth dome. In the book Tutankhamen Prophecies, Maurice goes into exhaustive detail about the immense amount of solar science that is encoded into the magnetic fields of the "wings" of the scarab. But he completely sidesteps....the SHAPE OF THE EARTH here!...He does explain the precision of the 3 beams hitting the earth. But it is still not safe to question Copernicus or Galileo or the flawed starlight experiments which showed that the stars moved..not the earth thought the opposite was published..and the reason why is because Copernicus and Galileo were paid insiders who posed as rebels to fool people into accepting a flawed model of cosmology. Even today the published distance to the moon is LUDICROUS. You can prove this to yourself with google earth experiments. Crow777 on youtube has made great videos tearing apart many aspects of the moon, from being see through from time to time, to having a holographic wave that is visible by many, to the innept mathematicians that made up the numbers to be so synchronistic with each-other it is almost like they are screaming for someone to notice that the numbers are fake.
But lets take a moment and notice the chalice shape of the Scarab Beetle, the as above ...so below. The Beetle also encodes the mirror black backing of the inner dome of our sky. The Beetle has structural pigmentation , there is a certain name for the circular polarization of the light that comes from these surfaces...and our stars happen to have the same circular polarization! One of the major problems with the flattish dome earth is the twin opposed spinning of the stars as visible as they turn past the earth at the equator.
On every other topic the flat earth or dome shaped earth wins the argument over the helio globular model, but this has been a sticking point. Casey at EntertheSt4rz has shown that a mirror reflective concave inner dome surface...LIKE A CHALICE!!! would show the twin opposed vortexes of star light spin. So what if this is one of the secrets of the Grail, when you tip it up to drink the holy wine...you will see the true nature of our dome sky...and when you set it down...you see the hourglass sands of time of the loop of infinite time.
I can't find a picture of someone tipping up a gold chalice..so imagine this...and think about the meaning of the grail, and those who have eyes to see.
Here we have a fascinating picture of a young egyptian with a Hathor Chalice. Hathor is another mother goddess associated with ISIS or visa versa, this is apparently from the Hathor temple which we we travel to together in Google Earth later when I get my new video up...hopefully that will be successful.
Hathor is a mother and birth goddess and of course the Chalice IS symbolic of the womb of the sky. The trinity of suns and the story of Geb seeding the sky womb to create the human race.
I darkened this photo...and increased the size of the photo so that I could zoom into to see the detail. You may feel young again to see the unicorn hieroglyph..near the youngsters knee.
This young person is wearing a headress that symbolizes, his brains ability to carry memory through dimensional travel. The hippocampus part of the brain was very developed in Egyptians. They were able to actively mine wisdom interdimensionally while they sleep and bring it to their waking lives, and from the symbolism they had memories of many lifetimes, which is symbolized by the rams horns. Of course we see multi-lifetime memory is more easy for the young, before they ingest to many toxins or to much is stolen from their awareness..from their eyes, which are the thieves. Today our youth slowly become toxified by fluoride. The Dark do not want people to have the wisdom gained from pineal activity, so they trick people into buying or voting for fluoride which is a toxin one of the most important parts of the brain...but this is another story.
If you think that Unicorns are mythical, stay tuned for my post where I will show you a cookbook from Medieval times, that includes many recipes including how to marinate a Unicorn to prepare it for barbeque. They didn't write fantasy then, although they did write symbolic allegory...but I don't think they would put symbolism in a practical cookbook..but stay tuned an see what you think.
In another post I decoded the word FREE, and this is a wonderful
confirmation that FR is 69 from the wordly soul of the fields to the purified soul of heaven (9) the FREE Man has the ability to travel back and forth in the wormhole of Ra symbolized by the letter "E" which is a trident and the 5 pointed star. There are 2 E's in FREE to depict the coming and the going...the Freemason wishes to achieve this thawing of the soul, from the lower chilly degrees to the 33rd degree which is the first degree of freedom...from the DOME. Do you see how our language has alot of clues in it? Freedom...is being FREE from the DOME...which is the bottom dome of the Chalice. This is why Kingdom...has a dom in it. This is why Washington...means the steeping in water...of the TON which is a mound of earth..symbolizing the lower DOME of the Chalice? There are seven hills or TONs in Washington...but where is the stem of the chalice in Washington?...It is the Washington Monument.
Here is a beautiful graphic picture from Hidden Records site .
As you can see Wayne has pulled in the 33rd degree compass distance and many other amazing details. He has an amazing book "Hidden Records" which everyone should have and makes a great gift for anyone including children who may have been turned off by the mind deadening treatment of the pyramids by the academics. If I could buy everyone a copy of this book I would! I hope he writes another very soon. I will include this in my favorite book list I am compiling to the side of the blog.
Here in my picture to the right...you may be able to see the Fish shape over the Washington Monument that aligns with the story that Osiris's phallus was eaten by a fish. There is also a chalice directly over ISIS's womb on the Washington Mall here...
Please notice the upper Chalice, the monument forms the stem, and the lower part of the fish is the lower part of that Chalice.
ALSO very important to notice...the right circle of the fish vesica piscis has an oval overlay...this EYE...has a view that is defined by the two rays going to the left. This EYE looks directly at the OWL eye that is looking back...there is an EYE in the belly of the OWL.
Why the EYE? We know that the illuminati are obsessed with the all seeing eye..but what does it mean?? The EYE is also the DOME shape...if you look at this EYE as if it was standing on the ray foot...as if THAT was foot of the chalice...then the Washington Monument would be piercing THAT dome of the back of the eye (the retina)...from the back. The EYE is a convex dome shape that is also torroidal. In the bible it does say many useful things in CODE. One of them is that ..We are the "Apple of God's EYE" There are many many eye references and I can't go into them all..on this post. But There are many reasons to believe that our world is a dome shape that is EYE shaped...and the earth is a lens shape at the bottom of the eye. Bear with me on this..as we go I will get more EYE confirmations written up here. But we can see in Astana Palace that there is also a Chalice that is Dome shaped with a lens shaped Atlantis World Mountain map at the foot of the dome.
I am trying to get video up..of traveling here by Google earth so that we can look at this together..so I hope I will get that up in the next few days. But here on the left you can see the Chalice the as above so below. of the dome. This installation shows all the levels of gnostic heaven as described by Enoch I believe. I haven't read very much Enoch yet. The lowest dome is .22 miles away from the center of the world map at the bottom.
This is the number of the HAM slave of Abraham, the breeder of multitude of slaves for the Annunaki gods. Abraham showed his loyalty to the cruel gods of the Annunaki and won the right to be a military defender of their rocket bases and a breeder of slaves that the etymology shows are both food and worker. There are seven levels of heaven of the domes, each ruled by several archons, then according to gnostica, the 8th level is ruled by Sophia..who dreamed up the whole dome and accidentally created the archons..she is working to fix the problems that came about because of her virgin parthenogenic creation of the world, it lacks balance. It lacks the DIVINE MALE...it has the divine female, but the males are sort of lost and don't have the basis of energy for them to find their divinity as easily as a woman, they can find divinity through chastity, but that is not the full balance of divine male. So there is some work to be done. The offbalance male has denied the divine female principle and the pendulum has probably swung back and forth. But the 8th level is the level of Sophia and fixed stars. Sophia is associated with Mut, Tefnut, Isis and other mother goddess of the deep unfathomable sky, she is known to the Syrians as MARI, the Holy C...the virgin mother. Virgin means parthogenic creation abilities...not...an absence of intercourse.
The HOLY C is the holy Sea, the Mari...this is why Paris which is named after ISIS..shows a boat on the Sea...and it happens to be in the shape of the HOLY C. The number of the leaves and their types are symbolic and the Fleur de Lis..shows you the twin opposed vortexes that is the shape of the movement of the stars in our sky from the equator...all the clues have been here all along.
The sea is also echoed today with the modern Starbucks mer-maiden Melusine. I hope to show how in the Chapel of the Sermon on the Mount there is the symbolism of the water of the HOLY MARI ..the sea of the SKY, that precisely matches the hair logo of the Starbuck Mermaid...
The Holy C ....IS THE WOMB..it is the upper part of the Chalice...and if you notice the shape of the UN council...it is the shape of the POWER button...which IS THE C chalice and the phallus...the moment of conception with the electrical connection is made.
As I hope to show you in the next parts of the Chalice blog posts...this W..near the "sword" that here is in the sea or "C" is not there by accident...I would love to quickly decode the word power for you..but we will get to that when we add the W shape to the sacred symbols of the Pleiadies, with the fish and the chalice.
At the UN..you might think it is about POWER only...and it is a longer story than this..but this is also the Chalice of creation....
If you look closely at the Astana pictograph from the sky you will see that the stem of the Chalice is an incarnation tube. There is a fetus between the legs of the Eagle on the top side of this picture. I will take you here and show you this in a video , showing more of the detail. This fetus incarnates down through all the layers of the dome...through what looks like the Magic Sword, with the flying serpent or bird with lighting from heaven coming from its mouth.
This sword at Astana is symbolic of King Arthur Pendragon's sword and all magical swords in heroic stories.
Can you see that this picture..is the SAME as the power symbol in the UN?
In the medieval illustration on the left the sword is returned to Arthur from..the Lady of the Lake. (Mari?) In the story the sword is plunged into the lower dome, (the stone of our world) which is like a TON or a mounded hill surrounded by the HOLY SEA of the skies...just like Washington DC is a mounded hill surrounded by Sea water. King Arthur's story was about removing the reincarnation tube from earth to prevent more people from being trapped in this karma loop. The infinite time loop of the 8
I had a metaphysical experience in which I was able to see with the all the seeing eye ...at the time I thought of it later as the Eye of God...I don't fully understand any of it, but we will continue to sort the clues as we go.
A peak at my notebook , I write in this while my kids are watching movies, I decode the words and find amazing things, here I found that starting with syllabic gematria:
CHA=12 which is the "C" of the Chalice that we spoke of already and the H is the infinite loop of time the 8.
A is the pyramid on earth. So the CHA has actually both parts of the Chalice.
Also 12 reduces to 3....one part of the Chalice. Even though you might read the numbers from the top down. I believe that this 3 is the upper DOME of the Chalice, because the HOLY SEE...is the SKY goddess.
L by its self is 12=3. L symbolizes the golden rule ..do onto others as you would have them do unto you. This understanding was originally given to the rulers put in power by the Annunaki who were moral and wished to raise good leaders. So the Royal is the connection between the higher and the lower..
L is next to the "i" which in greek is spelled EYE with sideways orientation, it means the egoic "I". That is the next step from the L of the royalty and the first letter of ICE. The Frozen ones..below the 32nd degree. Those wh'os souls are not perfected and they are trapped, frozen in infinite time loops of death and reincarnation.
IC=12 and forms the lower triangle of the chalice...The lower egoic "i" is formed by the conception of the phallus/stem and the upper dome of the chalice. Then the incarnate lowers..to the world of the lower dome...through...the E, the wormhole of RA which is opened by the trident formed by the E.
Using Ra Gematria from alpha and omega inward...CHALICE becomes:
CE (8) the chalice defines the travel of the soul between the poles of life and death.
HC (11)...this number is seen as evenly distributed on both sides like the gates that we see over and over again...like the gates that the hippogriff flies through.
Flying through the two obelisks, or two towers is seen over and over again, the pillars of the sun and the moon of freemasonry.
AI (10)...the two 5 pointed stars of Ra, but it represents the upward facing star and the downward facing, the balancing of the sun and moon polarity. The Egyptian struggle of Ra and Apophis. ..(the giant serpent) who are twins...and represent two sides of the whole...
and L which is also the cross..the connection between the two sides of the infinite loop of time...The L moves around in a backward circle to form many shapes including the Atlantis map of the 4 rivers...but in this word the dominate meaning is the crossing at the juncture of the two ends of the infinite loop...
The "U" of our language is also a chalice..it even includes the stem...which is ORION, and the S is the serpent. The U is 21..which is 3 and and this cup faces upward because of the 2 is the B which is pregnant and Feminine. The S =19 which is the Number of RA.
So the word US..as in "we" means the nephilim actually, those of the grail, those of the dragon bloodline. The US, which was founded by freemasons also counts itself among those who walk the red carpet the rose bloodline of the shining ones. We cannot say that they are good or bad. I believe that they are both. There are soul evolved dragons and elves and fairies..and those who are fallen and remain fallen. So this makes it complicated, but easier to reserve judgement while we learn to speak our mother tongue and understand the hieroglyphs that we are writing...Albus, means white elf+ chalice of the shining serpent bloodline of the wise.
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Merlin introduces Galahad to Arthur and the Round Table. BnF MS Français 343, folio 3r. |
But we are pure of heart and can stay pure even in dark times....this might be why they wish to mix their DNA with ours.
Here are the supplement videos on the Chalice, in this series We study the Christian adoption of Egyptian symbolism of the Serpent in the Chalice,
and the hidden hieroglyphics that are hidden in plain sight in
the English Alphbet
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