This Tarot reading by Queen of Cups Tarot
seem to NAIL ...the evolution of the US
right now.
OH MY GOODNESS..this perfectly describes the US...angry inner child, feeling left out, broken system, betrayal, the tower, revolution...people wanting to move to China (Canada)...I love your compassionate gentle view..If people who are so sad and angry in the US...could see this video I think it would help them breathe and have compassion for the process...
As you may know Astrology is a Sumerian science..and people were scared
away from using it throughout the ages and its secrets were kept for the Jewish people
and then...basically the Elite.
I would like to learn more about the history of the Tarot
I have been reading about it the "Secrets of all Ages" by Manly P Hall..
fascinating..I believe that the cards are in quantum flux..because there is no
observer for them when they are in the deck...this means that you can shuffle
3x and "feel" that the deck is right or shuffle 30 times and feel that the deck is right
and it will be right...that is quantum flux that is collapsed by your intent.
I believe that the intent for the US is to have 52 states..and this is to
reflect a normal deck of cards..card games are the closest thing to quantuam random collapse that
we can create without computers. Gambling became a predatory game..because some people
have the ability to magnetize the cards that they wish..because they know that they can.
So...this was used and still is used to seperate people who don't know the secrets of the cards from their money..
OH MY GOODNESS..this perfectly describes the US...angry inner child, feeling left out, broken system, betrayal, the tower, revolution...people wanting to move to China (Canada)...I love your compassionate gentle view..If people who are so sad and angry in the US...could see this video I think it would help them breathe and have compassion for the process...
As you may know Astrology is a Sumerian science..and people were scared
away from using it throughout the ages and its secrets were kept for the Jewish people
and then...basically the Elite.
I would like to learn more about the history of the Tarot
I have been reading about it the "Secrets of all Ages" by Manly P Hall..
fascinating..I believe that the cards are in quantum flux..because there is no
observer for them when they are in the deck...this means that you can shuffle
3x and "feel" that the deck is right or shuffle 30 times and feel that the deck is right
and it will be right...that is quantum flux that is collapsed by your intent.
I believe that the intent for the US is to have 52 states..and this is to
reflect a normal deck of cards..card games are the closest thing to quantuam random collapse that
we can create without computers. Gambling became a predatory game..because some people
have the ability to magnetize the cards that they wish..because they know that they can.
So...this was used and still is used to seperate people who don't know the secrets of the cards from their money..
President Elect is Sagittarius Moon...I wonder if he is the Knight of wands..who is seeing opportunities..and going around the system...
I am fascinated with the Tarot as a collapse of the quantum reality,
the differences between a broader minded reader and the various filters
that readers have..I really like this reader..she has been right on for me..
I am just amazed listening...WOW this is the United States...hurt inner child, people feeling alienated ..the tower, revolution...Its amazing to hear this because you can see the US...."us" as a collective..with a dream, and feelings...and many conflicting parts...amazing view...of us as a collective really
.its long but if you have some chores to do while you listen..I love her gentle voice..and her compassion for conflict..and we manifest our own challenges by not honoring the child within
.its long but if you have some chores to do while you listen..I love her gentle voice..and her compassion for conflict..and we manifest our own challenges by not honoring the child within

I do know that the protests are fueled by Soros..but there are many people who
are legitimate protesters...even if they are protesting that I believe Trump won a rigged
election...I still think that both Trump and Hillary are puppets..but I am realizing the extent to
which I was swayed by even the internet slant against Trump. I don't watch mainstream media..but I think that the people who were outraged...are affected by the stronger inflammatory propaganda on the mainstream media... Since he is our President Elect..I am hoping that they DON"T fake assassinate him or any other kind of harm come to him..because I would imagine that that would only have the purpose of creating more riots which will take more rights away from US citizens.
I am also aware..that I can align myself with a timeline in which an effective I am working with my energy to do this...Hope you are well!
Hi, hope you are well. Do you think that the Economist Cover is encoded with Gematria? Found some interesting points about the Star, Judgment and the hermit Card, i think that these Cards are somehow connecting to jewish Messiah. To start with the Star Card, we see 14 Stars (and a Comet in the Center like the Star of Betlehem), quote: "the number 14 corresponds to the number of the name DAVID: 4-6-4. But the real peculiarity is that the name of G-d in the Schma Annunciation [41] consists of 14 letters in three groups (HASCHEM ELOKEINU HASCHEM). Here it is obvious that the name David ( "the beloved") points to its totality and perfection, and that the birth of the Machiach ben David was the providence of Gd." We see 14 Stars (24 total, like the 24 Elders on their Thrones) in this Card, refering to Messiah ben David. I think the two Tarot Cards "Judgment" and "the Star" are about Messias ben Joseph bringing war (Trump) and Messiah ben David as the jewish saviour. Above the Star Card is "the hermit", im Considering that the Tarot Card "The Hermit" on the 2017 Economist Cover represents Donald Trump in a red Cape (Republicans), he is standing on the Tower (Trump Tower), on the bottom right we see that the lightning bolt has struck / divided North America. The Gematria points to some disturbing Scenarios..
ReplyDeleteTHE HERMIT = 345 jew. 106 e.O.
HERMIT = 232 jew.
THE DONALD = 232 jew.
Iran Attack = 345 jew ( that confirms Trumps politcal course against Iran)
Golan Heights = 345 jew ( Trump mentioned the Golan Heights and the Iran in his Speech at the AIPAC Conference. "The western two-thirds of the Golan Heights are currently occupied and administrated by Israel, whereas the eastern third is controlled by Syria, with the UNDOF maintaining a buffer zone in between, to implement the ceasefire of the Purple Line", wiki)
Ukraine = 345 jew. (Trigger for WW3??)
The Gospel = 345 jew
Kabballists = 345 jew
Prophecy = 106 e.O.
Divine Plan = 106 e.O.
Nuclear Bomb = 106 e.O. (next Tarot card XIII Death depicting a mushrooom cloud)
Destroy = 106 e.O.
Sociopath = 106 e.O.
Double Agent = 106 e.O.
Capitalized = 106 e.O.
The Kingdom = 106 e.O. (Clue to Judgment Tarot Card with Trump)
Gmo Crops = 106 e.O. (see the Poster with Stop "TTIP", this is also about GMOS)
Your opinion on that would mean alot to me, best wishes.