Monday, October 3, 2016

Bind Runes subliminals with Number stamps (Elect)

Hello Lovies...I am studying alot on ancient alphabets, Tarot cipher and symbolism, and other quantum divination systems...To understand how the Magic of say the RUNES has been suppressed..and in this case used against the people..THis article is written a little haphazard. I have still been recovering from illness I am not as ...motivated for editing as I was before..but I don want to get the ideas out..or at least recorded here..

Watching and decoding this movie again...and I am noting Rune magic subliminally in the background and the symbolic happenings on certain number time stamps
Here there is an "ing" rune which is a seed rung and magic the right of the defiled is at the 144 number which is associated with the "elect"...but I think, it means the awake elect...activitites of the wizard. At this point in the mivie..Gandalf is "revealing" the evil...and at this point the spell of concealment breaks and this orc comes directly forth with this ..seal rune
So there's a lot to type but in a nutshell..the abrupt attack by evil magically sealed and amplifies in the subconscious or manifesting part of the viewer..
I have easily 10 more examples of time stamp symbolism with symbolic change. Of scenery...wait till you see the 1.19.11 time stamp...puddle of blood..

So...this might seem like a minimal point...but the use of BIND RUNE magic in not only very telling about seeing they hypnotic affect on people ...but you can back engineer the INTENTION of this BIND expose blind spots that all of us have from hypnotism from these movies and the meida..but can disrupt the magic of the bind rune.

So the effect that this sealed BIND RUNE to combine the abrupt and savage rise of evil and danger...with an ING rune. Which as we can see fro the use of the SOUND of this RUNE and how it is used in the magical language which ING seals the movement of a verb in the EVER PRESENT PRESENT....

So...when they combine this RUNE with the Defiler...on th 1.44 mark...they are SEALING...that the elect (the awakened and sleepy people with potential for awakeness....with the REALITY of this ONGOING VERB...of THe surprise attack of the dark soon as it has been revealed.

This has the effect..of planting in your subconscious an EXPECTATION that Dark surprises WILL KEEP ARISING...and that is whwat we are seeing.....a hailstorm of bad and discouraging news...that seems to darken or obscure the light at the end of the tunnel...
FIRST OF ALL ..your subconscious mind has access to all knowledge..and because you knew RUNES in your past know them still..and you know the symbolism of numbers...if not consciously you have learned their association subliminally through the programming of the media.

But you also KNOW the gematria frequency language..and when they tie programming hypnotic the numbers...what it does is it speaks symboliically in to your a kind of MOTHER TONGUE... THe numbers are echoing frequency and telepathic communication which was our original communication and the visual combining of RUNES and symbols is the mother tongue of your sight..

Because originally...We combined our inner knowing with the visual library of nature. THERE really is a nature language that you can gain wisdom by spending time in nature and gazing at nature...because you are reading nature fractals with symbolism of what the object is on the future and it orientation and meaning...

SO they are programming you with your mother tonguge...but you don't even know that you have a mother tongue...
When things are spoken to you this goes right into your subconscious with out any critical review by your mind. It becomes part of your programming...and NOT ONLY THAT ...

YOU start manifesting in your world according to this is like a virus attacking a computer and then sending out emails that the user doesn't want to be sent out. You are sending out manifestation requests...

So this is a good reason to not watch any media that comes out of Hollywood or anywhere else...HOWEVER...people are firmly in the grip of the media...They allowed TV to be somewhat harmless looking on the surface for decades to win over the trust of the people in the 50s and 60s...and now the behavior is firmly cemented...and the content is growing darker and darker as you have probably noticed..

If you do watch movies or can WITH firm INTENTION...set a programming shield for yourself and your family. can also set intention that the EVIL will be revealed to you..

Which is the core of this movie moment above..

Gandalf demonstrates the task of the star seed ...who comes to REVEAL the Darkness...and to parry the constant blows for having this role...
Also..the remaining time...on the timestamp is artfully crafted...They must have computer programs to help this movie the dialog is PERFECTLY aligned with thenumbers on the timestamp.

Here in the remaining timestamp..there is 56:28 ....this is HOBBIT=56 =this is a "prince" or becoming royalty...number. Coming into mature wisdom. Because royalty was originally meant to be the most evolved...who are helping the citizens live the most evolved life. These numbers originally come from ancient which royalty was originally a pure spiritual leader. 

So...That is the essence of the Hobbit in a nutshell...becoming complete spiritually to the point that they have the power of royalty..the ability to be the pivot point for major events and turning points on earth...or middle earth...

The 28 is the number of Man...and then umber of the SUN's outer core roation time visible from the earth. The ancients knew this...and they associated common man with the outer core of the SUN...also because man is ddrastically affected by the magnetic particle cycles of the 28 day ..rotation cycle of the sun. 

So...We see a symmetry in the numbers..because Gandalf is the "exposer of evil" in this he is the SUN...and he has employed the role of the Hobbit in this endeavor...and the timestamp refers again tot he role of MAN...and the the timestamp. 

The illuminatie Khazarian Zionist mafia...use Mirrors in numbers and in symbols to mirror/double their magical intent or seed. :(the "ing" rune is a seed rune)...So that is the purpose of the mirroring aspects of the numbers and the symbols here...

There is MUCH MORE TO SAY about this scene...including the Fehu rune that is used by Gandalf on Bilblo's at play in this scene as Gandalf breaks the concealment spell that reveals the hidden armies here at this location..

Fehu is the first letter of the magical alphabet of the RUNE system is the bang moment when INTENTION hits manifestation. In Gandalf's case...we see this in an expanding white sphere of influence...That is how he reverse the dark spell of the concealment of this area.

We can use FEHU the energy of Fehu belongs to anyone aware enough to weild it. 

So...We can remedy this programming of the masses using Fehu..but I won't write about how to do that...Unless you wish to know..


  1. good to see you back i found this from a lady i follow its one of the best things i seen th

  2. about ireland


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