I have made many videos...and I am afraid to publish them yet...
Please stay tuned...when I feel it is safe to publish again
I have many new videos waiting to be published...
in the meantime...I offer these observances...
The Elongated Skulls...These I believe are lizard or ancient astronaut species....
there were more than one ancient astronaut and not all of them had elongated skulls.
I also think that the Elongated skulls ..could have come from Atlantis..through
Egypt...so I don't have a decisive theory about this..
But my observation which I haven't yet seen on the internet is that
our "Royalty" and our fashion is still based in trying to appear as the
Royalty do...and they attempt to appear as the ancient rulers with Elongated
Skulls Appear...Even today this is still a fashion.
In my research I have seen that Lord Pacal and Tutankhamen have slightly elongated skulls
and I believe that these were benevolent rulers
This is a link to a FB slideshow by Ancient Enthusiast...of Elongated Skulls It is public
so I hope you can see it...
The SKULL in..general is very evocative..as the Temple of man..
22 bones..7 orfices....22/7 approx PI
I have found detailed skulls drawn in the streets over WAshington DC and
London. I never posted my London findings...and will hopefully do that when it is safe.
I believe that both of the these regions give us clues to the brain anatomy and how it relates to ancient creation history/myth...and the gods of old..
In addition to the elongated skull fashion...Humans also have a SUNGLASSES fashion
which is based on copying ROYALTY ..because Lizard hybrids...have sensitive eyes to our sun.
HUMANS are fed healing chi...through the eyes by our sun..and true humans should NEVER
wear sunglasses they are harmful to true humans. Humans should always be grounded...touching the ground with their bare feet when feeding...from the sun. Through the eyes.
I should also remark that these dress and the tailcoats of the "gentlemen" ..would hide a tail...should a tail suddenly sprout...if they struggle with shapeshifting control..to appear human..
Also..it should be said that beheading is the only way..to kill a reptile...

I think that they are able to regenerate..with all other methods of attack..and this was known by the peasants and the royalty..and by the middle courts gentle class..like dukes and duchesses etc..I think they knew this..
Everybody loves Marge...she is portrayed as wise and capable and patient with her moronic husband and son.
This is CONDITIONING!!! I admit I even love Marge...but we have to notice our own feelings and let them inform us about...the intent of the conditioning...we have been trained to admire royalty, and trust them and to see them as wiser than we are.
Look at this photo..and see if SUBLIMINALLY you feel that this woman is more delicate and beautiful...than a woman...with a tiny hair do...
( I cannot get the "text " to behave here...please forgive this)
I believe that we do still have people..with elongated skulls on the planet..but they are able to shapeshift to appear normal...many people who wear this style...may have ancient DNA tied to the elongated skulls..and they may feel within that this style feels natural to them. Though today they may have "normal " Human DNA.
So all people who wear Elongated skull style..are not lizards...
or shapeshifters...they are simply following FASHION....just we need
to be aware of the roots of the fashion.
By the way I do NOT agree with maligning this woman.
Ridiculing her accent or intelligence is POOR FORM.

But...it does appear that she has a naturally
full skull..hard to tell..she may have ratted her
hair in the back and then combed the outer layer
over that...
If Melanie Trump is willing to speak out against vaccines...then I am very proud of her...
It is still dangerous to do so..and she is brave
to carry on the work of protecting the infants and children...and really all of us..
I have to say ..that putting pictures in here...is ridiculous..they pop in ...way up at the top of the article..sometimes in the middle ..I have to cut and paste them..and even then I have do this multiple times...they won't drag anywhere....I just wanted to tell you this..so you don't think that I didn't try to make the format better..I tried...
I have been reading the books by Ahmed Osman..that convincingly tied Tutankhamun to the Teacher of Righteousness of the Dead Sea Scrolls...to Jesus...I would love to do more videos to share this with you..when it is safe to publish videos..
So ..here is King Tut...born in the line of David..if you understand that King David was really Tutmosis the 4th...
So...to me....if this is "Jesus" or Yahshua...He carried on the work of Akhenaten..to free Egypt from the cult of Amun Ra...(who was Marduk Ra...Yahweh/Baal ...storm god of the Jews)
Yahshua talked himself BLUE IN THE FACE against the Jewish Eite and their religion...of his time...I believe that we see this clearly in the legacy of Tutankamun...who...tried to create a gentler stance than his father Akhenaten/Moses. He introduced the religion of the Father. ABBA..for which he used the symbol of the SUN ..(I don't think they were sun worshippers..I think they used the symbol of the Sun..for the origin of all light and energy for the earth). And he wished to allow the people to keep their old corrupt Amun Ra gods..and the corrupt Amun Ra priesthood..which sold tickets to heaven in the form of little statues..to help a person push the scales in their direction when the time came to weight their heart against the feather of Maat or truth.
Tutankhamen was killed by a blow to the back of the head...This matches with how the Teacher or Righteousness died...in the holy of holies by a blow to the back of the head. The Holy of holies was where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. Tutankhamen has furniture to accommodate the Ark of the Covenant in his belongings..
But that is all a story for another time..
Here is a link to an article about other ancient rulers with Elongated Skulls
So..lets take a quick look at SUNGLASSES..the fashion and ask ourselves..how this came about..
The link in the caption of this photo leads to an article about aliens in artwork..
There is so much to say about this...this photo to the right is from an article linked in the caption about revelations and a discussion of frogs.
I have done much decoding work on the subject of frogs and how in nursery rhyme conditioning we are taught that frogs are shapeshifters..and that a frog ...has a prince within..and magical abiilities. ..in modern children's programming..we are taught in the MUPPETS..that frogs..are more intelligent that the pigs (Miss Piggy...plays the role of the HAM..which is a reference to HUMANS...and she is seen to be vain..and unappreciative of Kermits qualities)...
Link to Google image search of Alien Big Eyes
So...I think that the Royals..relied on staying indoors, inside carriages..and under umbrellas to protect their hybrid sensitive eyes from the sun. But when sunglasses began to be available..they did make use of these..and the commoners began to covet sunglasses as well.
In this way ..the Royal could hide their shape shifting eyes..while protecting their sensitive eyes from our sun which un-natural to them..because they don't belong in our world..
So...It is my theory which I offer...that some royals like Tutankhamun..may have been born with a destiny to correct the mistakes of others of his RACE. ..and that is why we have aliens who are evil..and some fallen angels who seem to be trying to patch up the situation ...and to help humanity get on its feet again.
This is just a theory ..and I never ask you to adopt my theories ..I only share them with you..
I hope you are well..I am getting better and stronger...